First-class daughter

Chapter 631 The Unexpected Incident

Chapter 631 The Unexpected Incident
Chapter 631 The Unexpected Incident
"Hmm..." Night Breeze kicked Lu Mao's knee hard with a corner. Lu Mao bent his knees and fell to his knees. Feng Yunzheng signaled, and Night Breeze tore off the rag from his mouth. .

"Cough, cough, cough..." Lu Mao coughed forcefully, "You, you, Feng Yunzheng, you are so, so despicable, you actually, actually in Pingzhou, bought and arranged so many things people!"

Feng Yunzheng looked down at the man kneeling and struggling on the ground, and said, "I know that Pingzhou is a tiger's den, so of course I will make some arrangements first, otherwise you will never return?"

"Hmph! I, Lu Mao, am also a man. Now that I've fallen into your hands, I'm going to be killed or cut to pieces. You can do whatever you want. I have nothing to fear." Lu Mao's face was tense, and his eyes were scarlet. Staring at Feng Yunzheng, he said.

"At the end of poor anger, there is nothing to fear." Feng Yunzheng regarded Lu Mao's integrity as dung.

"You!" Lu Mao's face turned red.

Feng Yunzheng continued to say to the emperor: "Father, the reason King Anping gave to the people of the world is that on the one hand, this king went to Pingzhou to implement the decree of favor, but on the other hand, he killed the eldest son Lu Mao, and did not take the Lu family seriously." .

But in fact, it was the Lu family who wanted to kill the son-in-law first. When the son-in-law was still in Qingnan, he was hunted down by the assassin sent by King Anqing. Moreover, he cunningly let the assassin he arranged become King Anqing's, I want me to mistakenly think that King Anqing is going to kill me. "

"Your Majesty, Ruochu can testify to this point. At that time, the court lady went to the Jinli Inn to look for His Highness the Ninth Highness, and happened to assassinate him at this moment. Injured, if my father really sent assassins to assassinate His Highness the Ninth Prince, they wouldn't even kill me." Pan Ruochu stepped forward and said.

Lian Siyue on the opposite side couldn't help but slowly set his eyes on Pan Ruochu.

It was seen that Pan Ruochu was very protective of His Highness Ninth, and even took a step towards His Highness Ninth involuntarily.

Feng Yunzheng continued, "When I was in Pingzhou, if I hadn't taken precautions, otherwise, I would not have brought Lu Mao here as a hostage, but I would have stayed in Pingzhou and been placed under house arrest as a hostage." gone."

Feng Yunzheng explained in detail how he was poisoned by Lu Mao and how he left Pingzhou.

"Father, Duke Xiao did not hesitate to cholera the court for his own selfishness and in order to target his sons and ministers. He really deserves death. Please decide!"

"Your Majesty, the matter has come to this point. It has completely proved that His Royal Highness has never failed to live up to the expectations of the Emperor. He not only implemented the Tweet Order, but also asked King Anqing to take the initiative to withdraw the domain, which solved a huge hidden danger for the court and saved money. A huge sum of money has been spent, which is a great achievement. It is a great achievement that benefits the emperor, the court, and the people. It is really too difficult.

However, as an important minister, Xiao Guogong has repeatedly obstructed it, from wronging King Anqing to attracting King Anping to raise troops, alienating the relationship between the emperor's father and son, and disturbing the court. It's not what a pillar of a country should have!
Your Majesty, Your Majesty, this matter must be dealt with strictly! "Zhang Yingzhi from the Ministry of Punishment stepped forward, knelt on the ground, and reprimanded him righteously!
"Zhang Yingzhi!" Xiao Zhenhai also scolded angrily, "You are so bloody! Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, some of these letters from His Royal Highness are indeed written by veteran ministers, but the ones that made King Anping raise troops were not written by veteran ministers. A hundred people dare not dare, Your Majesty, the veteran has fought in Liaozhou for so many years, just for the peace of the court and for the people to live and work in peace and contentment, how could the veteran let King Anping raise his troops! He is the father-in-law of the veteran. There is no benefit at all, Your Majesty! Your Majesty is aware!"

"What about this..." Seeing Xiao Zhenhai's denials in every possible way, Feng Yunzheng produced another piece of evidence and threw it in front of everyone, "Father, this military map is the masterpiece of Xiao Hu, the third son of Xiao Guogong. The emperor also greatly rewarded Xiao Hu's talent.

However, Erchen remembers very clearly that the only people who have seen this internal strategy map are the father, your Xiao family, and the eighth brother Feng Ye. Even this king has never seen it, but this time, this king is In Lu Shang's secret room, I found this booklet. With this booklet, King Anping will be able to know the internal situation of our army in the Great Zhou Dynasty!

No wonder, no wonder King Anping dared to raise troops in such a short period of time. It turns out that you secretly supported Xiao Guogong! "

Speaking of this, Feng Yunzheng did not blindly pull on Feng Qianyue, but aimed at Xiao Guogong, because he knew that Emperor Zhou Cheng hated brotherly killing, so he deliberately avoided this point.

However, he knew that even if he didn't say anything, Emperor Father would still think about Feng Qianyue after he calmed down.

"No, Your Majesty, I have never given this album to King Anping..."

"Enough!" Zhou Chengdi stood up abruptly from the dragon chair, he was so angry that he smashed the cup in his hand towards Xiao Zhenhai, causing Xiao Zhenhai to bleed out.

"Your Majesty..." Xiao Zhenhai was thrown to the ground, but immediately knelt straight again, lowered his head tremblingly, and let the blood flow down, his cheeks were flushed with blood, but he didn't even dare to wipe it off!
This majestic Xiao Guogong has never been so embarrassed before, Lian Siyue and Feng Yunzheng couldn't help but looked at each other in a very tacit understanding, and they smiled at each other that only the other party would understand.

They understand that no one knows how big a game they played in order to wait for Xiao Zhenhai to fall——

In fact, their plan started after Feng Yunzheng came up with the Tweet Order. Naturally, this is a later story.

The expression on Feng Qianyue's face gradually disintegrated, but he forced himself to be calm. At this time, the situation was very strange to Xiao Guogong and him. He could no longer speak for Xiao Zhenhai. He was already suspected of framing Feng Yunzheng. If you speak for this father-in-law, he will be unable to get away no matter what.

He started to look like an ant on a hot pot, he forced himself to calm down, and calm down again, how to break free from this unfavorable situation.

In order to regain the emperor's trust, he tried his best, and he must not be destroyed overnight!
If he ruins it again this time, he will never be able to turn over again!
He looked closely at Xiao Zhenhai, now he only hoped that his father-in-law would be like what he had imagined before, once things turned around, he would confess all his sins and keep his son-in-law!

Emperor Zhou Cheng suddenly stood up, with an expression of unstoppable anger on his face, his heart was full of anger, he pointed at Xiao Zhenhai angrily, Li Sheng said:
"One by one, you treat me as a blind man, as a fool, or you are obedient, or you try your best to please. What you do is all for the throne. Do you really think that I am old and dizzy? I really think there is nothing. do you know?

I'm not dead yet, you're fighting to the death!Are you all waiting for me to die one by one?
I will tell you clearly today that none of you present here can expect to win my throne. I have already drawn up my will to establish a crown prince, and it is useless for any of you to fight for it!
And you!

Xiao Zhenhai, you are a prince of a country, a great general, you don't worry about me and solve problems, but you are keen on forming a clique with princes, you win over one prince, and go to great lengths to kill another prince, yet you plan an assassin to kill me!How dare you treat me as one of your pawns!
You are so daring!Unforgivable sin!

Today, I will never forgive you lightly, I will definitely punish you severely!
Come, draw up an imperial decree, I want to immediately deprive Xiao Zhenhai of all his titles, take off his official uniform, and put him in prison. The Xiao family will not be spared! "

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I have been wronged by the old minister, I have been wronged by the old minister, this picture was not given to King Anping by the old minister, my Majesty, please check..." Xiao Zhenhai immediately fell to the ground, watching the emperor and shouted loudly!
No, he is Xiao Zhenhai, a majestic grandpa, a mighty general who shakes the world. Their Xiao family stands on one side and dominates the capital. The Xiao family will not fall, and the Xiao family must not fall.

"Your Majesty, this is a false accusation, this is a false accusation, Your Majesty, my minister has always been loyal, my minister..."

"Xiao Zhenhai, if you say one more word, I will immediately pick off your head and hang it on the city gate for public display!" Emperor Zhou Cheng raised his foot and kicked Xiao Zhenhai hard, and Xiao Zhenhai was kicked down again. Emperor Cheng strode away!
Before he left, his gaze skipped over the fourth son Feng Qianyue who was kneeling on the ground, Feng Qianyue was stared at by that gaze, and his whole body seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar.

The cold wind blew past, exuding a refreshing coolness in the air, which made people shiver.

Xiao He sat on the ground, leaning against the bench in the corridor, holding a jug of wine in his hand, his body still smelled of alcohol, and his eyes were full of depression.

"Second Young Master, Second Young Master, it's not good!" At this time, Xiao He's servant Mu Bai hurried over, his legs went limp, and he fell down in front of Xiao He.

Xiao He raised his drooping eyelids, and asked casually, "What's the matter?"

"My lord, my lord is suspected of treason, and my lord has already been put in prison by Commander Jiang," Mu Bai said out of breath.

"What..." The jug in Xiao He's hand fell to the ground, and he suddenly became half sober, stood up abruptly, and said, "What did you say, how did this happen?"

"Well, this servant doesn't know the truth of the matter. I heard that the master originally asked the emperor to punish His Highness Ninth Prince for doing things badly. As a result, His Highness Ninth came back suddenly for some reason. Not only that, but also with Prince Lu Mao is back, and there is a lot of evidence to prove that the assassination of the emperor a few days ago was done by the master, and your grandfather also raised troops, saying that this was also the result of the master's instigation..."

"Grandpa raised troops?" Xiao He was taken aback for a moment. These days, he was immersed in the pain of Ling Yue'er's death, and he didn't care about the outside world, but things suddenly changed so drastically!

(End of this chapter)

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