First-class daughter

Chapter 604 Be My Woman

Chapter 604 Be My Woman
Chapter 604 Be My Woman
Lian Siyue's eyes were calm, looking at him, Feng Qianyue's hand that was caressing the jade pendant paused slightly, and the girl's eyes became more and more oppressive, but——

He said slightly, "Are you going to Mrs. Lian's place?"

Lian Siyue turned her head back, and said to the maids and women behind her, "You wait here, I will go to greet the Fourth Highness."

"Yes." Everyone responded, with cold brows they couldn't help but look at Feng Qianyue more.

Seeing Lian Siyue approaching, Feng Qianyue knew it well, he stood up and said, "It's rare to see you take the initiative to walk towards me, Lian Siyue."

If it was normal, she wouldn't greet him, she would either ignore him and walk away, or take a detour, just not paying attention to him.

Lian Siyue looked at Feng Qianyue, she was really thinner than before, her face was more angular, and more... mean, she said:
"The Fourth Highness is seriously ill, and he accompanied my third sister on this trip. There must be other things."

"Heh..." Feng Qianyue smiled, but the corners of her eyes were cold.

He lowered his head, took out something wrapped in a cloth strip from his sleeve, handed it to Lian Siyue, and said, "Open it and have a look."

Lian Siyue glanced at him, took it, and slowly unfolded the cloth. Immediately, what appeared in front of her was a pair of cherry pink embroidered shoes, with several fiery red begonias embroidered on the upper. These shoes——

"Whose shoes belong to, I think you know very well." Feng Qianyue kept looking at her face and said.

"What does your Highness think?" Lian Siyue asked.

"Heh!" Feng Qianyue sneered, and said, "You are still so calm until now, I have to say, your nonchalant appearance is really ridiculous!"

Lian Siyue held the shoes and said nothing.

Feng Qianyue continued to say——

"On that day, Thirteen was punished and put in prison. Things seemed to turn around like this, but I always felt that something was wrong. I couldn't figure it out after thinking about it. Now that I saw Eleven, I finally I figured it out,
On that day, Shiyi was burned to death, and Xiaoshan was also burned to death, but last night when I passed by the fire, Shiyi ran out of your shop and bumped into my arms, so I thought I was already burned. The scorched person, wish to come, did not die at all.

All of this is a layout carefully arranged by you. You deliberately stayed overnight in Yixiu Palace, deliberately provoked the relationship between Thirteen and the maidservant, released the indistinguishable words that you will save Eleven, and then deliberately lured Xiao He to go to his father. The emperor pleaded for Ling Yue'er regardless of his life in front of the emperor, and Thirteen was completely enraged with jealousy, causing Thirteen to set fire to Eleven's cell, and then burned Xiao Shan to death.

In the end, Shisan, whom you disliked, fell out of favor in front of the emperor, Xiao Zhenhai, the eldest son you disliked, died, and Shishi, who was not the father's own daughter, escaped from birth.

You have worked every step of the way, even calculating people's hearts, and finally achieved your wish with one stone and three birds.

Lian Siyue, I have to admit again that your methods are extraordinary, and your thoughts are more meticulous than anyone else. "

Lian Siyue didn't panic when she heard Feng Qianyue's analysis, but said, "Your Majesty the Fourth Highness understands me more and more. However, His Majesty's trick of regaining favor is also very good. I won the emperor again. The trust between father and son has been eliminated for more than ten years, and the position of prince has been restored. Even Princess Yue is pregnant. I heard that after Princess Yue became pregnant, her body became weak and she needed to lie down every day Resting on the bed until the child is born smoothly, isn't the Fourth Highness afraid that he will really lose his children and grandchildren?"

"To each other, Lian Siyue, what you said is true, I don't have any anemia, everything is my plan, so I am the same person as you, we are equally ruthless, and we have tried our best. We are obviously the same person, if we are together..."

"I am not the same person as the Fourth Highness." Before Feng Qianyue could say the words that disgusted her, Lian Siyue had already interrupted coldly.

Feng Qianyue's face sank, and she continued, "Lian Siyue, you have exhausted all your tricks, and in the end, you have lost all your secrets. Lian Shiya picked up Shiya's earrings, and she was recognized by the third sister as Eleven's, so , you still showed your horse's feet, the shoes in your hand were taken off from Eleven's feet by my order, and she is now in a place that only the king knows."

"Our third sister, under the guidance of His Highness Fourth, has also become much smarter." Lian Siyue said.

"After the king saw the earring, he thought of the strange feeling that had been lingering in his heart. He boldly guessed that Eleven may not be dead. She is in your hands, so let her take it to the princesses. Show off, I didn't expect it to be eleven." Feng Qianyue said leisurely, "This king told you earlier that you will not always be lucky, and Xiao Jiu will not always be lucky. Don't forget, this king Not a pustule."

"Then why didn't the Fourth Highness take the Eleventh Princess to the emperor to make a high hair and punish me with a capital punishment?" Lian Siyue asked.

Feng Qianyue's eyes flashed, and he took a step forward suddenly, trying to hold Lian Siyue's hand, but Lian Siyue quickly backed away, and his hand finally fell through. He curled his fingers and said:

"Lian Siyue, you are wrong, letting you die was never my original intention."

"Then what does the Fourth Highness want?" Lian Siyue took another step back, but Feng Qianyue followed suit and said, "I want you to be my woman, stay away from Xiao Jiu, and wait for him When you come back, you are already a member of my Yue Palace."

Lian Siyue felt goosebumps when she heard his words, she felt very disgusted, she said, "If I refuse to agree, what are the Fourth Highness's plans?"

"This king said that my original intention was never to kill you, but if you insist on dying, if you insist on bringing in the Lian family and the Nine Emperor Brothers, I will not stop it, and I am willing to send you off." a ride.

If Xiao Zhenhai knew that Eleven was not dead, would you guess that in order to avenge his eldest son, he would bring you in front of his father and tear you alive. "Feng Qianyue looked into Lian Siyue's eyes and said.

Lian Siyue didn't speak.

"Well, it seems that you have already made your own choice, and then this king will fulfill you!" Feng Qianyue suddenly became angry when she saw her hesitation. Could it be that she would rather die than be his? people?His dignity, Feng Qianyue, was seriously challenged, so he turned around and left.

"Wait!" Lian Siyue called out.

Feng Qianyue stopped, with a smile on his face, and when he turned around, he had recovered his coldness, and said:
"What else do you want to say?"

"I promise you." After a moment's pause, Lian Siyue said.

There was ecstasy in Feng Qianyue's eyes, "Really?"

Lian Siyue nodded slowly, and said, "However, I want to see the Eleventh Princess, and the Fourth Highness can arrange it."

(End of this chapter)

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