Chapter 630
Chapter 630
He also told Minnv how to speak and how to walk. Minnv once asked the Duke of the country what he wanted Minnv to do. He, he just said let me do it, and it will make Minnv rich and prosperous in the future. , I can’t enjoy it enough... Minnv dare not want the glory and wealth that does not belong to her, but Minnv is just an ordinary citizen, so Minnv is very afraid, so she can only do as ordered, and then, the Duke of the country asked Minv The girl came to the musician class to play the pipa, and the girl waited here for a while, practicing every day, and finally met the emperor... The girl still doesn't know who the Duke is asking the girl to imitate... But , seems to have caused trouble to the emperor, the emperor, please forgive me. "

This is what Lian Siyue ordered, so it’s enough to stop here, let Emperor Zhou Cheng know that Su Hanxiao was deliberately trained by Xiao Zhenhai and sent to him, and it’s okay to hide the part where Su Hanxiao deliberately blocked the knife to gain favor. Saved Su Hanxiao.

Emperor Zhou Cheng's eyes were cold, and he said sarcastically, "So, this Su Hanxiao was actually specially arranged for me by your father-in-law, who knows everything, even my private affairs from 20 years ago. Chu, how many eyeliners have been planted by my side?"

After hearing this, Xiao Zhenhai bent his knees, fell to his knees suddenly, and said: "Your majesty, my minister, I know the emperor's heart troubles over the years, I know that Mrs. Zining has done a lot for the emperor... I arranged for Su Hanxiao , Absolutely did not mean to deceive the emperor, I just saw that the emperor's dragon body is not in good condition recently, so I racked my brains to do something to make the emperor happy. When Weichen accidentally saw Su Hanxiao, he was also shocked.

Then he made up his own mind, brought her back to the mansion, and trained her according to the way Mrs. Zi Ning was when she was alive, so that the emperor would be happy when he saw her, but Wei Chen was worried that sending her directly to the emperor's side would make the emperor think it was too much. It was blunt, so, that's why she was secretly arranged at Ningde Villa first.

Weichen did not expect so many problems to arise.

However, the emperor clearly learned that this Su Hanxiao's family members were not killed by Weichen personally. Presumably, the people below misunderstood Weichen's meaning, and they were afraid that Su Hanxiao would get into trouble because of his difficult family in the future, so they simply killed Su Hanxiao. Her family members. "

Xiao Zhenhai explained, his eyes glanced at Su Hanxiao inadvertently, Su Hanxiao suddenly felt that his back was split in two, and the injured part hurt even more.

Listening to Xiao Zhenhai's words, Lian Siyue sighed in her heart, an old fox is an old fox, and a poisonous scorpion is a poisonous scorpion. In a few words, she arranged the exit discipline and arranged Su Hanxiao to Zhou Chengdi's side, and described the matter of cultivating her own power in the future as her own desire for Zhou Chengdi. A lot of painstaking efforts.

It's a pity that when he was trying his best to find a way, he ignored one thing - although Emperor Zhou Cheng had concerns for Mrs. Zining, Emperor Zhou Cheng didn't like others to guess his deepest thoughts.

In particular, Lian Siyue heard from Princess Anguo that Su Hanxiao's every word and deed, every frown and smile, were exactly the same as Mrs. Zining 18 years ago, so that when Emperor Zhou Cheng saw her, he lost his mind.However, this was also what Emperor Zhou Cheng could not tolerate the most.

Sure enough, after Emperor Zhou Cheng sneered, he said slowly, "Xiao Aiqing understands Zi Ning very well, and she observed very carefully in the past." The video in the corner of his eyes showed anger, and his voice became more and more indifferent, "Should I think about it carefully?" How should I reward you for your dedication to Zining?"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhenhai was already sweating profusely. Like Fan Ming just now, he started to wipe his sweat with his hands frequently, "I am guilty, I dare not, I have absolutely no disrespect to Mrs. Zi Ning, I... "

"Yes, you don't dare to disrespect Zi Ning, you just tried your best to guess my holy will." Zhou Chengdi's majestic eyes were burning with a cold evil spirit, and his heart for this courtier had already deviated. ...

"Yes, yes, I'm guilty of this crime. I ask the emperor to punish me. It's all my own decision. I pay too much attention to your emperor's joys, sorrows and joys. I deserve death." Xiao Guogong was sweating profusely.

Feng Qianyue looked at his distressed appearance, and the hairs on his back stood up. He already felt that things had completely deviated from the original plan. From the moment Pan Ruochu appeared, things were not completely under his control.

Now, what should we do?
His eyes lingered between Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue——

"Father, now that Su Hanxiao's identity has been clarified, this is entirely under Xiao Guogong's order. In order to please Father, he will do everything possible!"

Feng Yunzheng mercilessly accused Xiao Zhenhai, Xiao Zhenhai had already been reprimanded by the emperor, so he could only hold back his silence.

Then the son has one more important thing to report now, please report to the emperor. "Because the father is already extremely dissatisfied with Xiao Zhenhai, Feng Yunzheng is going to strike while the iron is hot.

"I was also going to ask you, what's the matter with Lu Mao? Didn't King Anping say that you killed the eldest son Lu Mao, why is Lu Mao here so well, please tell me." Zhou Chengdi looked at him suspiciously. Lu Mao, whose mouth was gagged with a rag, asked.

"Father, just now Xiao Guogong said that if you want to talk about evidence, I want to show them the evidence from Pingzhou first. The evidence here is enough to prove that Xiao Guogong is not innocent. On the contrary, he has committed a heinous crime and deserves to be punished. "

As Feng Yunzheng said, he signaled Night Breeze to take out a stack of letterheads, presented it to Emperor Zhou Cheng, and said, "Father, Fan Ming has a letter in his hand proving that King Anqing and Yelu Chongyuan colluded, but this has already been proven to be false." Yes, but the letters between Duke Xiao and his father-in-law King Anping in my son's hands are all true, please read them."

Xiao Zhenhai's forehead began to sweat slightly again, Feng Qianyue's eyes narrowed, and he looked at Xiao Zhenhai——

As Emperor Zhou Cheng flipped through the letterheads, Feng Yunzheng continued, "These letters are from when my ministers lived in the Anping Palace, pretending to be addicted to wine, sex and wealth, so that the guard Night Breeze took the opportunity to sneak into Lu Shang's secret room and take it at the risk of his life." arrived.

My son-in-law has read every letter, most of them are family letters between Xiao Zhenhai and Lu Shang's son-in-law, there is no problem, but four of them were resolved after my son-in-law proposed to use the Tweet Order. It was written after the issue of the growing power of the vassal king. In the four letters, Xiao Guogong encouraged King Anping to raise troops in every possible way, both openly and secretly, to destroy the decree of Tui En, and Xiao Zhenhai also made a promise to King Anping. He will send troops to help King Anping, eradicate King Anqing and King Anguang, and make King Anping the lord of the San Francisco.

As a result, King Anping really took the opportunity to raise troops now.

(End of this chapter)

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