First-class daughter

Chapter 642 Unexpectedly Learned

Chapter 642 Unexpectedly Learned
Chapter 642 Unexpectedly Learned
"Princess, the Eleventh Princess...she may not be dead." Lian Shiya lowered her voice again, and said, "I saw a person in the city yesterday who looked very much like the Eleventh Princess. I stepped forward and shouted, and she nodded. She didn't turn back and ran away quickly, I thought it was because of my blindness, but after she ran like this, I was sure that this person was Princess Eleven."

"You picked up these earrings at the Jingxi Tailor Store, but why did you lie last time, saying that your maid picked them up." Feng Jiao asked.

"This..." Lian Shiya said with a look of embarrassment on her face, "Princess, don't blame the concubine. For one thing, I just picked up an earring by chance. I didn't know it was until you recognized the earring, princess. One princess’s stuff, and the second one is that Jingxi Tailor Shop is the place of His Highness the Ninth Prince. At that time, I really didn’t dare to think about it. It wasn’t until I saw the eleventh princess who was alive today that I realized that something was wrong, so I came here to tell the princess. As for this matter, I would like to ask the princess to give her an idea."

Feng Jiao held the earrings in her hands and thought for a moment, "Lian Shiya, if you lie to this princess, you should know what will happen."

"Princess, the concubine dares to guarantee with her life that Princess Eleven is not dead." Lian Shiya said immediately.

Feng Jiao then ordered the nanny who was accompanying her, "Nurse Yuan, you won't be going back to the princess mansion, you arrange someone to go back and tell the son-in-law, the princess wants to go to the palace immediately to meet the emperor."

"Respectfully send off Your Highness the Princess." Lian Shiya hurriedly knelt down, looking at the back of the third princess, with a relieved look on her face——

The Fourth Highness is right. The third princess, Fengjiao's birth mother, Concubine Ning, was born in a humble family. Fengjiao has a low self-esteem in her bones. Maybe he didn't die, so naturally he couldn't wait to use this secret to claim credit, so as to gain a sense of presence in front of the emperor.

"Third Princess, it's up to you." Lian Shiya smiled slightly.

"Madam, are you going back to the prime minister's residence now?" Cheng Xiu asked from the side.

"No, go to the rouge shop in the north of the city. The gouache there is the best for covering the scars on my face. I heard that there are new products there. I want to buy some back. The Fourth Highness brought a lot of gold and silver to me yesterday. In my room..." Lian Shiya said, returning to the sedan chair.

When I arrived at the rouge shop, the shopkeeper saw her style, and enthusiastically introduced the new rouge powder to her, and Lian Shiya picked and bought some.

"Miss San, you are here to buy something." At this moment, a voice with some surprise came.

Lian Shiya looked up, and saw a smiling woman holding several boxes of rouge in her hand, looking at her with surprise eyes.

"You are?" Lian Shiya thought for a while, and felt that the person in front of her looked familiar, but she couldn't remember who it was.

"Third Miss, I was originally the third-class maid Xia Kui in the master's room. A while ago, because I was old, I took some rewards and left the Prime Minister's Mansion." The woman said.

Lian Shiya then remembered that there was indeed such a person in Lian Yanqing's room, she had met some people before, "Xia Kui, it was you, I didn't realize it at first, but now I recognize it, you are here What are you doing?"

"Miss San, this servant married her betrothed person after leaving the mansion. This shop was opened by my brother-in-law who is in charge, and this servant came here to help." Xia Kui explained.

Lian Shiya looked at Xiakui, thought for a while, and said, "Xiakui, follow me, I have something to ask you."

"Miss San, what do you want to say to this servant?" Xia Kui asked Lian Shiya as she walked aside.

"When my mother died, I was not around. I still have a hard time worrying about the cause of her death. My mother cherishes her life and will never kill herself. Besides, she is so familiar with the Xiangfu, how could she fall into the water and die for no reason? You are honest! Tell me the truth, how did my mother die?"

"This..." Xia Kui said with a look of embarrassment on her face, "At that time, the old lady and the master had ordered that no servants be allowed to mention this matter, and they would be punished if they did."

"Xia Kui..." Lian Shiya took off the red gold bracelet in her hand, put it on Xia Kui's wrist, and said, "That is a request to the servants in the Prime Minister's Mansion. Now that you are out of the mansion, you are not considered a member of the Prime Minister's Mansion." Damn, you can say whatever you want, besides, I won’t say it.”

"This..." Xia Kui bit her lower lip and said, "Okay, Miss San, this servant told you that Aunt Xiao was found in the pool early in the morning, with her face down, His face was swollen, and water plants caught his limbs and tongue... Some people said that they heard the sound of water falling in the pool in the middle of the night, but they didn't pay attention at that time, thinking it was a stone being thrown into the water."

After hearing this, Lian Shiya held her hands tightly, and said, "Didn't grandma and father investigate thoroughly? My mother's death is so strange, there must be something wrong, is it because Lian Siyue, that bitch, has covered the sky again?"

"Actually, I can't really blame the master and the old lady, because Aunt Xiao made a big mistake at the time, and they were angry, so they didn't investigate deeply." Xia Kui said.

"A big mistake? What big mistake?" Lian Shiya asked.

"One night before Aunt Xiao's death, Aunt Xiao suddenly yelled in the house, saying that Master Jue is not the master's biological son, and the eldest lady said that Aunt Xiao wronged the eldest lady, and the eldest lady hanged herself for it. Then Aunt Su found evidence again, saying that Aunt Xiao was the one who killed Fifth Miss Xianzi, and Aunt Su went crazy and stabbed Aunt Xiao with a hairpin. He even tried to frame Young Master Jue, so he imprisoned Aunt Xiao and said he was going to kill her. Afterwards, Aunt Xiao ran away overnight in fright, and finally fell into the pool, soaked for a night, and died..." Xia Aoi recalled what happened at that time and said.

"My mother said that Lian Jue was not the eldest lady's biological son before she was alive?" Lian Shiya pondered over this sentence carefully.

"Yes, Aunt Xiao yelled at Xiangfu all night that night, but in the end, the master didn't believe it." Xia Kui said.

Do not!
There must be something wrong, Lian Shiya knew her mother well, if she hadn't heard something, she would not have yelled in the prime minister's mansion without reason.

So, there must be something wrong with it!
She immediately ordered in a tight voice, "Chengxiu, go back to the palace immediately."

She didn't even want Shiya Rouge, so she hurried back.

"What did you say?" Feng Qianyue stood up abruptly and asked, "Is this true?"

Lian Shiya was a little excited, and said, "Your Highness, I pried this out from the mouth of Xia Kui, a maid in my father's room. My mother must have been punished by Lian Siyue because she knew that Lian Jue was not my father's own son." This vicious bitch was killed, she wants this secret to rot forever with my mother's death!"

(End of this chapter)

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