First-class daughter

Chapter 633 Warning Means

Chapter 633 Warning Means
Chapter 633 Warning Means
Do not!
He had worked so hard to finally gain the love and attention his father had given him over the years. He couldn't, couldn't just lose everything like this.

He still has the throne to fight for, he must not just be defeated by Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue.

He raised his foot and walked into the room, but he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

He held on, and walked forward step by step, trying to force a smile on his face, but his eyes were wet with sweat, which made him close his eyes tightly because of the stinging pain.

He simply sat on the cold ground, he needs to calm down quickly!
"Win Kong!" He stood up and called out.

"Your Highness, I have a humble position." Ying Kong responded.

"Get ready and return to Beijing immediately!" He ran out of time, and wanted to go back to deployment immediately, thinking about how to get out of this incident.

The night is dark and the moon is as cool as it seems.

Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue walked side by side to Concubine Liang's yard, while Ye Feng and Leng Mei followed behind at a distance.

Lian Siyue looked up at the moon in the sky, and said, "Feng Qianyue's guess is correct, our game of chess really started with the Tweeting Token."

"We all know that based on the foundation laid by Xiao Guogong over the years, it is still difficult for the emperor's usual small punishments and small precepts to shake the root cause.

And as a rare general who has made great contributions to the court, his father has always loved him a little bit, and some things can be passed by turning a blind eye to him.

Since ancient times, all good generals have been severely punished by the king, but they cannot avoid the crime of treason. Once someone is convicted of treason, no king will tolerate it!

Therefore, we can only lead Xiao Zhenhai to this path.

Coincidentally, with the assassination they arranged themselves, and the Su Hanxiao you introduced, we seized the opportunity to let these things happen at the same time, no matter how much Father wanted to protect Xiao Zhenhai, he couldn't continue to shield him. "Feng Yunzheng smiled, and followed Lian Siyue's gaze to look at the moon in the sky.

Tonight's moon is round like a silver plate, and its bright light shines on the earth.

Lian Siyue finally smiled slowly, the moonlight shone on her face, Feng Yunzheng stood aside and looked at the smile, her lips gradually raised——

When the wind blows, both of them feel very uncomfortable.

"Xiao Zhenhai can't stand up this time, but he won't give up so easily, and he has two sons who are not easy, especially Xiao He, so on the day when Xiao Zhenhai was not really skinned and cramp, we didn't I can't relax, my goal is not for him to be stripped of his title and official hat, I want his life to be worse than death, I want Feng Qianyue to live in pain for the rest of his life!"

The corners of Lian Siyue's lips twitched faintly.

Feng Yunzheng nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely wait with you for this day to come, hell, we will send him there with our own hands!"

That's right, in fact, since Feng Yunzheng proposed to Emperor Zhou Cheng to implement the order to extend favor to San Francisco, it was the first move of the game between the two of them——

Then, Feng Yunzheng had a legitimate opportunity to go to Pingzhou. On the surface, he was urging the implementation of the Tweeting Order, but more importantly, he was going to create evidence of Xiao Zhenhai's traditional Anping King's rebellion. The production of this evidence required Extraordinary thoughtfulness.

Both he and Lian Siyue knew that as long as he left the capital to go to the territory of San Francisco, Feng Qianyue and Xiao Zhenhai would not miss this great opportunity to eradicate him, so they would use King Anping to create evidence of Xiao Zhenhai's rebellion .

The two of them are reborn from the dead, and they have unimaginable endurance. In order to lure Xiao Zhenhai and Feng Qianyue into the game, they have gone through half a year from the time they conceived the Tweet Order to the moment Xiao Zhenhai became a prisoner. time.

"Now, it's hard for Xiao Zhenhai to make a comeback, but the price I paid is too high." Feng Yunzheng stood in front of Lian Siyue and said.

"The price?" Lian Siyue blinked slightly, revealing a trace of doubt.

"Not seeing you for five months, isn't that a big enough price?" Feng Yunzheng blinked and said mischievously.

Lian Siyue thought for a while and asked, "Is it five months?"

"To be precise, it's four months and 29 days." Feng Yunzheng looked down at her, and said, "You're only one month away from reaching the age, and by then, you will no longer be a little girl, but a big girl."

"Pfft." Lian Siyue couldn't help laughing, and said, "Others say it's okay, Your Highness, you say I'm a little girl, but I find it funny and awkward. If you add up the ages of the two lives, We're both getting old."

"However, in my mind, Yue'er is still the one who raised her head and asked me if I would marry her, a little child, only this tall." Feng Yunzheng raised her hand and compared her height. , said.

Night Breeze watched the two people in front of them talking and laughing, heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "It's better when we're together."

After he finished speaking, he involuntarily glanced at Leng Mei at the side, but Leng Mei didn't seem to hear what he said, and only devoted himself to guarding the appearance of His Highness and Missy.

Night Breeze seemed a little frustrated, Leng Mei only had His Highness's mission in his mind, and only the eldest lady's safety, so he naturally didn't understand his sentence "It's better when we're together" and it wasn't just His Royal Highness and the eldest lady.

"Are you healed?" Leng Mei asked suddenly.

"..." Night Breeze was taken aback, then turned around and looked at her in surprise, "Do you care about me?"

"There is still a very urgent task. If your injury is not healed, I will ask His Highness and Missy to change my partner." Leng Mei said calmly.

Ye Feng's heart sank suddenly, a hurt expression flashed in his eyes, and he said, "I thought your partner was only me. I never thought that you would consider people other than me."

"..." Leng Mei froze for a moment.

"I have been away with His Highness for the past few months, and I always miss the feeling of completing missions with you. Every time I complete missions with you, it is a kind of enjoyment like flowing clouds and flowing water. Leng Mei, I never thought of anyone other than you Come and stand with me." Ye Feng said, clenched his fist, slowly raised his hand, and approached the cold-browed face.

When the hand got closer and closer, Leng Mei suddenly woke up, she took a step back suddenly, knocked off his hand, and said, "As long as you can complete the tasks assigned by His Highness and Missy."

"Lengmei!" Night Breeze suddenly grabbed Lengmei's hand, dragged her to the side, and held her hand tightly, with a look of eagerness in his eyes, but he didn't know how to express it.

After the cold eyebrows froze, he raised his elbow and slammed Ye Feng's stomach. Ye Feng turned around skillfully, turned behind her, put her hands on his back, and held her two hands. She broke free a few times, and said in a deep voice:
"Let go of me!"

At this moment, a figure walked over from another road. He glanced at Night Breeze, and then walked past them without turning their eyes.

Night Breeze froze for a moment——

Lian Tianlian's eyes from the General Nursing Hospital, how could he see a hint of...a warning.

(End of this chapter)

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