First-class daughter

Chapter 590 Congratulations

Chapter 590 Congratulations
Chapter 590 Congratulations
Lian Shiya said this, but said in her heart that she didn't even have neat legs, so she was ashamed to mock her, Xiao Rou, just wait, one day, I will let you have nothing even Shiya.

"Hmph..." Xiao Rou snorted coldly and said, "The lotus over there blooms the best, you can go with me and pick some lotus and put them in His Highness's study."

Lian Shiya walked to the other side of the lotus pond with Xiao Rou and a few maidservants—

Like all concubines, Lian Shiya walked behind Xiao Rou and walked slowly towards the lotus pond. Lian Shiya stared at Xiao Rou's left foot, which was fitted with a prosthetic leg. Therefore, she walks much slower than ordinary people.

Seeing that Xiao Rou was about to board the boat with the help of the maid, Lian Shiya suddenly had a vicious thought in her heart. Taking advantage of her unpreparedness, she kicked a small stone in front of Xiao Rou, as if Xiao Rou left As soon as her foot stepped on the stone, she slipped. Because her left foot was a fake foot, her body became unstable again. She heard a terrible scream from her mouth, and she threw herself into the pool. The upper body fell into the water.

"Ah, princess!"

Seeing this sudden situation, the servants screamed in fright and hurriedly tried to pull Xiao Rou up.

"Cousin! Cousin, you're fine. I'm here to save you. Don't be afraid!" Here, Lian Shiya turned pale with fright, limped over, pushed the two servants away, and stretched out her hand Go pull Xiao Rou.

But in fact, her hand was pressing Xiao Rou into the pool, in order not to be seen by others, she followed and fell into the pool together——

Lian Shiya knew that the water in this pool was not deep, and it would be fine for ordinary people to jump into it, but Xiao Rou only had one good leg, so if she fell into it, she would not be able to stand firmly, and drowning was also possible.

She shouted loudly, cousin, cousin, I saved you, but at the same time, she made Xiao Rou throw herself into the water with her wild thumping.

"Wangfei, Wangfei, hurry up, get into the water and save people!"

The servants blinked their eyes, and both of them fell to the bottom of the water. They hurriedly jumped into the pool to save others. Even Shiya's eyes flashed coldness. Taking advantage of the confusion of the crowd, she kicked Xiao Rou's artificial leg, She plunged into the water again.



After a while, everyone quickly picked Xiao Rou up from the pool. She lay straight on the ground, completely soaked, her face was as pale as paper, her lips lost their color, and they were tightly closed. Eyes closed, as if dead.

"Wangfei, Wangfei, wake up, wake up..."

Seeing the situation before them, the servants turned pale with fright. Some shouted her name loudly, some strangled her, some quickly ran to call the doctor, and some ran to the doctor. Find Feng Qianyue.

Even Shiya was pulled up from the pool, and she sat aside tremblingly——

do you died?
do you died?
Is this bitch Xiao Rou dead?
There was a trace of fear in her eyes, but the fear passed away immediately, replaced by a deep coldness——

At this time, the doctor from the palace rushed over and pressed his hands on her abdomen rhythmically.

Feng Qianyue hurried over from the study when he heard the news. His face was tense and he frowned. When he saw Lian Shiya, who was sitting by the side crying with smudged makeup and a scar on one side, his eyes revealed With a touch of disgust, he asked:

"How is this going?"

"Your Highness!" Lian Shiya climbed up to Feng Qianyue without waiting for the other servants to speak, hugged his legs tightly with both hands, and said, "The princess said that she would pick some lotus flowers for Your Highness and put them in the study. The two best ones, I thought about going to the middle place to pick them by boat, but I didn’t think about it, I didn’t think about it, I fell down, I, I tried hard to save her, but it was a bit late... "

She said, trembling all over, her eyes showed worry, annoyance and fear.

Feng Qianyue didn't speak, Lian Shiya lowered her head, concealing her inner feelings, Feng Qianyue's indifferent eyes left Lian Shiya's body, and there was a touch of sarcasm on the corner of her lips——

It's okay for this woman to want to deceive others, but she wants to play tricks and tricks under his nose, she is simply beyond her control.

However, he didn't immediately expose Lian Shiya's lie.

His gaze was fixed on Lian Shiya, his fists in his sleeves were secretly clenched, and his heart slowly rose to his throat. At this moment, there was a desire in his heart that was about to move, if Xiao Rou was drowned like this Now, his heart is relieved...

No, he shuddered all over. If Xiao Rou died at this time, Xiao Zhenhai's side——

With a glance, he saw Xiao Zhenhai and Xiao Hu rushing over from a distance, and then saw Xiao Rou's frowning, obviously about to wake up, he squatted down suddenly, pushed the doctor away, and used his own Pressing hard on the place where the doctor pressed with both hands, he said in his mouth:
"Princess, princess!"

There was a very anxious expression on his face, and he raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his face.

"Rou'er, Rou'er, what's going on?" Xiao Zhenhai walked over quickly, when he saw Xiao Rou who was bloodless on the ground, he was extremely worried and asked sharply.

Lian Shiya, who was sitting on the ground beside her, trembled suddenly, and her frightened expression disappeared.

"Princess, wake up quickly, Concubine!" Feng Qianyue narrowed her cold eyes, and immediately became more anxious and heartbroken.

"Ahem..." After a while, Xiao Rou coughed twice, water flowed out of her mouth, and she weakly opened her eyes.

Seeing this scene, Feng Qianyue breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down on the ground as if she was very tired.

"Father, Your" Xiao Rou came back to her senses, and suddenly burst into tears.

Xiao Zhenhai squatted down hurriedly, held her hand, looked at Feng Qianyue with a cold face, and asked, "What's going on? It's so good, why did it fall into the pool, and please help the Fourth Highness?" An explanation from the old minister!"

"Father..." Seeing Xiao Zhenhai scolding Feng Qianyue, Xiao Rou hurriedly said, "Father, it's none of His Highness's business. I'm going to take the boat. I accidentally stepped on a stone and fell down. He doesn't know anything... "

Feng Qianyue came over, wiped off the sweat on her face, took off the cloak on her body, wrapped Xiao Rou's body, and asked the doctor, "Doctor, how is the princess?"

The doctor took his hand away from Xiao Rou's, and with a smile on his face, he said:
"Congratulations, Your Royal Highness, congratulations to the princess, congratulations to the Duke of the country, Princess Yue is happy!"


Feng Qianyue was taken aback, and suddenly let go of Xiao Rou's hand, her heart felt cold, and a complex expression flashed in her eyes.

And Xiao Rou was also stunned, with a trembling voice, a blush appeared on her face, "You, what did you say?"

Xiao Zhenhai was overjoyed and asked, "Doctor, are you sure that Rou'er is happy?"

The doctor said, "My lord, it is absolutely true, the princess is happy, congratulations!"

(End of this chapter)

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