Chapter 607
Chapter 607
"Cousin, both of us have been tricked by that little slut Lian Siyue. We are fighting openly and secretly here, but she is the one who makes a profit. Think about it, I really feel worthless for you and myself." Lian Shiya said quite indignantly.

"What do you mean by that? What did Lian Siyue do?" Hearing Lian Siyue's name, Xiao Rou propped herself up and sat up.

"This..." Lian Shiya was taken aback, and quickly clapped her hands and said, "Damn me, you are pregnant, you need to rest, and you can't work hard. You should lie down and pretend that I didn't say anything."

"Lian Shiya!" Xiao Rou grabbed her handkerchief and said, "I've already said so much, why not make it clear."

Lian Shiya opened her mouth in great embarrassment, and said, "His Highness is planning to marry this little bitch Lian Siyue."

"What? How is this possible? She has repeatedly embarrassed His Highness. His Highness wished to kill her. How could he have the idea of ​​marrying her." Xiao Rou's expression changed, and she said.

"It turns out that I think the same as you, but the fact is not the case." Lian Shiya said with a slight sigh.

"Lian Shiya, please explain clearly, what is going on?" Xiao Rou asked hastily.

"Cousin still remembers the story of Princess Eleven being burned to death in the prison. I learned these days that she didn't die. At that time, Lian Siyue, who killed thousands of knives, deliberately set a trap and caused her to be burned to death." In fact, her goal was to burn her eldest cousin to death, but unfortunately, even the emperor was deceived by her!"

"What..." Xiao Rou was so shocked by the sudden news that she couldn't recover for a long time.

"Fortunately, these days, the princess was found by His Highness, and she was found in the Jingxi shop. This Jingxi shop is like a moon." How will Lian Shiya accidentally pick up the earrings of the eleventh princess, and how to know Feng Qianyue told all about the arrest of Princess Eleven.

After hearing this, Xiao Rou said, "That's great, as long as you tell the emperor about finding Eleven Princess in the Jingxi shop, even Siyue's head will be lost, just to avenge my elder brother!"

"However, His Highness does not intend to hand over Feng Lingyue to let the emperor punish Lian Siyue for his crimes. Even his uncle doesn't know about it, because His Highness wants to threaten Lian Siyue with this, and let her be punished for four months. We will proceed later." Lian Shiya sighed.

"Your Highness actually has such an idea?" Xiao Rou's expression suddenly became ugly.

"I suddenly remembered that when I was still in the Lian family, His Highness asked my father to marry him to marry him as Princess Yue. At that time, due to various reasons, he gave up. Now it seems that both you and I have been rejected. Lian Siyue has been compared. I don't care, I am a concubine after all, but you are different, you are an upright and upright Princess of Yue, if you do this, don't you take you as a concubine seriously?"

Xiao Rou slowly clenched her fists, the veins on her forehead throbbed faintly.

"That Lian Siyue is the first-rank county head and the eldest daughter of the Lian family. She is full of tricks and has unfathomable thoughts. I don't think you can beat her. I'm afraid that when the time comes, the position of the princess will be given up to her." her."

"She can go dreaming, then the position of Princess Yue can only be mine, she can't take it away!" Xiao Rou gritted her teeth and said.

"But, once she really enters the door..."

"As long as I, Xiao Rou, is here, she won't enter the door, and she won't be able to enter this door either." Xiao Rou clenched her fists tightly and said.

"Hey, it's useless for me to fight to the death with you, but I ended up taking advantage of that little bitch. I'm fine. I'm already dead anyway. Let's just muddle along, but you are different." Lian Shiya said angrily. look,
"Lian Siyue, that bitch!" Xiao Rou was furious for a moment, and felt a dull pain in her abdomen, her face turned pale, and she tightly grasped the bed sheet under her body.

Lian Shiya hurriedly helped her to lie down, and comforted her, "Don't worry, don't get angry, the doctor said, you can't get angry, it's all because I can't help it, and I really want to come to you because I have no idea." Say, if you..."

"Don't tell me, I'm Princess Yue, it's up to me to come forward." Xiao Rou gasped for a moment before slowly regaining her composure.

"Then do you want to tell Uncle right away, let Uncle come forward?" Lian Shiya especially hoped that Xiao Rou would go to Xiao Zhenhai to talk about this right away.

"Of course, we need to let father know about this matter, but we must first find out where the eleventh princess is, otherwise if His Highness refuses to admit it, we will be blamed by His Highness instead." Xiao Rou thought of a way in her mind and said.

"However, how can we know where the eleventh princess is placed by His Highness?" This is the most important thing.

"Yingkong must know, find a reliable person and follow her secretly, then you will know." Xiao Rou said.

Lian Shiya praised, "Cousin is worthy of being the majestic Princess Yue, the idea she came up with is really good."

Probably because of being pregnant, Xiao Rou shed tears after thinking about it, lying on the quilt and saying:
"Your Highness, you really hurt my heart. Rou'er is willing to do anything for you. How can you deceive me like this? I won't bother who you want to marry, but what you want is Lian Siyue , aren’t you poking my heart, don’t you even care about my elder brother’s hatred, do you want me to work together with the enemy who killed my elder brother?”

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Lian Shiya's lips, but she went to comfort her again, "Cousin, stop crying, be careful if you get pregnant..."

After a few more words of persuasion, Lian Shiya walked out of Xiao Rou's room. She breathed a sigh of relief as soon as she came out, and her steps became leisurely. Now that Xiao Rou came forward, she didn't have to worry about anything. With Xiao Rou's temper, she was determined Lian Siyue can't be tolerated, just wait for these two people to fight with each other, and she will be a fisherman--

Lian Siyue, I will never let go of this opportunity to kill you.

in the library.

Feng Qianyue's expression was serious.

After a while, Yingkong walked in quickly, Feng Qianyue got up immediately and asked:

Ying Kong shook his head and said, "Your Highness, the general searched the vicinity and the river, and the surrounding people also looked, but there was no sign of Eleven Princess, because His Highness ordered not to be alarmed, lest the county lord notice it, the general It’s not easy to find someone with great fanfare.”

Feng Qianyue frowned tightly, and said, "This child usually looks like a no-brainer, but I didn't expect to be able to hide like this. It's beyond my expectation."

"Perhaps, the princess has already left the city?" Ying Kong guessed.

"No, she must still be in the city. If she runs outside the city, we have already discovered it." Feng Qianyue said, "Keep an eye on it."


Xiao Rou had people stare at Ying Kong for two days, but the whereabouts of Princess Eleven were never found.

"It seems that in order to hide the truth from my uncle and marry Lian Siyue in, His Highness has really wasted a lot of thought. What should I do? After a long time, will it be possible to find the eleventh princess at that time, and Lian Siyue will marry Lian Siyue?" Siyue doesn't admit it anymore." Lian Shiya said with a sad face.

(End of this chapter)

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