Chapter 643
Chapter 643
Feng Qianyue stared at the front with her deep and distant eyes, and slowly closed her brows——

"If the maid Xia Kui didn't lie, then your analysis is very likely to be correct, and Lian Jue's identity is doubtful. It's just such a big matter, how could Prime Minister Lian remain indifferent?"

"Your Highness, don't you know what Lian Siyue is like? She is insidious and cunning. She is really evil. Every time she looks like she is about to lose, but she wins back without anyone noticing. I guess she must have used some kind of trick." Yes, it must be a plot related to the death of my fifth younger sister Lian Xianzi, which made my father believe in the eldest lady and resent my mother!" Lian Shiya's voice trembled more and more, "Your Highness, you Help me, help me find out about this matter, I want to avenge my mother, I want to pay the price like a month."

"If this matter is true, even if you don't ask me, I still have to investigate..." Feng Qianyue thought about it, and said, "Maybe at that time, I can threaten Lian Siyue with this matter, and Lian Siyue If there is any difficulty, Lao Jiu will not ignore it, as long as Lao Jiu takes care of it, this king will have a chance..."

"...Investigate, we must investigate! Isn't Lian Jue coming back soon? Things will be easy to handle. At that time, we only need to get his blood and my father's blood to recognize our relatives. If they don't merge, then It means that my mother is not lying, Da Furen, Lian Siyue, Lian Jue, and that little bastard Lian Yan are all gone!" The more Lian Shiya spoke, the more excited she became, as if she had decided that Lian was definitely not Lian Yanqing's own.

"Your Highness..." At this time, Ying Kong hurried in, "There is news from the palace."

"What..." Feng Qianyue raised her eyebrows and asked.

"About half an hour after the three princesses met with the emperor, Commander Jiang secretly led a team of imperial guards out of the palace. According to my humble analysis, they were ordered to find the eleventh princess. Moreover, the emperor directly sent Commander Jiang, which shows that He attaches great importance to this matter." Ying Kong said.

"Great! Your Highness, the emperor personally found someone to show that he believed the words of the third princess." Lian Shiya said happily, "If the eleventh princess is found, even the fact that Jue is not my father's biological son will be confirmed. Really, even if Siyue is really a three-headed and six-armed monster, she can't escape, the emperor and my father will punish her!"

"Your Highness, the concubine is back!" The butler ran all the way outside the study to report.

Feng Qianyue got up abruptly, and quickly walked over to the sedan chair, only to see Xiao Rou lying on the sedan chair with a pale face, with traces of crying on her face.

"Have you seen Yue Zhang?" Feng Qianyue asked softly.

Xiao Rou nodded and said, "I knelt in the Queen Mother's Shouning Palace for an hour, and she finally showed mercy and let me go into the cell to meet my father."


"Father, mother, and two older brothers were detained separately. I only saw my father, and I cried when I saw him." Xiao Rou said slowly, her face a little tired.

Feng Qianyue frowned, and ordered in a tight voice, "Go back to the room first, and let's talk after a good rest."

When the sedan chair arrived at the gate of Xiaorou's courtyard, Feng Qianyue suddenly bent down and picked her up, carried her to the couch, and said to her, "You've worked hard, you can take care of your baby."

It was rare for Xiao Rou to enjoy Feng Qianyue's tenderness. She held onto his lapel with attachment, and said, "Your Highness, please sit down and talk to me."

"Did Yuezhang talk about this king?" Feng Qianyue asked cautiously.

"...No." Xiao Rou shook her head, "I cried and told him that the Xiao family had collapsed and my father and elder brother were imprisoned. What should I do in the future? He only told me to take care of me and let me I don't have to worry too much, I have to protect the fetus in my womb."

Feng Qianyue thought about the meaning of Xiao Zhenhai's words for a moment, and then asked, "The king asked you to whisper to your father, did you say it?"

"Say it, after my father was silent for a moment, he said that asking him to call for grievances and then send troops to attack my grandfather is a bad policy. The emperor has always been suspicious. Now the emperor will never believe him, so why would he allow him to lead the army to fight?"

"It's not a bad idea. This is probably his last and only chance to stand up. Naturally, he has to try his best to fight for it. Now the father has not dealt with this king, but this king is always worried. This king You can't just sit and wait." Feng Qianyue said after thinking.

On the second day, a decree came from the palace, and Xuanfeng Qianyue immediately entered the palace to discuss matters.

It finally came, when Feng Qianyue walked out of the Yue Palace, he looked up at the sky, the sky was covered with dark clouds, it seemed that it was going to rain heavily.

He took a sedan chair all the way to Zhengyang Gate, and after entering the palace, he faintly heard someone saying, "Last night, that Xiao Guogong, oh no, that Xiao Zhenhai yelled in the cell all night, saying that he would ask the emperor to let him lead the army." Go out to prove your innocence."

When Feng Qianyue heard this, the corners of her lips twitched slightly, and she finally said it.

"Brother Four Kings." He lifted his foot and turned around a long corridor, and when he was about to go to Rongyuan Hall, Feng Yunzheng was standing there, calling out with a smile.

Feng Qianyue responded, "Jiuhuang brother seems to be proud of the spring breeze."

Feng Yunzheng went to the Rongyuan Hall together with him, and said, "Where is it? In fact, my brother is waiting here specially for Brother Wang. There are too many legends about you and me in this palace, and my father has always disliked our brothers' discord. Now you and I go together, let the others shut up, so that the father can feel at ease, what do you think."

"The Nine Emperor Brothers have been dormant for several months, and they are ruthless and accurate when they make their moves. Rao, my powerful and scheming father-in-law, Xiao Guogong, became a bereaved dog overnight. Nine Emperor Brothers, amazing." Feng Qian Yue pursed his lips slightly and said.

With that said, the two had arrived at the gate of Rongyuan Hall.

Feng Yunzheng stopped with a smile, patted Feng Qianyue's shoulder casually, and said, "Change your name, there is no Duke Xiao anymore, and the emperor will be unhappy if he hears it."

Feng Qianyue stood, staring at Feng Yunzheng with a pair of deep eyes, Feng Yunzheng raised his foot and walked in first.

"Fourth Highness..." After a while, several important ministers from the court also arrived, including Yanqing, the Prime Minister, Zhang Yingzhi from the Ministry of Punishment, and so on.

After a while, His Highness Feng Rong and Ye Lang, the left servant of the Ministry of War, also arrived. The two stood still in front of him. Feng Qianyue looked at the two with meaningful eyes, and then walked in first.

Today, Emperor Zhou Cheng summoned everyone here mainly to discuss how to deal with King Anping's rebellion. When everyone saw Feng Qianyue, their eyes showed a little surprise——

After all, King Anping's rebellion was instigated by Xiao Zhenhai, and he even sent him a secret album. As for the relationship between the Four Highnesses and Xiao Zhenhai's son-in-law, he would naturally attract suspicion.

At the beginning, Ye Lang, the left servant of the Ministry of War, reported the current situation in Pingzhou to Emperor Zhou Cheng——

(End of this chapter)

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