Chapter 601
Chapter 601
Xiao He left behind the furious Yang Rushi and the inexplicable Xiao Hu, sadly walked out of the garden, ran to the stables, took a horse, and rode all the way to the river in the west of Beijing. Jumped down, sat on the embankment, leaned on a lush willow tree, broke off two willow leaves, put them between his lips, and played a sad music.

He stared blankly at the sparkling lake in front of him——

"Hey, what is this?" In Yuming Garden, he put the little figure carved by himself in front of her, and her eyes lit up, and she raised her head and asked.

"Do you like it?" Xiao He stood in front of her, fixed his eyes on the person in front of him, and asked with some hope.

"I like it! Where did you buy it? Hey, it looks like me." Feng Lingyue looked at it, and suddenly saw something.

"Like it, I carved it in your image when I was in Daliao." Xiao He said as if offering a treasure.

"Xiao He, I really can't see that besides fighting, you have this kind of ability." Princess Eleven is quite interested in this little wooden figure who looks like her.

Seeing her smile, Xiao He felt very satisfied, and said, "I am not only good at fighting."

"I've heard other people say that you are very good at fighting, you are brilliant and martial, and the bad guys are afraid of you." Ling Yue'er told Xiao He what he had heard.

There was a smile on Xiao He's face, no one's praise could compare to her words.

The sad song continued to flow from his lips, a slight smile appeared on his face, but the corner of his lips tasted the bitter taste of tears.

The night came quietly, blackness enveloped the entire world, and there was a trace of depression silently.



At night, Feng Qianyue stood in a dark place, and the night made his face even colder. The dark purple brocade robe wrapped his tall and cold body, and the hair on both sides of his face floated slowly in the wind. A bloodthirsty smile gradually appeared on his face, and he said slowly:

"Eleventh, don't blame my fourth brother for being cruel and ruthless." After speaking, his face darkened, and he said, "Get ready to start!"

"Yes!" After giving an order, hundreds of men in black clothes who were hiding in the dark suddenly stood up at the same time, pointed the arrow at the surprise clothing store in the dark night, and another group of people quickly shot their bows and arrows. What is attached to the arrow of the hand, and then lit.

"Shoot the arrow!" Feng Lingyue ordered again, and fires flashed in the originally silent night sky, and they flew into the opposite house.

After a while, the house was on fire, and then screams were heard.

The sinister smile on Feng Qianyue's face became even more strange.

"It's terrible, it's terrible, it's on fire..."

"Quick, put out the fire."

On weekdays, the owner of the shop, Mo Liniang, was very kind to the people in the surrounding area, and she was very popular with the people around her, so the shop caught fire, and everyone returned home to carry buckets and basins to fight the fire.

"The people in that shop, I don't know if they escaped, Boss Mo, Boss Mo..." The people standing outside the fire shouted loudly.

Inside the shop.

Mo Liniang ran outside with Feng Lingyue in her arms. The two people who were choked by the smoke coughed and cried frequently. Mo Liniang's eyes were sharp and she noticed something unusual. She pulled out a rocket that had been shot at the door and window, sneered, and said:
"It's very poisonous. The arrowhead is covered with charcoal coated with kerosene. It not only fuels the fire, but also creates thick smoke. The whereabouts of the princess must have been leaked. Someone wants to force you to show up."

After hearing this, Feng Lingyue turned pale and said, "Someone wants to force me to show up?"

"Ah Yue, I don't have time to think about this now, come with me!" Mo Liniang took Feng Lingyue's hand, covered her mouth, calmly crossed the falling beams, and ran from the first floor to the place where the fire was not yet burning. The prosperous second floor.

"Ah Yue, take off your clothes and put on men's clothes, hurry up!" Feng Lingyue immediately understood what Mo Liniang meant, and hurriedly changed her clothes. When she looked up, Mo Liniang had already quickly knotted some clothes. Form a long rope, wrap one end around her waist, drag her all the way to the bedside in the study, open the window, and solemnly exhort, saying:

"Ah Yue, you climb down from here, don't be afraid, I will keep pulling the rope here, you won't get hurt, go!"

"No, Mo Liniang, let's run together. I can't leave you alone in the sea of ​​fire. Besides, since that person wants to force me to show up, he must be waiting for me outside now. If I go out and get caught, I can't leave you alone." If you die, you will also implicate Siyue and Brother Jiu." Feng Lingyue said while grabbing Mo Liniang's sleeves.

"Ah Yue, listen to me. If you stay here, you will only die. If you jump down, there is still a way to survive. If you are accidentally caught, the eldest lady will find a way. I am a member of His Highness Ninth Prince. His Highness promised before that he would do his best to help the eldest lady. The order of the eldest lady is equivalent to the order of His Highness Ninth. Now that the eldest lady has sent me to protect you, I must do it. Go away quickly, don't let me be silent People who believe me. I have already sent a signal, and someone will come to help me soon. After you jump off, don’t look back, don’t hesitate, just run to a remote place, I’ve already wiped it on your clothes. We can only recognize the fragrance by ourselves, when the time comes, we will look for you, just wait in a safe place." Mo Liniang said clearly while holding Lian Siyue's shoulders.

"Mo Liniang..." Feng Lingyue's eyes were filled with tears, there are too many people who have been implicated by her!
"Let's go, there's no time!" Mo Liniang supported Feng Lingyue's waist and lifted her out of the window. With the strength of the cloth, he went downstairs.

When she got off the ground, she hurriedly raised her head, waved her hands, and said, "I'm coming down, Mo Liniang, come down quickly!"

"Go!" However, when Mo Liniang was about to climb down the window, her body was startled suddenly, and then she slowly leaned against the window, the cloth strip she held tightly in her hand loosened, and she fell to the ground sharply.

"Mo Liniang..." Feng Lingyue's eyes widened suddenly, and she murmured.

"Quick...go..." Mo Liniang yelled, and then slammed the window shut. She lowered her head and looked at the arrow that pierced her body, with a sneer on her face and blood dripping down the corner of her mouth.

Feng Lingyue gritted her teeth, turned around and ran towards the river. Although she had never left the shop since she escaped from the palace, every day when she stood by the bed and looked out, she would see a road heading west. river.

She has already made up her mind to hide by the river, if someone comes to catch her, she will jump into the river, she can swim, and maybe she can escape by then.

She concentrated all her strength, clenched her teeth, lowered her head, and ran towards the river desperately.

There was a strong idea in her heart, no matter what, if she wanted to escape, she couldn't be dragged into trouble, if she couldn't escape, then...

(End of this chapter)

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