First-class daughter

Chapter 623 The Return of the King

Chapter 623 The Return of the King

Chapter 623 The Return of the King

I have said that if the emperor likes you, you will be rich and rich from now on, and enjoy endlessly; however, I also want to tell you that the emperor's luxury and wealth are not so easy to get, not to mention, you are still someone with ulterior motives, the emperor Never keep someone like that around, even if your face looks almost the same as another'

"..." Su Hanxiao pursed her lips tightly, beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, she didn't speak, she thought in her heart, how did the county lord know this.

Lian Siyue saw that her expression was wavering, and knew that her heart was beginning to waver, so she threw out the final blow:
"You were originally just the most ordinary person, but because of your natural cinnabar mole between your eyebrows, everyone in the village thinks you are a monster. Your brother treats you well, but your sister-in-law quarrels with your brother. In order not to embarrass your brother, you finally had to hide and live alone on the mountain until you met Xiao Guogong by chance, and he brought you down from the mountain. You learn the song."


She knew even this, Su Hanxiao couldn't pretend anymore after hearing this, a frightened look flashed in her eyes.

"You, how do you know so clearly."

"In fact, the moment the emperor's eyes looked at you, I started to investigate you. Feng Qianyue thought it was very difficult, but I found out right away. It's really too simple." Lian Si Yue pursed her lips, "Because when you sang the song, the incomplete characters of red lotus root fragrance, residual jade, and autumn had an accent from northern Hunan, so I decided that you were from northern Hunan, so I sent my people secretly I went to Xiangbei to investigate, and because of your unique cinnabar mole on the center of your eyebrows, it was really easy to find you, so I asked a few people and I found it, this is your brother's thing."

As Lian Siyue said, she took out a dagger, Su Han saw it with a smile, and suddenly wanted to sit up, but the wound on her back hurt, and she almost lost her breath due to the pain.

This dagger belonged to my brother. She bought it secretly for her brother after collecting medicines on the mountain and sold the money. She said that her brother was working outside, so she used this good dagger for self-defense. She also carved two horizontal stripes on the handle of the dagger.

"But it's a pity that all the members of your family are dead, and your brother is also dead. This dagger was finally found from the ashes by my subordinates after a lot of effort. Look at it. , the blades are all black, they were burnt like this." Lian Siyue sighed, and gave the dagger to Su Hanxiao.

"What, they are all dead, how, how is it possible? Xiao Guogong told me that as long as I follow him obediently, he will arrange for my brother to work in the yamen, and he will not have to work as a coolie in the future." Tears fell from Su Hanxiao's eyes, the most important person in her life is her brother.

"Su Hanxiao, you are so naive. Fourth Highness and Xiao Guogong want to send you to the emperor's side, so that your background will not be found out, how could they keep your relatives."

Su Hanxiao held the dagger tightly. Because of the pain in her body, she couldn't even cry, so she could only endure it desperately.

If it wasn't for the fact that Lian Siyue had been to Xiangbei in her previous life, and Feng Qianyue had heard operas in the opera gardens in Xiangbei, and found that some words in their singing had unique pronunciations, she would not have been able to discover Su Hanxiao's "crimp" Su Hanxiao's life experience will not be found out so quickly.

Lian Siyue knew that something Su Hanxiao insisted on had collapsed——

"But if you are willing to do what I tell you, I can not only guarantee that I won't expose you, but I will also help you completely remove your suspicion, so that you can enjoy the coming glory and wealth, how about it?"

Su Hanxiao slowly raised her head to look at Lian Siyue, she was trained by Duke Xiao, and later handed over to His Royal Highness, she has always obeyed their orders, she didn't know what purpose this county lord came for, She didn't know what to do. They didn't tell her that there would be such an aggressive little magistrate who knew her well.

"The emperor is here..." At this moment, a voice came from outside the door.

Lian Siyue frowned, snatched the dagger back from her hand, and said:
"Well, since you are in such a difficult situation, I can't force it. It's just that after I walk out of this room, you won't have another chance. Just lie down on this rich bed for a while, because it will be gone after a while." .I'll give this dagger to the emperor." Lian Siyue didn't stop, turned around decisively and walked outside.

"Wait!" Su Hanxiao finally couldn't help shouting when Lian Siyue's hand was on the door.

Lian Siyue showed a smile on the corner of her lips, walked back to Su Hanxiao's bed, and looked down at her——

Su Hanxiao asked tremblingly, "Is it true what the county lord said?"

"As long as you listen to me, I will not tell your secrets, and I promise not to let your masters know that you betrayed them. Su Hanxiao, you have no other choice, do you understand?"

Su Hanxiao bit her lower lip and said with a trembling voice:

"Okay, I, I listen to you, but this dagger..."

"I'll keep the dagger for you first." Lian Siyue said with the corner of her mouth raised.

As soon as the words fell, the emperor walked in, even Siyue bowed, and said:

"Your Majesty, you are here."

"Yeah." Emperor Zhou Cheng nodded, and walked to the bed. Su Hanxiao had just learned the news of his brother's death, and his heart was filled with great sadness. Tears couldn't help falling down, but in Zhou Chengdi's eyes, he thought she was It hurts so much.

"Does it hurt?" Zhou Chengdi asked.

Lian Siyue turned around and left with Nanny Ji. When she went out, Princess An Guo was no longer outside, and her maid He Xiang said, "The princess has already gone back to rest."

Lian Siyue nodded to Nanny Ji, and said, "Hurry up and go back to serve the princess, I'll go to Concubine Liang to say good night."

"Yes, county magistrate, be careful." Nanny Ji bowed and said.

Lian Siyue walked out of the yard, Leng Mei and Qing Dai were already waiting outside, "Go to Concubine Liang."

Now, His Highness the Ninth Highness has been criticized for being suspected of deceiving the emperor. It must be hard for the concubine Liang. She likes the concubine Liang, so she wanted to go and say something of her own.

Concubine Liang secretly told her many times to ask her to go to her for help when she needed it, but Lian Siyue hardly involved these things with Concubine Liang.

There were too many people in the palace who were jealous of her, especially Concubine Xu Xian, if she accidentally left any clues, it would be harming Concubine Liang, she would never implicate her.

Turning around two corridors, one corridor, passing through the lush trees, one arrives at Concubine Liang's courtyard. When she reached the gate, the lanterns in the villa had already been lit.

Nanny Li seemed to know that she would come, she waited at the door with a lantern, and when she saw her, she said:

"Master, you are here, the empress is waiting for you."

"How is your empress now?" Lian Siyue asked as she walked inside.

"The county master will know when he goes in, please go ahead." Li Nanny led Lian Siyue in before leaving.

At this moment, Concubine Liang was not in the room, Lian Siyue was sitting on a chair, waiting silently by herself, her eyes wandered around the room, and finally landed on the vase, in which a few fresh plants were planted. Begonia flowers are blooming enthusiastically.

A smile couldn't help showing on her face, and she breathed a sigh of relief. With Su Hanxiao, she finally had some confidence in the matter of the assassin.

At this moment, the shadowy candlelight shone on her face, and the eyelashes cast a curved shadow on the eyelids. She blinked slightly, and a beautiful ripple was set off.

"Yue'er..." She was about to reach out to pick up the tea in front of her, when suddenly, a clear voice sounded behind her, her heart trembled, she stood up abruptly, turned around and looked at that person——

(End of this chapter)

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