First-class daughter

Chapter 622 Dead End 1

Chapter 622

Chapter 622

Princess An Guo fought with these men in the court for these years, and later made a lot of schemes for Emperor Zhou Cheng to consolidate his power. It was not until Emperor Zhou Cheng's power stabilized that she retreated little by little, but she was still in the ranks of civil and military officials. Enjoying a high reputation, one is that the emperor respects her very much, and the other is because she is rich and holds a certain amount of military power in her hands. Many generals are her confidantes.

In the previous life, Emperor Zhou Cheng never touched the power and wealth in her hands until his death, and Feng Qianyue had always been very cautious towards Princess An during those years when he sought power and power, at least during Lian Siyue's lifetime. , she has never seen him touch her.

Princess Anguo didn't seem to care about Zhou Chengdi's negligence, and said, "Your Majesty, I have already consulted the imperial doctor. That smiling girl lost a lot of blood. This thousand-year-old ginseng nourishes blood and nourishes Qi. After she wakes up, let the servants eat it." Bar."

Princess An's modest attitude carried an invisible aura. Emperor Zhou Cheng came back to his senses and said:

"It's just a musician. Sister Huang thinks highly of her too much. She has woken up now and is fine."

"Because she is someone you can look up to, the emperor. As a big sister, when did you not always think about your younger brother and try to find a way to get him what he wants?" She looked at Zhou Chengdi earnestly.

Emperor Zhou Cheng was in a trance, and his heart trembled.

"Yue'er, you and Nanny Ji go inside to see if the smiling girl is awake, the emperor and I have some personal things to say." Princess An gestured.

"Go." Emperor Zhou Cheng also raised his hand.

"Yes." Lian Siyue lowered her head, walked in together with Nanny Ji, looking in the same direction as Emperor Zhou Cheng from the corner of her eye.

Immediately afterwards, the rest of the servants also left one by one, leaving only Princess An and Emperor Zhou Cheng.

"I don't know why, but I suddenly dreamed of Zining a few days ago. She was wearing white clothes, and she was as beautiful as before. She asked me in the dream, is Feng Yao okay? I reassured her, and I said Feng Yao is fine, but she is both relieved and sad, telling me that it's a pity that she doesn't have this blessing to be by your side.

After I woke up, I thought about Zi Ning's appearance, and thought that she was still the same, but the emperor and I were already old. This time really waits for no one. "Princess An Guo's face showed a trance light, and a helpless expression appeared on her face.

"Sister Huang..." Emperor Zhou Cheng felt a trace of heat in his eyes, and his voice trembled, "I really think of Zining..."

Princess An Guo sighed, and said, "I know, this Su Hanxiao looks so much like Zi Ning, you can't help but pity her, your majesty, because she suffered such a serious injury, the emperor felt that Zi Ning was wronged, Yun Zheng was extremely annoyed.

But Your Majesty, don't blame my sister for talking too much, she looks like Zi Ning, but she is not Zi Ning, no one has Zi Ning's temperament. "

Emperor Zhou Cheng sat down on the chair and murmured, "Sister Huang is right, no one in this world can compare to Zi Ning, but I want to find another Zi Ning to come out. I am old and my health is not good. I have no regrets in this life, the only regret is that Zi Ning did not accompany me to ascend to the position of the Ninth Five-Year Lord, and did not see this great country with me, she died for me!"

"Your majesty..." Princess An Guo stepped forward and took the emperor's hand.

Su Hanxiao, who was lying on the bed, finally let out a long breath, with a relieved expression on her face, the knife on her back caused her so much pain that she almost lost half of her life, but she saved her life after all.

"Congratulations, you have blocked the sword for the emperor, and you look exactly like Mrs. Zining, even the cinnabar mole on your forehead is exactly the same. When you recover from your injury, the emperor will at least make you a beauty, and it is possible to become a queen in the future." .” At this time, a cold and clear voice sounded above her head.

Su Hanxiao froze for a moment, opened her eyes suddenly, and saw a young woman with a cold face standing in front of her window, she endured the pain and raised her head slightly, at some point, the room The person who waited on her was gone.

"Who... are you?" Su Han smiled, looking at this unusual girl, and asked, only to find that besides her, there was only one nun guarding the door in this room, and a trace of panic appeared in her eyes.

"Then you have to listen carefully, my name is Lian Siyue." Lian Siyue sat down in front of her bed and said.

"Lian Siyue..." Her heart trembled, and she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her back. There was a pained expression on her face, and after taking a breath, she said, "It turns out that she is the prime minister's daughter, smiling, smiling I can't get up to greet you."

Lian Siyue smiled and said, "You're welcome, I'm just a first-rank county magistrate, and when the emperor rewards you, I'm afraid I'll call you your empress."

"The county lord is really joking." Su Hanxiao's hands under the quilt were covered with sweat. She felt that the county lord in front of her was scary, even more terrifying than the emperor gave her.

"I didn't joke. It seems that Miss Hanxiao doesn't understand that any woman in this palace, as long as she can get the emperor's favor, she will be rich and rich, and she can enjoy it endlessly. It's a pity..." Lian Siyue said, suddenly paused.

"What's the pity?" Su Hanxiao asked as he clenched the bed sheet tightly.

"It's a pity that you are the person sent by Xiao Guogong and the Fourth Highness to the emperor. If the emperor knows about this, do you think the emperor will give you glory and wealth? Bullying the emperor is a death penalty for the nine clans." Lian Si Yue's voice was light and faint, but it was enough to make Su Hanxiao fall from the clouds into hell all of a sudden. She suddenly widened her eyes—then, turning her face away, she said:
"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just a lowly musician. I don't know Fourth Highness and Xiao Guogong. It was purely accidental to save the emperor today."

"Tsk..." Lian Siyue shook his head and said, "It seems that you are still too young. The emperor was assassinated, which is related to the stability of the court and the country. You and this assassin are in the same team, and you are so You happened to save the emperor, even if the emperor is blinded by your skin and doesn't pursue your origin, what about the rest of the court? They won't let any woman of unknown origin stay by the emperor's side.

Besides, the emperor himself, he feels sorry for you for being injured because of him now, but a companion is like a tiger, and when he wakes up, he will also investigate you.

If I go to tell the emperor and Princess An that you belong to His Royal Highness and Xiao Guogong, no matter whether the emperor believes you or not, someone will investigate you immediately.

At that time, once the truth is unraveled, you will only have a dead end.

As I said, if the emperor likes you, you will be rich and prosperous from now on, and you can enjoy it endlessly. However, this kind of glory and wealth bestowed by God is not something that can be easily obtained. "

(End of this chapter)

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