First-class daughter

Chapter 603 What a Coincidence

Chapter 603 What a Coincidence
Chapter 603 What a Coincidence
Maybe God took pity on her and gave her a chance——

She did not die, and was not found by anyone, because after she jumped into the river, she swam under the water for a while, and then met a flower boat on the river at night. This flower boat was the largest brothel in Beijing. The boat, two stories high, was very ornate.

Feng Lingyue didn't know about this, she just seized the opportunity, clung to the side of the boat secretly, hid in the water, and escaped the pursuit.

When the boat docked, it was very lively on the shore. Surrounded by those sons and sisters, the oirans got off the boat with a twisted and enchanting figure, and there was a burst of makeup around them.

Feng Lingyue's hand firmly grasped the side of the boat, soaked in the water for a long time, shivering from the cold, her body gradually lost strength, but she clenched her teeth and never let go.

Just when she was about to take advantage of the chaos when everyone disembarked and climbed onto the boat, suddenly, she glanced at a cold figure on the shore, it was a woman with a tense face, looking around, with eyes A little anxious.

It's cold brow!
It's Lian Siyue looking for her!
Her heart trembled suddenly, and when she wanted to climb onto the boat to find her, she suddenly hesitated, and then slowly sank down again, biting her mouth tightly and not making a sound.

After Leng Mei wandered away for a week, she looked at her receding back by the water, tears slid down her cheeks and dipped into the water——

Lian Siyue, if I show up and my fourth brother finds out, it will cause you a lot of trouble. If I make trouble in front of the emperor again, you will die for the crime of deceiving the emperor, and even your family will be implicated. What about the formula?He's going to be in a lot of pain—

I don't want you to die, and I don't want to be in pain.

So, I will not go back to you, let me fend for myself, I control my life and death, and my life and death can only be my life and death, and cannot decide your life and death.

If I am accidentally caught elsewhere in the future, as long as I deny it, it will be difficult to implicate you.

Lian Siyue, thank you, I miss you very much, but I hope I will never see you again in this life.

"Lord Leng, I didn't see anyone." Several hidden guards hurried over and reported in a deep voice.

With a disappointed look on Lengmei's face, he said, "Keep looking over there!"

She led the people and left the area. She thought in her mind, she couldn't find it after so many searches. Could it be that the eldest lady made a mistake, and the fourth highness had already taken the princess away?
Lian Siyue stayed up all night, and in the end Leng Mei didn't come back with good news.

She was wearing a white fox fur coat, her beautiful and cold face was buried in the fur, holding the handle of the chair, her eyes were deep and cold, and her brows were tightly frowned.

"Miss, has Ah Yue been taken away by His Highness the Fourth Highness? Let me go to the Fourth Highness's house to find out!" said Leng Mei.

"No." Lian Siyue raised his head and said, "Feng Qianyue is very cunning, if Ayue has already been caught by him, you go to investigate, not only can't find anything, but you will startle the snake and expose our innocence. cowardice."

"Then what should we do now? Ah Yue's life and death are uncertain now." Leng Mei felt self-blame in her heart.

Lian Siyue slowly clenched her hands into fists, and said calmly, "Wait and see what happens, secretly keep an eye on Lian Shiya and Yue Wangfu's movements, maybe Lian Shiya can find something out of it."

Not long after Ah Yue lost the earring, Feng Qianyue took action, so the earring must have been picked up by Lian Shiya that day, and it was found out that the earring belonged to Ah Yue.

The fire last night was set off by Feng Qianyue. His purpose was obviously to force Ah Yue out, which meant that he already knew Ah Yue's whereabouts, but the strange thing was: there was no movement from Xiao Zhenhai's side. According to Xiao Zhenhai's way of handling things, once Knowing that Ah Yue might still be alive, he would lead thousands of troops to surround Jingxi Shop, find Ah Yue, bring her directly to the emperor, punish her for the crime of deceiving the emperor, and push Xiao Shan's death away. onto her.

Since there was no action on his side, it meant that Feng Qianyue hadn't told him about it yet.

He didn't tell Xiao Zhenhai about such an important matter, what was he planning?
And Lian Shiya, she hoped that Lian Siyue would die so much, she would be eager to reveal this matter, why was she also silent?
Lian Siyue thought about these problems, thinking about how to take the next road in her mind, until dawn, she changed her clothes, asked Qingdai to smear her face with powder, so that her complexion that had not slept all night looked energetic Some.

But at [-]:[-] pm, news came that Lian Shiya had returned to Lian's house, and Feng Qianyue came back with her.

Mother Tai was indignant, and said, "The third lady is very arrogant now, as if she forgot about the fake pregnancy with Aunt Xiao, and the fourth highness is also strange. At the beginning, she said that she would severely punish the third lady, but now it doesn't seem to be true." With such a thing, she is still willing to go to Qing'an Courtyard with the third lady to pay respects to the ancestors. The third lady brought a gift and said it was for everyone, but she regarded herself as Princess Yue. She is just a concubine. Miss you She is a first-rank county lord, why should she give things to the eldest lady?"

"Aunt Xiao is dead, and now the Fourth Highness is back in favor, and the third sister is also in the spotlight. Grandmother and father naturally pretend that there is no such thing." Lian Siyue said with a slight expression on his lips.

"However, His Royal Highness seems to be in poor health, his face is very pale, he coughs from time to time, and his speech is weak. After greeting the old lady, the prime minister arranged for a rest, and left the third lady in the Qing'an courtyard to meet with the old lady. Ladies and gentlemen speak.

The maidservant heard that the Fourth Highness's body was bled to the emperor to raise golden toads, so she became like this, even though she was young, if she had a lot of blood, her body would probably be damaged at all, what a pity. "

Lian Siyue put down the scroll in her hand, and said calmly, "You know everything clearly."

Mother Tai smiled, with a shy expression on her face, and said, "Isn't this servant afraid that the third lady will come back to harm others, so she paid more attention and grasped the matter of the third lady clearly."

After a while, the Qing'an Courtyard sent someone to say that the eldest lady was invited to come over.

"Since I'm back, I want to give us something as a reward, so I should go and have a look, Qingdai, get ready and go to Qing'an Courtyard." Lian Siyue instructed.

"Yes, Miss."

After a while, Lian Siyue changed into purple summer clothes embroidered with a butterfly pattern, and walked towards Qing'anyuan.

But when he walked to a corridor, he found that Feng Qianyue, who was supposed to be resting, was sitting on a horizontal chair in the corridor, holding a jade pendant in his hand, groping, his pale face looked like he was seriously ill Like a healed person.

When he turned his head, he saw Lian Siyue's hair falling on both sides of his cheeks, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and said, "What a coincidence, where are you going, miss?"

(End of this chapter)

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