Chapter 608
Chapter 608
After hearing this, Xiao Rou sat up and said, "It's not unreasonable for you to be worried, even this little bitch like Yue is used to using some tricks, maybe he's plotting something now. I'm going to tell my father right away, little The bitch tried to kill the elder brother, and the father will definitely want her blood to pay."

As Xiao Rou spoke, she got up and said to Su Yin, the close maid, "Go back to Xiao's house immediately, and tell the Duke that I'm not feeling well, please come quickly."

"Princess..." Suyin looked at Lian Shiya, and said with some hesitation, "The doctor has ordered you to rest and not to work hard. This is His Highness's decision again. You..."

"Hehe..." Lian Shiya chuckled lightly, "Suyin, you are a slave, but you have a big heart. Seeing that the master is being bullied to the head."


"Suyin, needless to say, quickly follow my orders, I won't go down to the ground, so I won't hurt myself." Xiao Rou interrupted Suyin and ordered.

"...Yes." Su Yin had no choice but to look at Lian Shiya, so she had no choice but to go to Xiao Guofu. Even Shiya stayed for a while and left. She didn't want to be involved in it, and Feng Qian The more disgusted.

As soon as Xiao Zhenhai heard that Xiao Rou was unwell, he hurried over with Xiao Hu without saying a word. When Xiao Rou saw his father, he cried and said, "Father, you have to make decisions for your daughter. The tone in my daughter's heart is really serious." Can't swallow."

Xiao Zhenhai saw it, and hurriedly said, "Rou'er, what makes you so sad, tell me quickly."

So, Xiao Rou twitched and said the matter again.

"What?! There is such a thing!" Hearing this, Xiao Zhenhai was furious and his face was cold.

"Father, my daughter is pregnant and suffers from such grievances. She has trouble sleeping and eating all day long. She is worried that the fetus in her arms will not be saved, so she turned to her father and complained. Father, you have to get rid of this bitch Lian Siyue for my daughter." Xiao Rou hugged Xiao Zhenhai's hand, and wept on his arm.

Xiao Zhen's face was gloomy, his thick eyebrows were tightly frowned, and he said, "I'm going to ask the Fourth Highness for clarification. After getting such important news, I kept it from me. If the Eleventh Princess is not dead, then Lian Siyue is the murderer." , he still wants to marry a murderer, does he still pay attention to my father-in-law!"

"Your Majesty the Fourth Prince is here..." At this moment, a voice sounded outside the door, Feng Qianyue came over, he looked at the situation in the room, Xiao Zhenhai snorted coldly, and did not salute him like in the past.

Feng Qianyue said, "Yuezhang came suddenly, why don't you tell me, so that I can go to meet Yuezhang."

"Hmph." Xiao Zhenhai turned his face away, with a stiff face, and said, "How dare I bother Your Highness, Your Highness is now not only a prince, but also a person trusted by the Emperor, my humble minister is terrified."

The corner of Feng Qianyue's mouth twitched slightly, Xiao Zhenhai was clearly telling him, don't forget that he can repair his relationship with his father and restore his position as prince without the help of his father-in-law.

He suppressed the dissatisfaction and unhappiness in his heart, and pretended to be puzzled, "I wonder if there is something wrong with this king, please ask Yue Zhang to clarify."

Xiao Zhenhai raised his head, stared at Feng Qianyue's face closely, and asked, "Princess Eleven is in your hands?" He once thought that Feng Qianyue's city was extremely deep and full of scheming, but if he used this city and scheming on him On Xiao Zhenhai's body, he did not hesitate to bring Rou'er home, but also spared no effort to destroy him!

"It turned out to be because of this." Feng Qianyue said with a sigh of relief, "I did suspect that Eleven was not dead, but because there was no definite evidence, I thought I would tell my father-in-law after confirming it. The father-in-law in the province was very happy, and I don't know where the father-in-law learned about it."

As he spoke, with a smile on his face, he looked at Xiao Rou silently.

Xiao Rou looked at his smile and suddenly became a little confused. When he looked at her, his smile was so gentle and warm that her heart couldn't help beating faster, but Lian Shiya made it so clear.

"The earrings that Ya'er found in the Jingxi shop were confirmed by the third princess, and belonged to the eleventh princess? This means that the eleventh princess is not dead, and is hidden in the Jingxi shop. You got another embroidered shoe, then The eleventh princess is obviously in your hands." Xiao Zhenhai said tensely.

"Yue Zhang is right, the earrings were found in the Jingxi shop, and the embroidered shoes were also found near there after the fire.

However, this king has never seen Eleven. If he saw more, how could he let go of this great opportunity?

Ben Wang pondered over and over again, why the interlocking clues all show that Eleven is not dead, as if someone is deliberately leading us to investigate.After thinking about it, it is probably because this time the king regained the position of prince, even Siyue was unwilling to reconcile, and wanted to destroy the relationship between the king and his father again.

Father-in-law should know that Lian Siyue has always been scheming, and she can think of what ordinary people can't. These earrings and embroidered shoes are all made up by her. In fact, she died a long time ago. The emperor filed a complaint, and the father investigated, but found no whereabouts of Shiyi, and she took the opportunity to turn around and say that we framed him. In this way, the relationship between the father and the king, who had finally recovered, might be changed again. "

Xiao Zhenhai's brows were still tightly knit, as if he was estimating something.

Feng Qianyue looked at him and said, "It's very possible that she even included how to drive a wedge between you and my son-in-law. This really looks like her way of harming people."

"If the Fourth Highness has never seen the fake princess Eleven, what you analyzed makes sense." Finally, Xiao Zhenhai spoke.

"However, this king will continue to track down Eleven's whereabouts." Feng Qianyue said.

Xiao Rou on the side pouted and said, "Lian Shiya also said that His Highness hid the matter of our eleventh princess in order to threaten Lian Siyue and marry her in."

When Feng Qianyue heard it, he immediately said angrily, "Bold and poetic! How dare you speak falsely about my business! This king has always understood that the overall situation is the most important thing, and he is definitely not a person who is blinded by sex. Over the past year, I Like walking on thin ice, be careful, it is all given by Lian Siyue and Feng Yunzheng, this king bears the burden of humiliation, so that one day he can teach Lian Siyue and Feng Yunzheng a lesson, how could he make such a decision."

Xiao Zhenhai's eyes were a bit complicated, as if he was weighing something, and finally said, "Lian Siyue, this little bitch is indeed unfathomable, we need to guard against her more. Since it is a one-time no-regret, I will leave first. "

Xiao Zhenhai got up and walked out of the room, his eyes flickered slightly.

Lying on the bed, Xiao Rou looked at Feng Qianyue timidly, and asked, "Your Highness, are you angry? I was also dizzy with anger, so..."

"You are pregnant, this king will not blame you." Feng Qianyue had a smile on her face, but her tone seemed very alienated.

(End of this chapter)

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