Chapter 634
Chapter 634
Night Breeze suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. He turned his head and asked Leng Mei, "Are you familiar with him?"

"Unfamiliar." Leng Mei pushed Night Breeze away, gave him a hard look and left.

Night Breeze stood where he was, and beat his chest with his fist. With a puzzled expression on his face, he said to himself, "What's wrong with your heart?"

In the other courtyard of Concubine Liang.

The guards and eunuchs who had been guarding Concubine Liang were all withdrawn, Concubine Liang was free again, and people in the courtyard could move around as before, Mammy Li breathed a long sigh of relief.

Even Siyue looked at Concubine Liang, and found that there was no joy in his eyes, but a trace of loneliness on his face. She actually understood Concubine Liang's mood——

She has expectations for Emperor Zhou Cheng, and looks forward to the trust of that man.

However, that person is a king, even a king who is not particularly wise. What he considers is never the trust between two people, but his status as a king.

"Your Majesty..." Lian Siyue stretched out her hand, took Concubine Liang's hand lightly, and said, "It's all right, there is the Ninth Highness."

Concubine Liang was stunned, she knew that Lian Siyue was comforting her, she raised a little smile on her face, and said, "Don't worry, I have survived until today, and I have already understood the truth that being with you is like being with a tiger."

Lian Siyue knows that marrying an emperor means carefully storing away all emotions and desires. Concubine Liang may have had beautiful fantasies about Emperor Zhou Cheng at the beginning, but as she stepped into the deep water of the harem, Afterwards, I walked on every step of the day, living on thin ice, and those fantasies gradually disappeared.

"Mother Concubine, you have suffered. It's because of the fault of the child. You were reprimanded by the emperor and looked at by others." Feng Yunzheng knelt on one knee in front of Concubine Liang, looked at his concubine mother distressedly, and held her hands, guilty and authentic.

"Silly boy, you and I are mother and son, why do you still say these unreasonable things? The queen mother knows that now you are in the court, and you are too much in the limelight. There are wolves in front of you and tigers in back. You need to be careful and walk on thin ice.

It's a pity that the queen mother is just a harem woman, and she doesn't understand the affairs of the court, so she can't help you much, and you have to plan everything by yourself. Concubine Liang lovingly raised her hand to caress Feng Yunzheng's face.

"Your Majesty, your heart is as clear as a mirror, and you have a good character praised by everyone in the harem. No other empress has a better reputation than you. This is the greatest favor you have done to His Highness the Ninth Prince." Lian Siyue said.

Concubine Liang smiled, held the hands of these two people, and said, "Now, King Lu Shang of Anping rebelled, and people all over the world say that the emperor is sorry for their Lu family. It's getting more and more complicated, now, I just hope you two can be well."

"Mother Concubine, now that the baby is back, the baby will do its best to protect you and Yue'er." Feng Yunzheng said, his eyes fell on Lian Siyue, and the red strings on their wrists were stuck together.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness, the county lord, and servants have just heard the news that when General Fan Ming was about to be executed by the emperor on the spot, he suddenly said that the letter from King Anqing and Yelu Chongyuan was actually Duke Xiao, oh no, Xiao Zhenhai, In fact, it was Xiao Zhenhai who was the mastermind behind it, the emperor was furious, and charged Xiao Zhenhai with another crime, but General Fan Ming was still executed immediately." When the three of them were talking, Madam Li walked in, Said anxiously.

Concubine Liang frowned slightly, and said, "General Fan really still said it."

Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue were not too shocked——

"As expected, if there was no matter on King Anping's side, Fan Ming would have confessed to this crime and waited for Xiao Zhenhai and Feng Qianyue to find him, but now, Xiao Zhenhai has become a prisoner, and Feng Qianyue's fate is unknown. He knew that he would not protect him, so he jumped the wall in a hurry and confessed to his father."

"Unfortunately, it's already too late. The emperor won't give him another chance." Lian Siyue said with a sarcastic coldness in the corner of his eyes, "The relationship formed by interests is inherently fragile. Once the interests disintegrate, the relationship between them will be broken." The relationship between them will no longer exist, there will be only interests, but no loyalty."

Concubine Liang showed admiration in her eyes, and said, "Yue'er, you are not very old, but you can see things very clearly, and a strong relationship comes from loyalty.

It's a pity that Fan Ming, he is also a fierce general, a wise man, but he was confused for a while, this Fan Yu just got engaged to the third son of Duke Wei's family a few days ago, now Fan Ming is beheaded by the emperor's order, Madam Fan is a weak woman Well, Fan Ming is dead, and it will be difficult for her to support a family. The Fan family may be over, and Wei Guogong will not recognize this marriage. "

"Mother and concubine, my child doesn't think it's a pity for Fan Ming. He is a general, but he participates in these battles. He is just doing his own crimes." Feng Yunzheng has no sympathy for Fan Ming at all.

Concubine Liang nodded, "Zheng'er is right."

Pan Ruochu, the county lord of Qingnan, knelt in front of Emperor Cheng of Zhou, and accepted the order to remove King Anqing from the position of vassal king, which also included various rewards.

Pan Ruochu received the order and thanked her, but she didn't intend to leave immediately.

Emperor Zhou Cheng asked, "Is there anything else you don't understand?"

"No, I understand the meaning of this edict very well, but I have an unfeeling request." Pan Ruochu cupped his hands and said.

"Your father withdrew the domain at this time, which solved one of my heart problems. Your Pan family has made great contributions to the court. Just tell me what you want, and I will try my best to satisfy you." Zhou Chengdi said.

"Your servant wants to be your wife." Pan Ruochu raised her head and said boldly, without any sign of coddling.

Emperor Zhou Cheng was taken aback, then burst out laughing, and said, "I really didn't expect Pan Xilin to have such a daughter as you. I heard that you trained and fought like men in Qingnan. My eyes have been opened."

"To be honest with the emperor, in fact, the minister once said in Qingnan that the minister will never marry for the rest of her life, and no one is allowed to go to Anqing Prince's Mansion to propose marriage. However, after the minister arrived in the capital, the minister regretted it again. I want to marry someone, but I only want to marry this person, and don't want the rest." Pan Ruochu said.

"Hahaha, good! Then tell me, where do you like my son?" Zhou Chengdi really thought this girl was very interesting. At a certain moment, he even suddenly thought of his eleventh, but... he His eyes dimmed a bit.

"Your Majesty, my servant wants to be the person of His Highness Ninth Prince." Pan Ruochu raised his head and said.

Emperor Zhou Cheng was taken aback for a moment, then laughed again, and said, "Other sons, I can make orders for you at any time, but I am the old nine, I can't be the master, because I once promised him not to restrain him His marriage contract can be decided by himself, so unless he is also willing to marry you, otherwise, there is nothing I can do."

(End of this chapter)

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