Chapter 627
Chapter 627
At this moment, the air seemed to be frozen. Fan Ming frequently raised his hands to wipe his sweat. The atmosphere in the hall was very oppressive.

Feng Qianyue quickly thought about how to deal with Pan Ruochu who suddenly came out, and how to cover Fan Ming's mouth so that he would admit his guilt.

Xiao Zhenhai's forehead began to sweat slightly, this Pan Ruochu is really troublesome, now I only hope that when the emperor wants to punish, Fan Ming can take it wholeheartedly.

"Princess Ruochu, go and read these letters." Feng Yunzheng motioned to Pan Ruochu.

"I've wanted to see for a long time, who wronged my father." Pan Ruochu walked over, bent down to pick up the letter papers from the ground, unfolded them one by one, with a sarcastic smile on his face, and said, "The person who wrote the letter really put in a lot of hard work. The handwriting is exactly the same as my father's. It's just that my father never writes letters with blank paper. He is used to using cloth, and he also uses it for the emperor's memorial It's cloth."

As soon as Pan Ruochu said this, Fan Ming was startled, his body was so weak that he couldn't straighten up.

Emperor Zhou Cheng nodded and said, "That's true. King Anqing's correspondence with me over the years is all written in cloth, and I just neglected this point."

Feng Yunzheng walked up to Fan Ming, looked down at the person in front of him, and said:

"Bold Fan Ming, in order to get King Anqing to submit to the court willingly, this king has spent a lot of effort and spies for three days and three nights. He finally agreed to withdraw the domain, but now you are obstructing it. You want to destroy this king and the king. An agreement between King Anqing?"

"I don't dare, I don't dare!" Fan Yu was sweating profusely and her face was pale.

"Your Majesty, my father has been working hard all these years as a vassal king, and now he doesn't even want the title of vassal king. It's really unfair to be charged with these trumped-up charges here. Please also, Your Majesty, Prove for my father, restore my father's innocence!" Pan Ruochu suddenly knelt on the ground, and said to the emperor, "If the emperor can't restore my father's innocence, the minister will not be able to kneel for a long time. If the emperor wants to cut off the head of the minister, The courtiers didn't get up either."

"Father, my son's painstaking efforts have been destroyed by others. It doesn't matter if my son is misunderstood, but if King Anqing is misunderstood, it is a major national event. Fan Ming should be punished for his crime!" Feng Yunzheng faced Emperor Zhou Cheng ,road.

"Fan Ming, don't you hurry up and clarify what are these letters? Do you want me to put you in prison?" Zhou Chengdi scolded with a sullen expression on his face.

At this moment, Fan Yu's eyes were scarlet, and the bean-sized sweat was getting more and more, he finally fell on the ground with a plop, his whole body was limp as if stuck to the ground, he suddenly opened his mouth— —

"No, he's going to commit suicide!" Night Breeze's sharp eyes narrowed, and he quickly used the hidden weapon in his hand, hitting Fan Ming's mouth. Immediately, a mouthful of blood flowed out of his mouth, and he still bit his tongue .

"Bold Fan Ming, you dare to use death to disobey my will. As a general, do you think that I will let this matter go if you die? If you die, I will kill your nine clans!" Emperor Zhou Cheng pointed to Fan Ming.

And Fan Ming was trembling, but couldn't utter a single word.

"Come here, bring water!" Feng Yunzheng ordered, but his eyes slowly looked at Feng Qianyue. Feng Qianyue's hand had already been clenched tightly at some point. Facing Feng Yunzheng's gaze, his heart ached. A trace of deep meaning.

The water was brought, a bucket full, and poured all over Fan Ming's body. He shivered all over and woke up.

He suddenly cried bitterly, and said, "Your Majesty, yes, it was my minister who was confused for a while. My minister, my minister fabricated these letters. It was all my fault. The emperor wants to punish me. I have no complaints. I just ask the emperor Let Weichen's family go."

Hearing Fan Ming's answer, Feng Qianyue's fist in the sleeve slowly loosened a little, and Xiao Zhenhai's breath hanging in his heart also sank.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid that General Fan is trying his best to hide something?" At this time, a clear and clear voice suddenly came from outside the hall, and everyone followed the voice to look over, only to see the Xiangfu Lian Siyue walking over.

When Feng Yunzheng saw this beautiful figure, the sharpness in his eyes turned into warmth, and his deep eyes were full of tender affection.

If you like someone, you can have a kind of magical power, that is, you can detect the emotions of that person immediately. Pan Ruochu quickly noticed the change of emotion in Feng Yunzheng's eyes, and she was slightly taken aback , his eyes firmly fell on Lian Siyue's body——

This is the sweetheart of His Royal Highness Ninth Prince?

She looked at Lian Siyue with scrutiny, and analyzed in her heart, what kind of person is this?

Even Siyue was aware of the sizing up of the strange woman in the palace, there was clearly a desire to challenge in her eyes, and when she looked at her again, she already understood something in her heart.

Lian Siyue withdrew her thoughts, faced everyone's gaze, walked to the hall without distraction, knelt down, and said, "My daughter, see the emperor."

Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at the person in front of him and asked, "What do you think Fan Ming is covering up? What do you know?"

"Your majesty, it's not that the courtier knows something, but someone knows that she asked the courtier to bring her here." Lian Siyue said.

"Who?" Zhou Chengdi asked.

"It's the smiling girl who blocked the assassin for the emperor." Lian Siyue said, and nodded towards the outside of the hall, and Emperor Zhou Cheng saw Su Hanxiao lying on a low couch, carried in by several eunuchs.

Feng Yunzheng was taken aback for a moment, and took a sudden step forward. Xiao Zhenhai was also taken aback when he saw Su Hanxiao——

She should be resting in the emperor's courtyard, waiting to be canonized. What is she doing here at this time?
I saw that Su Hanxiao nodded towards Emperor Zhou Cheng, and said in a weak voice, "Your Majesty, the daughters of the people can't kneel down to pay you respects, please forgive me."

Emperor Zhou Cheng raised his hand, signaled the eunuch to put down her low couch, and said, "You came here in such a hurry, what do you want to say to me..."

"Minister, Minnen..." Su Hanxiao was stared at by Emperor Zhou Cheng's majestic eyes, and seeing so many important figures in this scene, she suddenly felt very nervous. Can't tell.

Lian Siyue knew Su Hanxiao's heart, after all, she was just an ordinary person, suitable for such an occasion?It is natural to be nervous and afraid.

She said to the emperor, "Your Majesty, Miss Hanxiao is probably too nervous."

"What do you have to say, say it boldly, I won't blame you." Emperor Zhou Cheng gave Su Hanxiao a reassurance. Looking at her face, her every move.

Su Hanxiao still pursed her lips tightly, not daring to speak.

Xiao Zhenhai was already anxious like an ant on a hot pot, he cursed in his heart, this bitch, if she doesn't stay with the emperor to recuperate, what does she want to do with Lian Shiyue Ginseng at this time!
Su Hanxiao felt a chill rising up her back, she finally met Xiao Zhenhai's gaze slowly, Xiao Zhenhai slightly pursed his lips, and gave her a warning!
Su Hanxiao shuddered all over, and the image of his brother in the past suddenly appeared in his mind.

Because of the cinnabar mole between her eyebrows, she was considered an ominous person by the whole village. She was abused since she was a child, and her parents hated her very much. Only my brother loves her!



This man lied to her and killed her brother!
Su Hanxiao's body trembled, and tears flowed from her eyes. She clenched her fists tightly, turned her head to look at Emperor Zhou Cheng, and said:
"Your majesty, the daughter of the people knows that the assassin who assassinated the emperor was not sent by King Anqing, but..."

"But who?" Zhou Chengdi asked with a tense voice.

"Yes, it's His Royal Highness and the Lord!" Su Hanxiao said with tears in his eyes as if he had finally made up his mind!

After hearing this, Feng Yunzheng and Xiao Zhenhai suddenly looked at Su Hanxiao!

(End of this chapter)

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