Chapter 602
Chapter 602
Standing next to the horse, Mu Bai looked at the figure of his young master, and couldn't help sighing, hey, this second young master is so heroic on the battlefield, he doesn't care about trivial matters, but he is so embarrassed in love, I really don't know what to say.

When he was thinking about it, Mu Bai seemed to hear something Xiang Dong, and when he raised his head, his face showed a panicked expression, and he shouted, "Second Young Master, look over there, it's on fire!"

Xiao He heard the sound, turned his head to see, sure enough, in the night, a house suddenly caught fire, thick smoke was billowing, and the flames shot up into the sky, he stood up abruptly, jumped off the embankment, and said:
"This seems to be the Jingxi tailor shop, let's go and have a look."

"Yes, Second Young Master, please get on your horse!"

"Little Lord." Just as Xiao He jumped on his horse and was about to gallop towards the river, Feng Qianyue's personal guard Ying Kong came over, knelt down on one knee, and called out.

"Win Kong? Why are you here now?" Xiao He asked.

"My concubine is in a hurry, and I want to ask the young master to go to the Yue Palace quickly, and order the humble official to deliver a letter." Ying Kong said, got up, and sent Xiao Rou's letter to Xiao He with both hands.

Xiao He opened the letter and saw that Xiao Rou said in the letter that she couldn't get out of bed because she was pregnant, she always had to be careful every day, and her mood was irritable, so she missed her relatives very much and wanted to see her second brother right away.

"Young Lord, when the princess gave the letter to the humble official, she cried for some reason..." Ying Kong bowed his head and said.

"Firefighting, firefighting..." Xiao He vaguely heard many people shouting from the Jingxi store, and he said, "Let's go, go to the Yuewang Mansion." He immediately looked back at the house that was engulfed in flames With a glance, he turned around and stepped on his mount, heading towards the Yue Palace.

Not long after Xiao He's horse left, he saw a black figure running over in a hurry. Accidentally, the man tripped over a stone and fell hard to the ground. painful.

At that time, ignoring the pain, she bit her lower lip and ran towards the river.

She heard the faint sound of horseshoes behind her, she turned her head suddenly, it seemed that the horses were running towards her, and seeing that they had already run to the river, she stood about a foot (three meters) away. On the high embankment, he gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and jumped down.

"Eleven!" Just as she was jumping up, a hand suddenly reached out and grabbed her waist.

She was startled, and looked back suddenly, only to see a familiar face appearing in front of her eyes, her heart trembled——

"Fourth, you..."

Feng Qianyue stared at him closely, a look of shock flashed in his eyes, and said, "So, you really didn't die."

Feng Lingyue hurriedly lowered her head, a guilty conscience flashed in her eyes, and said, "I, I'm not..."

Feng Qianyue heard the sound of the horse's hooves getting closer, and grabbed Feng Lingyue, saying, "Follow me."

"No!" Feng Lingyue suddenly knelt down, tightly grasping Feng Qianyue's hand, her eyes were flushed, and begged bitterly, "Fourth brother, please, please let me go. You just pretend you haven't seen me, let me go, please."

Feng Qianyue looked at the poor child kneeling on the ground, shook her head, sighed, and said, "Eleven, you have died once, you managed to escape, why are you so innocent."

Feng Lingyue was taken aback, looked up, looked at Feng Qianyue's indifferent face, and suddenly understood something, she said with a trembling voice, "Mo Liniang said that someone is going to force me to show up, this person, it turns out to be four Brother you."

Feng Qianyue nodded and said, "You guessed right, I was the one who forced you to show up, because I want to use you to force Lian Siyue."

"You..." Feng Lingyue's face turned pale for a while, she looked at Feng Qianyue, her body trembling, suddenly, her eyes flashed, a pleasant smile appeared on her face, and she shouted loudly behind Feng Qianyue , "Lian Siyue, you are here, come on, come and save me!"

Feng Qianyue was taken aback, and turned around subconsciously. Taking advantage of this moment, Feng Lingyue gritted her teeth, pushed Feng Qianyue hard, and jumped into the river!
Feng Qianyue turned her head abruptly, and flew forward, "Eleventh!"

As soon as he stretched out his hand, Feng Lingyue had already slipped from his palm, only to hear a splash, and fell into the river, the river was very deep, she sank rapidly, Feng Qianyue stood on the bank, Seeing that there will be no water in the river soon, and in his hand, there is an extra embroidered shoe, which he caught when he went to catch Feng Lingyue just now in a hurry, and he held on to the shoe tightly , slammed a fist on the tree.

"Your Highness!" Ying Kong and the rest of the soldiers hurried over!

Feng Qianyue turned his head and saw that the horses were approaching. There was a trace of coldness in the corner of his eyes, and he said, "Let's evacuate quickly. After they leave, you are looking for someone at the bottom of the river. Eleven women Baby, no matter how good the water is, she won't be able to swim for a long time, she has to go ashore, if she doesn't go ashore and dies in the river, then I will take her body to Lian Siyue to see and see what she says! "

Feng Qianyue said, squeezed the embroidered shoes tightly, turned and left angrily, and the rest of the people also quickly hid in the night.

After a while, another team arrived in a hurry.

The person on the horse in front is Leng Mei, Lian Siyue is sitting on her horse, the rest behind are other hidden guards, and there is another horse carrying the seriously injured Mo Liniang.

Leng Mei got off the horse in a hurry, with a tense face, ran to the river, looked around, and found that there were many footprints and horseshoe marks under his feet.

Even Siyue got off the horse, she asked coldly:
"How is it, cold eyebrow?"

"Miss, Princess Eleven must have been here before."

"Ahem..." Mo Liniang, who was seriously injured, coughed twice, and said with difficulty, "Miss, I let Princess Eleven escape and ran this way. She should have been here before."

"The other footprints and horseshoe marks here should belong to the troops of the Fourth Highness." Leng Mei made a judgment and said.

Lian Siyue looked at the river in front of her with deep eyes, and said, "Feng Qianyue, we are still a step late!" She gritted her teeth, held her hand tightly, and said.

"Miss, have you been kidnapped by His Royal Highness?" Mo Liniang said with guilt flashing in her eyes, "It's my fault, I didn't protect the princess well!"

"Feng Qianyue had a plan earlier, he was sick first, and then launched a surprise attack, this is none of your business!" Lian Siyue said, squatting on the ground, searching for a while.

"Miss, did you find anything?"

"Lengmei, you lead people, go down the river to look for them, the princess is very clever, maybe she was not taken away by His Highness the Fourth Highness." Lian Siyue said calmly.

"Yes! Missy is right." Leng Mei immediately led a group of people, according to Lian Siyue's richness, ready to go down the river to find someone.

(End of this chapter)

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