Chapter 628
Chapter 628
After Feng Qianyue and Xiao Zhenhai heard this, they suddenly looked at Su Hanxiao! (Wrongly written in the previous chapter)

Su Hanxiao dared to accuse the Fourth Prince and Xiao Guogong at the same time, is she crazy? !

"What did you say? Say it again" Zhou Chengdi was taken aback for a moment, then lowered his voice and asked with a cold face.

"It's just nonsense!" Xiao Zhenhai immediately reprimanded angrily, "How could Your Highness Fourth and I arrange for someone to assassinate the emperor? If you dare to say such a thing, you may be stunned."

"Your Majesty, the girl is not lying, nor is she in a daze, what I say is the truth." Su Hanxiao told herself that the person in front of her was the one who killed her brother, so she needn't be afraid!She finally summoned up all her courage and said, "One night, the girl was about to go back to her room after practicing the pipa, but when she came to the room, she found that the purse she was wearing had fallen off, and she went back to look for it. With the sound of footsteps, the girl found that the speaker was the chime master of the musician group. After a closer look, the person who spoke to him seemed familiar. He told the chime master that the plan had changed, and the time of the assassination would be changed to the emperor's. The day before leaving Ningde Mountain Villa, the chime master asked why the plan was changed, and the man said that it was the intention of His Highness the Fourth Highness and Duke Xiao, and it was enough to carry it out without further questioning.

Minnv was very scared at the time, and hid behind a tree for a long time before she came out.

On the night of the assassination of the emperor, the reason why the girls repeatedly played the wrong tune was because they were afraid, and they were always on guard against the chime master who would attack the emperor. "

After Su Hanxiao finished speaking, cold sweat broke out all over her body. After all, the person she was facing was the dignified fourth prince and the Duke of the State, but when she thought of her brother's death and her own future, she couldn't care about anything else.

All the people present were silent after hearing Su Hanxiao's accusation. The Fourth Highness had just been favored and was accused of attempting to murder the emperor. If it was true, what he did to the emperor before was too purposeful. strong.

"Four sons, how do you explain this matter?" Zhou Chengdi asked
Feng Qianyue looked very calm, without the slightest panic, and said, "Your Majesty, there are many loopholes in this woman's words, and I will wait for my son to question them one by one. He said, looking at Su Hanxiao with sharp eyes, "This king asks you: First, if the king really ordered the assassin to do this, how could he be so careless and be overheard by a little musician like you; second, since you already know that the assassin is going to attack the emperor, why would you rather risk your life to do so? Blocking the dagger, but also unwilling to inform the emperor in advance? "

Under his gaze, Su Hanxiao felt very scared. After all, she was just an ordinary person and didn't understand the struggle between these people. When asked by Feng Qianyue, she suddenly became speechless and stammered. , "I, I..." I couldn't help looking at Lian Siyue.

Feng Qianyue continued to speak coldly, "Who ordered you to wrong this king, and you have to figure out what benefits they promised you."

Xiao Zhenhai even looked filled with righteous indignation after being framed, and said, "Your Majesty, what did this old minister do wrong to be so wronged by a musician. This old minister has always been loyal to the emperor, please the emperor to return this old minister's innocence."

As he spoke, he also knelt on the ground with his knees bent, refusing to get up.

But Su Hanxiao bit her lower lip and didn't say anything more, this is what the county lord told her, as long as she told the facts she heard and saw, and don't argue about the rest no matter what the Fourth Highness and Xiao Guogong said.

The reason why Lian Siyue made such an explanation is that firstly, there are too many mistakes in such things, and secondly, if Su Hanxiao's argument is too reasonable, it will make Emperor Zhou Cheng wonder if this little musician was ordered by others, like her Now it's a little trembling, and the feeling of submissiveness is just right.

Zhou Chengdi's deep eyes looked at everyone in the field, judging what everyone said, he finally got up, walked up to Su Hanxiao step by step, bent slightly, and looked at the picture in front of him, which was no different from Zining. Looking slowly into her eyes, he asked:
"What you said is true?"

Su Hanxiao's heart trembled, her watery eyes drooped slightly, and she nodded.

"You raised your head, looked into my eyes and told me, since you heard that someone was going to assassinate me, why didn't you tell me?" Zhou Chengdi said.

"Because, because the minnv is very scared, the minnv really has no idea, the emperor can't see it all the time, the minnv is afraid that she will be killed before she even sees the emperor's face, and, also, the minnv speaks softly, His Highness the Fourth is the prince, and the Duke of the State is your important minister of the emperor. No one would believe what the daughter of the people said.

Therefore, the minnv had no choice but to be on guard against the chime master all the time. When the minnv noticed his movements, she immediately threw herself on the emperor to block the knife for the emperor. "

"Bloody spit! Blood spit! Your Majesty, think about it, Your Majesty, the Fourth Highness is willing to give up his life for you, Your Majesty, now he has finally settled his feud with the Emperor, and it is too late to cherish him. Don't wrong your Highness the Fourth Highness." Xiao Zhenhai looked heartbroken, and suddenly looked at Lian Siyue fiercely with sharp eyes, and said, "It's you again, Lian Siyue, again It's you, the yellow-haired girl who is afraid of chaos in the world, and you are the one who encouraged this musician to slander me and Fourth Highness!"

Lian Siyue showed an innocent and bewildered expression, and said, "My lord, if you want to commit a crime, there is nothing wrong with it."


"Enough!" Xiao Zhenhai wanted to continue to refute Lian Siyue, but was interrupted by Feng Yunzheng's cold voice. Pan Ruochu stared at Feng Yunzheng carefully. He looked like he was letting you argue, but when Xiao Guogong began to reprimand this woman named Lian Siyue, the lightness in his eyes disappeared in an instant, replaced by a wave of With fierce evil spirit, it seems that someone has touched his treasure, and he wants to protect it with all his strength.

When Pan Ruochu saw this, the hole that was missing in his heart grew bigger and bigger. When he was in Qingnan, he rejected her. She had already made a decision not to marry for life. Later, his father wanted to send someone to Beijing Submitting the memorial and seal, but she accepted the order without hesitation, only she knew——

She couldn't let go of this first person who fascinated her,

Feng Yunzheng looked at Xiao Zhenhai coldly, and said, "Duke Xiao, as a majestic lord, this king has always admired you very much, but now, in order to prove your innocence, you are angrily reprimanding a little girl. Wang thinks that you are no doubt like ordinary street shrews."

"Brother Nine Emperors, what you said is unfair. Now, this king and Xiao Guogong have been framed to assassinate their father. Such a huge frame-up, if we don't rush to clean it up, I'm afraid they will really be framed." Feng Qian The more he looked at Feng Yunzheng, he said.

(End of this chapter)

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