First-class daughter

Chapter 624 Long time no see

Chapter 624 Long time no see
Chapter 624 Long time no see
I saw the man standing beside the candlelight, dressed in a silver brocade robe, spotless, his handsome face was exactly as he had imagined, his thin lips were slightly raised, and his deep eyes were full of smiles. Looking at her with a doting smile.

This smile is like spring wind and rain, still carrying the fragrance of lingmei. This is the best smile Lian Siyue has ever seen.

She blinked subconsciously, and called out, "Your Highness, is that you?" At that moment, she really suspected that she was dreaming.

Feng Yunzheng walked over step by step, staring at her deeply and greedily, missing her so much, thinking so much!

He put one hand on her face, stroked it gently, and said, "It's me, Yue'er, I'm back."

Lian Siyue's heart beat a little faster, feeling the temperature from his palm, she finally confirmed that the tall person in front of her was Feng Yunzheng!

He really is back!

At that moment, she felt a kind of excitement that she had never felt before, and he stared at her without blinking, as if he wanted to make up for all the regrets that he hadn't seen these days.

His eyes were so intense, Lian Siyue couldn't help but blush, and lowered her head slightly——

"Don't bow your head." But he stopped her softly, holding her face in both hands, as if holding a rare treasure, reluctant to let go, "Let me take a good look at you, look at my Yue'er .”

His unique breath tightly surrounded her, she finally did not back down, slowly raised her eyes, looking back at him, this is the first time, she looked at him so seriously——

His face was still handsome, perhaps because of the long journey, his brows were a bit vicissitudes and tired, but his eyes were still like stars and seas, touching people's hearts.

"Yue'er, long time no see." He asked.

"Yes, Your Highness, long time no see." She said.

From past life to present life.

"Are you okay?" he asked again.

Lian Siyue nodded, "I'm fine."

Feng Yunzheng finally had a solid feeling.

"When did His Highness come back?" Lian Siyue asked.

"I heard what Xiao Zhenhai and Father said just now. I was in the hall, and I could see everything that happened inside clearly." Feng Yunzheng replied.

Lian Siyue's eyes showed a little doubt.

"Actually, I went to Ningde Villa last night, because I wanted to observe some people and things in secret, so I didn't show up." Feng Yunzheng explained.

Lian Siyue nodded, she understood Feng Yunzheng's actions, "By the way, I have asked Leng Mei to find out about Su Hanxiao." She briefly explained Su Hanxiao's life experience.

Feng Yunzheng smiled, "Heh, Feng Qianyue and Xiao Zhenhai probably never expected that Yue'er could find out Su Hanxiao's life experience with just one word."

"This is probably called breaking through the iron shoes and finding nowhere to go. It doesn't take much effort." Lian Siyue also smiled.

"I came back this time and brought you a gift." Feng Yunzheng showed a mysterious expression.

"Great gift?" Lian Siyue blinked, "I had already planned to use Su Hanxiao to expose their conspiracy. Hearing what His Highness said, I have gained a lot in Pingzhou this time."

"It's not yet time to uncover the matter of Su Hanxiao." Feng Yunzheng's eyes revealed an unfathomable expression, "Right now, Feng Qianyue and Xiao Zhenhai are at their happiest, so we might as well make them even more proud."

Lian Siyue nodded and said, "It's time to give them a hard blow."

Feng Yunzheng looked at the person in front of him lovingly, and said, "In the past few days of leaving, I have had more and more profound thoughts, that is, I can never leave you for so long again, and I really can't bear it. "

"Your Highness..." Lian Siyue couldn't help laughing when she thought of the words he had left on Lengmei's place, and said, "You are really embarrassing Lengmei, every time she tells me something similar to what you are saying now, I see She looked so uncomfortable, I wanted to laugh and sympathize with her, and she said that it would be better to kill a few people than to kill a few people."

Feng Yunzheng moved a little closer to her, bent down, kept her eye level, tapped her forehead, and said, "Don't worry, I won't let her say these words in the future, because all of me Say it with your own mouth."

His eyes were hot and blurred, like a magical abyss, pulling people's souls into it.

Lian Siyue's heart was beating violently, but she didn't avoid it.


Night Breeze finally let out a long breath of relief, and said, "Finally, I'm back, Your Highness's restless heart has a place to rest. Hiss, it hurts, it hurts so much." As soon as he relaxed, he felt a tear in his back The pain was like that, and he yelled out immediately.

Hearing his unusual voice, the cold brow standing quietly at the side came towards him and said, "Are you injured?"

Ye Feng, a big man who kills without batting an eyelid, pouted his mouth at this moment, showing a pitiful expression like a puppy, and said, "It's been a long time since I saw you, my back is hurt, don't you care?"

Leng Mei glanced at him, sure enough, there was a wet spot on the black night clothes, "how did it hurt?" she asked.

"Anping Wang Lu Shang, that bastard who killed thousands of knives, was full of tricks. We took a bit of effort to leave. The injury on our back was left at that time. I didn't care. I have been sneaking around in the villa for the past two days. I don't want to leave today. Carefully break free." Night Breeze gasped again, and said, showing a look of "please care for me", and said pitifully, "It hurts."

"Come with me." Leng Mei said, and then walked into the next room.

"Okay!" Night Breeze was overjoyed, and walked in after him, "You still care about me."

"Get down." Leng Mei ignored his slick appearance, took out a bottle of gold sore medicine, and ordered in a cold tone.

"Okay!" Night Breeze lay on his stomach without saying a word, with his hands resting on his chin, a happy and wonderful smile appeared on his face.

After a while, a pair of hands stretched out and began to cut off the clothes on the injured area. He felt hot, blushed, and said, "It's said that men and women can't get married. You're not married yet, so it's okay to do that." ?"

He was sweet in his heart, but he still had to think about Leng Mei.

"Master Ye, it's okay, I don't plan to marry." Night Breeze suddenly heard a grinning voice behind him.

Night Breeze was taken aback, and turned over abruptly, only to see that Nanny Tai was sitting by the bed, holding a pair of scissors in her hand, staring at him.

"Yes, it's you?" Night Breeze's heart skipped a beat.

"It's me." Nanny Tai nodded.

"Cough..." At this time, there was a slight coughing sound. Ye Feng turned his head and saw Leng Mei sitting on a chair, drinking the tea in front of him.

"..." Night Breeze felt his face turn red, thinking of what he said affectionately just now, he really wanted to dig a hole and get in.

"Master Ye, turn around, you, don't worry about my old lady, I'm already old, why don't men and women refuse to kiss each other, just treat me as your mother, don't be shy!" Mammy was already strong, so she pulled Night Breeze over, made him lie down again, and took the ointment and rubbed it on his body.

"..." Night Breeze's face was turning green.

Nanny Tai took out a lump of medicine with her fingers and wiped it on Night Breeze's back.

"... Hiss... Nanny, take it easy, I'm dying of pain." Night Breeze gasped and complained.

"Master Ye, you dislike my old lady and I have heavy hands, don't you?" Nanny Tai asked again, digging out another lump.

"..." Night Breeze trembled all over, "Eldest Miss has given you two points of face, how dare I despise you."

Here, Leng Mei put down his wine glass, a rare faint smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Feng Yunzheng looked at the sky outside the window, his eyes became deeper, and he said, "Yue'er, I have to wait a few days before I can show up."

Lian Siyue nodded and said, "I understand, I've been in for a while, it's time to go." After she finished speaking, she got up and walked out, Feng Yunzheng looked at her back.

After walking a few steps, she turned around and called out, "Your Highness."

"What's wrong, Yue'er?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

"It's good that you're back." Lian Siyue said.

Feng Yunzheng was startled, and then felt a burst of joy in his heart. He nodded and said, "Yes, I am back, Yue'er. From now on, let's continue to fight side by side."

"Okay, fight side by side." She nodded and walked out.

The smile on Feng Yunzheng's face deepened even more.

"Zheng'er..." A moment later, Concubine Liang came over.

Feng Yunzheng walked over in a hurry, supported Concubine Liang's hand, and said, "My child has seen Concubine Mother..."

Concubine Liang held Feng Yunzheng's hand tightly, patted the back of his hand, and said, "Zheng'er, it's really great that you can come back safely."

"It's the baby's fault, the baby has made the concubine mother worry." Feng Yunzheng helped Concubine Liang to sit down, and said.

"Your son travels thousands of miles and mother is worried. You have traveled so far. It is natural for mother and concubine to worry about you. You don't need to feel guilty about it. However, Zheng'er, this time, someone dug a huge fire pit for you to jump into." , your father doesn't believe you, what you are facing is a dragon's pool and a tiger's lair, an abyss of ten thousand feet, you have to be mentally prepared." Concubine Liang frowned tightly, with a trace of worry gathering.

"Mother and concubine, it is because the child knows that there is a dragon's pool and a tiger's lair here, and the abyss is waiting for me, so I can't wait to come back." Feng Yunzheng's eyes suddenly became sharp, like ice blades in the cold winter, severing a thick side. wall.

In Feng Qianyue's yard.

He continued to feed a turtle in the pool, Xiao Zhenhai and Feng Rong stood behind him, and Ying Kong said:

"Your Highness, Princess An and the young lady went to visit the injured woman together. Princess An gave a thousand-year-old ginseng and talked with the emperor for half an hour. The young lady left later, and then went to Concubine Liang. Greetings, it will take about half an hour."

"Brother Siwang, will Lian Siyue see anything?"

"..." Feng Qianyue threw the last grain of grain in his hand into the pond before finally turning around and saying, "Of course she can see it, but if she can see it, it's useless if she can't find it."

(End of this chapter)

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