Chapter 625
Chapter 625
"No." Xiao Zhenhai said sternly, "This is very evil like Yuemen, we must not take it lightly, we must take advantage of His Highness Ninth Prince not coming back, and the emperor's heart is burning with firewood." , causing the emperor to completely lose trust in His Highness the Ninth Prince."

"However, we said that King Anqing had the intention of going against the Zhou Dynasty and sent someone to assassinate his father. When his father sent someone to Qingnan, King Anqing strongly denied it, saying that the assassin had nothing to do with him. Then our plan would be seen through. I always feel that there are loopholes in this plan, it is too dangerous." Feng Rong still has some doubts.

"Your Highness, what you thought of, we have thought of it a long time ago." Xiao Zhenhai showed a scheming smile on his face, "Of course this assassin can't make the emperor suspect His Highness Ninth, but this is just the first step in the plan. And this Su Hanxiao is a good medicine."

"Now, let's move on to our next plan. Let King Anqing be convicted of treason, and then push Brother Nine Emperors into the abyss. He has been proud of himself for too long." Feng Qianyue lifted her foot and walked leisurely into the house,

Xiao Zhenhai and Feng Rong looked at each other, and then walked in——

"What did you say?" Zhou Chengdi looked at the person in front of him, stood up abruptly, and asked angrily.

"Back to the emperor, I have indeed grasped the definite evidence that King Anqing intends to rebel. The assassin was undoubtedly sent by King Anqing." Fan Ming of the General's Mansion sent several letters to Emperor Zhou Cheng.

Emperor Zhou Cheng frowned, and quickly flipped through the letters one by one. These letters were all letters between King Anqing and Khitan Yelu Chongyuan. The more he looked at them, the more angry he became, and finally he put the letters on the ground. When he fell, he said angrily:
"Pan Xilin is an old man, he dared to secretly unite with Khitan to suppress the imperial court, I will punish his nine clans."

Fan Ming continued, "Your Majesty, Marshal Lian Yanfu has been stationed at Shanhaiguan for many years. He has experienced hundreds of battles and has been called a general who has won many battles over the years. This time he fought against Khitan, not only failed to repel Yelu Chongyuan, but the last few times After repeated battles and repeated defeats, Yelu Chongyuan forced him to have no room for maneuver, and finally had to turn to the court for help and asked His Highness the Eighth Prince to send troops.

Weichen used to be the lieutenant general of Marshal Lian Yanfu, well aware of his outstanding military talent, but this time it was really unusual, so Weichen became suspicious and sent people to investigate deeply. Marshal Lian knew almost everything about the combat deployment.

After further investigation, Weichen was covered in cold sweat. It turned out that King Anqing had sent his confidantes into Shanhaiguan many years ago and had mastered many secrets of the Marshal Lian's battle. This time, he wrote all these secrets in a letter and told Yelu Chongyuan, his condition is that after Yelu Chongyuan entered the Central Plains, he would support him to rebel against the Zhou Dynasty and rebuild the former dynasty. He promised to give Yelu Chongyuan gold, silver and land at that time.

The letters that Weichen finally obtained are just the tip of the iceberg.

Your Majesty, it has not been a day or two since King Anqing harbored evil intentions.

King Anqing was clearly pretending to accept the Tweet Order, but he was secretly plotting to assassinate the Emperor.How could the Nine Highnesses not be aware of the fact that they were careful and thoughtful?

The official also suspects that the disappearance of the son of the Lian family is also related to King Anqing. The official even suspects that there is an unspeakable secret between His Royal Highness Nine and Yelu Chongyuan. "

"He dares!" Emperor Zhou Cheng yelled angrily, "Come here, call everyone immediately, and I will announce how to execute King Anqing and the nine sons!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Fan Ming bowed his head, with a smile on his lips, bent over, and hurried out.

"Crack!" Emperor Zhou Cheng went to Concubine Liang's yard first, and threw a stack of letter paper in front of Concubine Liang.

Concubine Liang was taken aback, and knelt down, "I don't know why the emperor is angry, please explain clearly."

"Huh!" Zhou Chengdi snorted coldly, "Two days ago, the assassins assassinated me, and they all thought that Lao Jiu was not good at handling things, which caused such a thing to happen, but you told me to trust your child, because he grew up In the palm of my hand, there is nowhere to escape, I am moved by your words, I believe it!

But look...

This is a letter exchange between King Anqing and Yelu Chongyuan. King Anqing has long since betrayed me. Lao Jiu has been in the south of Qing for many days. Instead of seeing anything, he said the words of King Anqing's loyalty in the prepared memorial.

I now suspect that your son is very problematic!Are you taking revenge on me for throwing you into limbo and kicking him out of court? "

"The emperor calm down, Zheng'er..."

"Okay!" Zhou Chengdi interrupted Concubine Liang, and said, "Come here, put Concubine Liang under house arrest. Without real permission, don't go out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned and walked away quickly.

"Your Majesty, I don't know what happened, but I still say the same thing, Zheng'er is in your palm, and he can't escape anywhere." Concubine Liang looked at the back of Emperor Zhou Cheng and said. .

Emperor Zhou Cheng paused slightly, but never looked back.

Holding a can of soup in her hand, Qingdai saw the emperor leaving Concubine Liang angrily, and she didn't deliver the soup, so she hurried to Lian Siyue and said eagerly:

"Miss, it's not good, the imperial concubine is under house arrest by the emperor, and the servants heard with their own ears that the emperor said that the imperial concubine was not allowed to leave without his order."

After Lian Siyue heard this, she paused her hand holding the writing brush, "Is the imperial concubine all right?"

"The servant took a quick look at the imperial concubine sitting on the chair with a calm expression on her face, as if she had gotten used to it." Qing Dai said after thinking about it.

Lian Siyue put down the brush and said, "Accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. The imperial concubine is probably used to it."

Being husband and wife with the emperor, there is no love between husband and wife, one by one, it is all based on calculations, if you are favored today, you may be thrown into the cold palace tomorrow, no one can enjoy the glory forever.

The emperor's kindness... is too shallow, too shallow.

"Miss, what should we do now?" Qing Dai asked.

Lian Siyue thought for a moment and said, "Wait."

Feng Yunzheng said that day that he would have to wait two days for his reappearance, and it should be time for him to reappear after the imperial concubine suffered such a calamity today.

"This time, Feng Qianyue really made a big move. Over the past year or so, he has really learned a lot. If he is an ordinary person, he has already crushed him to the point where there is not even scum left." Lian Siyue's lips overflowed A hint of sarcasm.

Inside the hall.

The fourth prince Feng Qianyue, the sixth prince Feng Yu, the tenth prince Feng Rong, Duke Xiao Zhenhai, Zhang Yingzhi from the Ministry of Criminal Justice, General Fan Ming and others all prostrated themselves on the ground.

Emperor Zhou Cheng looked angry, and held up the letter between King Anqing and Yelu Chongyuan in his hand and said:

"Let's talk about it, how should I deal with rebellious officials and thieves like King Anqing?"

Xiao Zhenhai looked around, took the letter paper, glanced at it, his expression changed drastically, and he said in surprise, "Your Majesty, this, this Pan Xilin is really going to turn against me. I was thinking that there was something wrong with the assassin, but now It seems that the assassin is real and the assassination is real.

Your majesty, this minister thinks that Pan Xilin must be strangled!

But His Highness the Ninth Prince bears an unshirkable responsibility, if he hadn't taken it lightly, how could it have developed to this point?

Please make a quick decision, Your Majesty, without further delay. "

"We must deal with Feng Yunzheng seriously!" Zhou Chengdi slapped the table with his palm.

Father finally said these words, Feng Qianyue had a smile on his face, but he quickly hid the smile, prostrated himself on the ground, and said, "Father, is there something wrong with this? Misunderstood, Brother Nine Emperors, maybe he has some difficulties?"

"Hmph!" Emperor Zhou Cheng snorted coldly, "He said in the memorial that he was full of vigor, what difficulties could he have!"

"Your Majesty, it's not good! King Anping is rebellious!" Before the emperor made a formal decision, another heavy news came, and a dusty Zhou soldier ran all the way in from the outside, knelt on the ground, and said .


The person who reported the letter said, "King Anping told Pingzhou that he had always been loyal to the imperial court, but the imperial court was unjust to him. His Highness Ninth Prince announced the implementation of the decree of favor, but then killed the eldest son Lu Mao. If he can't continue, he will divide all his family's wealth and become an ordinary person, so he won't have to suffer any more in the future.

Those soldiers refused to receive the money, and wanted King Anping to rebel. King Anping had no choice but to raise the banner of rebelling against Zhou. King Anguang also followed in the footsteps of King Anping.

Now the flames of war have spread from Pingzhou, Your Majesty, quickly find a way to stop it! "

The person who came wiped his sweat, panted and said loudly.

"What, it's Lao Ninth again!" Emperor Zhou Cheng held the chair tightly, "Now that we are passive with Khitan, Pingzhou has started to rebel again. Zheng's responsibility!"

When Xiao Zhenhai and Feng Qianyue heard the news suddenly, they were shocked at the same time, especially Xiao Zhenhai, who quickly judged the current situation in his mind.

They focused their attention on King Anguang, and King Anping was too powerful, so they did not move Pingzhou.

Why did King Anping turn against him all of a sudden, saying that Feng Yunzheng had killed his eldest son Lu Mao? What's going on?

"Your Majesty, because of the negligence of the Ninth Highness, King Anqing united with Khitan, and King Anping rebelled against Zhou..."

"You fart!" At this moment, a voice suddenly rang out, everyone looked back, and when they saw the person walking in, they were all stunned
Isn't His Ninth Prince in Pingzhou?how come……

Feng Qianyue suddenly turned her head and looked towards the door, only to see Feng Yunzheng walking in, without any panic or embarrassment, he was calm and composed, as if he came on auspicious clouds.

What was even more surprising was that behind him was Lu Mao, the elder son of Pingzhou, who was tied up by Wuhuada, and the person who scolded Xiao Zhenhai just now was a woman holding a nine-jointed whip.

I saw that the woman walked up to Emperor Zhou Cheng regardless of the etiquette, and said, "Your Majesty, I in Qingnan are very supportive of the promulgation of the Tweet Order. My father Pan Xilin, King of Anqing, has always been loyal to the Emperor and the court. With the heart of disobedience, today the emperor listens to the slander of these treacherous ministers, it is really sad."

(End of this chapter)

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