First-class daughter

Chapter 626 Request to Withdraw the Domain

Chapter 626 Request to Withdraw the Domain
Chapter 626 Request to Withdraw the Domain
"Bold, how dare you yell in front of the emperor to disturb Shengjia, come here, drag this woman down, and beat her thirty times!" The majestic Duke Xiao Zhenhai was scolded by this reckless yellow-haired girl in public, and suddenly felt humiliated. .

"Hmph! What are you? The emperor didn't even say that he would hit me. You yelled in front of the emperor. Do you take the emperor seriously?" Pan Ruochu gave Xiao Zhenhai a disdainful look.

She grew up in Qingnan, and her father, King Anqing, was the overlord of that side. She was held in the hands of her father and brother since she was a child, and she was always proud.

"You..." Xiao Zhenhai didn't expect that someone would dare to be so rude to him in public, and his beard blew out in anger.

"Who are you, how dare you disregard important court officials?" Zhou Chengdi asked.

Then Pan Ruochu knelt down and said, "My daughter is Pan Ruochu, the youngest daughter of King Pan Xilin of Anqing. Ruochu will meet the emperor. Long live the emperor."

Pan Ruochu?
This is King Anqing's daughter?

Everyone looked at her and thought, why is the Pan family's daughter here now?She came in with His Highness the Ninth Prince, what purpose does she have?
Feng Qianyue stared at Pan Ruochu closely with her icy eyes, feeling the same doubts as the others, but he was more sensitive, with an ominous premonition in his heart——

This Pan Ruochu was beyond his plan.

Feng Yunzheng also stepped forward, knelt down on one knee, and said, "Father, my son is back, and my son pays respects to my father, long live my father, long live my father!"

"You two are really courageous. Yun Zheng, you made an unforgivable mistake, and Pan Ruochu, your father secretly wrote a letter to collude with Khitan. Aren't you afraid that I will punish you to death?"

After hearing this, Pan Ruochu was surprised, "My father colluded with Khitan? How is this possible? Absolutely impossible! I don't know where the emperor's news comes from."

"Now, you still want to quibble. This king has already ordered King Anqing to be arrested and escorted to Beijing." Emperor Zhou Cheng said.

"Your Majesty clearly understands that my father was wronged. In fact, the servant girl who came here this time was ordered by my father to present a batch of treasures to you, the Emperor, and to implore the Emperor to revoke my father's title of vassal king in order to express my gratitude to the Emperor. To express his loyalty, how could he join forces with Khitan to deal with the imperial court? Your Majesty, you must have made a mistake."

Take the initiative to beg for withdrawal?

When Pan Ruochu said this, not only Zhou Chengdi, but the rest of the people were also stunned——

The system of the vassal state is independent, and the name of the vassal king means power, territory, and wealth——

Pan Xilin would actually propose to revoke the title of feudal king?
Feng Qianyue and Xiao Zhenhai looked at each other, what's going on?King Anqing asked to revoke the vassal king, how could they know nothing about this news.

All of a sudden, there were two completely different opinions about Panxilin——

One is scheming and has an undying heart against Zhou; the other is loyal and supports the emperor.

"Pan Ruochu, your father asked me to withdraw from the domain?" Emperor Zhou Cheng frowned tightly and asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I have brought my father's royal seal and handed it back to the Emperor." After speaking, Pan Ruochu signaled to the guard behind him, and the man walked over with a cloth wrapped in both hands.

Pan Ruochu uncovered the silk cloth, and everyone saw that it was actually the seal of King Anqing.

"The emperor, please take back the seal and announce the revocation of Anqing Wang's position as vassal king." Pan Ruochu raised the seal high and said loudly.

This seal has been handed in, there is no possibility that there will be a fake.

"Why did King Anqing suddenly request to withdraw the feudal domain?" Zhou Chengdi asked.

"Go back to the emperor, because my father has always been aware of the ambitions of King Anping and King Anguang. He is worried that one day, those two vassals will do things that are not good for the court and the emperor, and get him involved. In order not to be misunderstood by the emperor and the world in the future, my father made the decision to request withdrawal of the feudal domain, this is my father's memorial, please read it your majesty." Pan Ruochu presented the memorial again.

"Bring it here!" Zhou Chengdi ordered impatiently.

Feng Degui hurriedly took the memorial from Pan Ruochu and presented it. Emperor Zhou Cheng hurriedly opened it and saw that the memorial was indeed King Anqing's request to withdraw it. In the memorial, King Anqing explained in detail why he wanted to withdraw the feudal domain, and every word and every sentence expressed his sincerity. Che, finally said that he was proud to be the emperor's courtiers, and was willing to take the initiative to hand in the commander's seal leading the [-] army.

Zhou Chengdi looked at it, and finally a smile appeared on his face——

This is both a seal and a memorial, which is enough to explain King Anqing's intentions.

Pan Ruochu continued, "Your Majesty, in fact, the reason why my father finally made the decision to request the withdrawal of the feudal domain is inseparable from His Highness Ninth Prince."

"Oh?" Emperor Zhou Cheng's gaze fell on Feng Yunzheng and asked, "Where do we start?"

"When His Royal Highness Jiu was in Qingnan, he had a secret conversation with my father for three days and three nights, persuading my father to give up his position as vassal king, and expressing his sincerity to the emperor. My father finally followed His Highness Jiu's suggestion, and then ordered the courtiers to bring Go to Kyoto with the memorial and seal to meet the emperor." Pan Ruochu explained in detail.

Emperor Zhou Cheng was very happy when he heard this. His anger towards Feng Yunzheng just now dissipated. He clapped his palms and said, "In this way, Yunzheng has made a great contribution and relieved the great trouble in my heart!"

Feng Yunzheng showed a humble expression on his face, and said, "Father, this is what I should do as a prince. It's just..." He paused, looked at some people present, and said, "My son I just heard that King Anqing conspired against the Zhou Dynasty, how could there be such a rumor? If this matter reaches the ears of King Anqing, I am afraid that all my efforts will be in vain."

Feng Yunzheng's last words contained huge invisible power, which shocked the family, especially Fan Ming, who frequently raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"Yes, Your Majesty, this is related to my father's reputation. Please, Your Majesty, give justice to my father, a loyal minister!" Pan Ruochu said immediately, his eyes fell on Xiao Zhenhai, and asked, "Your Majesty, it's him Speak ill of my father?"

Xiao Zhenhai's face tightened, and he said harshly, "Young girl, don't push yourself too far!" There was clearly a hint of warning in these words.

"Fan Ming, what happened to the correspondence between King Anqing and Khitan that you handed over to me?"

Fan Yu fell to the ground with a plop, and said, "Your Majesty, I think about these letters. These letters are most likely written by King Anqing before he wrote the letter requesting withdrawal."

After hearing this, Feng Yunzheng looked at the sweaty Fan Ming and said, "General Fan, you must be responsible for what you say."

Fan Ming's heart trembled violently, more sweat dripped from his forehead, and he couldn't help but look in Xiao Zhenhai's direction, "My humble minister, my humble minister..."

(End of this chapter)

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