First-class daughter

Chapter 609 Going Crazy

Chapter 609 Going Crazy
Chapter 609 Going Crazy
Although he didn't blame him, it made Xiao Rou feel frightened. She explained in a trembling voice:

"Your Highness, I, I also heard Lian Siyue say this, so I was very worried about you, so I called my father over. Since you said so, I, I trust you..."

Feng Qianyue sighed for a long time, and said, "It seems that you still don't trust me enough, you have been followed by people these days, right?"

"I..." Xiao Rou didn't expect that he had already seen through.

"It's in vain that this king trusts you so much. Your father has always been careful. Now that you say this, I am afraid that he will no longer trust this king as before. The rift between Weng and son-in-law is just like the intention of a traitor. gone."

When Xiao Rou heard this, she said anxiously, "No, I won't, I, I'll go and tell my father right now, let him trust you..."

"Trust is difficult to build, but it collapses in an instant.

Forget it, your health is not good, take good care of it, this king went to find a ginseng elsewhere for you, and asked the dining room to supplement it for you. "

With that said, Feng Qianyue lifted her foot and walked out.

As soon as he turned around, the gloomy expression on his face immediately became gloomy, he clenched his fists tightly, turned and walked towards Huajiaoyuan.

Today, if he admits to seeing Shi Shi in front of Xiao Zhenhai, he will definitely turn his back on him, because in his mind, Xiao Shan's death is the biggest pain!

Therefore, he can only deny it to the end, because the strength he has accumulated over the past year has been beaten to pieces, and for a long time, he cannot do without Xiao Zhenhai's support.


The door was kicked open fiercely, Lian Shiya turned her face suddenly while holding her injured face, looked at the person who was walking towards her step by step with horror on her face, and said in a trembling voice, "Dr. , Your Highness..."

Just now, my uncle had come and taught her severely, and even slapped her, saying that she knew that Xiao Rou needed to rest, but deliberately sowed discord.

Now, Feng Qianyue is here again.

Feng Qianyue approached step by step, like the King of Hades demanding his life——

"No, don't..." Lian Shiya shook her head, "Uh..." Before she could say anything else, she felt her throat tightening, her neck seemed to be broken, and Feng Qian grabbed her tightly It touched her neck, making her breathless, her eyeballs were tightly opened, and she gave him a pleading look, tears slid down her cheeks, breaking through the thick foundation, and the scar was exposed, ferocious and terrifying.

A deep loathing surged up in Feng Qianyue's heart, he threw Lian Shiya forcefully away, and said, "Ugly, what use is this king wanting you for!"

"Oh!" Lian Shiya's body slammed into the dressing table fiercely, she groaned, only heard a crackling sound, and all the things on the table fell on her body.

Ugly...he said she was ugly...

Lian Shiya covered her rough and uneven face, trembling all over, her eyes were scarlet, Lian Shiya was beautiful in a hurry, she was obsessed with others, but now her husband despises her ugly.

"Come here, take her to the west courtyard, and never set foot in the north courtyard." Feng Qianyue ordered coldly, turned and left.

"No, no, Your Highness, I, I know I'm wrong, I know I'm wrong." Lian Shiya panicked when she heard that she was going to be sent to the west courtyard to live with a group of lowly servants like Aunt Xiao, and hurriedly knelt down He hugged Feng Qianyue's leg on the ground, begged and explained, "Your Highness, I didn't mean it, it's Lian Siyue, that bitch Lian Siyue, she showed me the jade pendant His Highness gave me, He also said some strange things, saying that His Highness wanted to marry her back to the Yue Palace, I, my mind was muddled, I, I was fooled by him..."

"Let's fend for ourselves!" Feng Qianyue expressionless, pulled out her foot and walked out.

"Your Highness, Your Highness..." Lian Shiya prostrated herself on the ground, crying bitterly.

However, it was Mother Shan who came over, looked at the people on the ground coldly, and said, "Madam, please get up, West Courtyard please."

"No, I'm not going! I'm not going to die!" Lian Shiya said through gritted teeth. She stumbled to her feet and pushed Mammy Shan and the two maids out of the room. Because she was walking too fast, the high and low shoes on her feet fell off. When one came out, it limped when it walked, full of ugly appearances.

Sister Shan shook her head and said, "This is His Highness's intention. No one can be rebellious, and the same is true for you, Madam. Please come with us."

"Yes, ma'am, you, you have such a face, and your legs and feet are not convenient, but His Highness didn't say anything, let you live in Huajiaoyuan, you, you don't know how to cherish it, and insisted on angering His Highness. "One of the pretty maids looked at Lian Shiya with some jealousy, thinking, such an ugly person can still be a concubine, God is really joking.

"Let's go." As Mama Shan said, she came over to touch her hand, Lian Shiya suddenly pulled out a gold hairpin from her head, and stabbed Mama Shan violently.

"Ah!" Mammy Shan screamed, and Lian Shiya inserted the gold hairpin into Mammy Shan's eyes alive, her appearance was terrifying!
He fell suddenly and lay on the ground.

"Ah, ah, my eyes, my eyes..." Mammy Shan rolled on the ground in pain, blood flowed from her eye sockets.

The two servant girls were stunned immediately, with terrified expressions on their faces, they backed away in fright.

There is only one thought in Lian Shiya's mind, she will never go to a place like West Courtyard, she has not killed Lian Siyue for revenge!

She rushed over like crazy, pulled out another hairpin, and then stabbed Shanmao vigorously, shouting frantically while stabbing, "I won't go to the west courtyard, I won't go, I won't die go!"

"Ah, come, come quickly, the lady of Huajiao Courtyard has gone crazy." The two maids were startled by the scene before them, and ran out one after another, shouting loudly.

"I'm not going to the west courtyard. I said I won't go. I'll stay here and I won't go anywhere."

When the steward led a few servants over in a hurry, Lian Shiya was still mad, holding the gold hairpin in her mouth ferociously, stabbing Mama Shan's body vigorously again and again, her face Blood splashed all over his face.

But Mammy Shan has been lying in a pool of blood for a long time, her body has been stabbed with holes one after another, and the blood in the holes is gurgling out.
Everyone was shocked by the terrifying scene in front of them, unable to recover for a long time.

"Quickly, pull her away!" The housekeeper came back to his senses beforehand, and several strong servants rushed up immediately, restrained Lian Shiya, and snatched the blood-stained golden hairpin from her hand.

"Let me go, let me go!" The expression on Lian Shiya's face became more and more terrifying, "I won't go to the west courtyard, I won't go..." She wrestled hard like a mad dog, He bit hard on the wrist of the boy beside him, and tore it hard, biting off the boy's flesh.

At this time, the housekeeper came over, picked up the stool and threw it at her while she was not being caught.

(End of this chapter)

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