Chapter 645
Chapter 645
Night Breeze felt his back sweating, and said, "In this world, you and Missy are the only ones who are a perfect match. No one is worthy of Missy except you, and no one is worthy of you except Missy."

Feng Yunzheng knocked the palace fan on Yefeng's head, and said, "Let's go, go meet that Liang Shumo."

Night Breeze's eyes lit up, and he quickly chased after him, and asked excitedly, "Your Highness, are you going to rob someone?"

Prime Minister's House.

Lian Siyue heard about Lian Jue's meritorious service in Shanhaiguan in detail, her heart fell to the ground slowly, and a gratified smile appeared on her face——

Finally, in this life, fate did not treat this young man with a pure heart lightly, and gave him experience and depth that he had never had in his previous life. He truly had his own life.

Lian Siyue got up and walked to the window, the pot of crabapple flowers under the window was in full bloom, the flower branches swaying in the wind, lively and lively.

This was when she just came back from Yaocheng, and Lian Jue moved it for her from nowhere. He said that her place was deserted, and it would look more lively with a pot of crabapple.

Later her yard was burned by Aunt Xiao, and the potted crabapple was burned to the point where only one trunk was left. Lian Jue moved the trunk to Xianheyuan. After careful care in spring, flowers bloomed again, more than before.

Lian Jue, long time no see, come back soon.

"Miss, someone came to propose marriage to you?" Qing Dai ran in hastily, wiped the sweat from her brow, and said.

Lian Siyue frowned slightly, and asked, "Marriage proposal? Who?"

"Ms. Liang Runan's younger brother, Liang Shumo, the eldest grandson of Liang Guogong, ran over from Liang Guofu early in the morning with drums and gongs. The whole Zhengyang Street was a sensation. Those ordinary people gathered around the street to watch. She's not ashamed, and walks in front to hand over to people and hand out copper coins to people." Mother Tai has never seen such a flamboyant person, and when she said it, her eyelids twitched.

Liang Shumo?Lian Siyue frowned, only had a vague impression of this person in her mind.

Leng Mei said coldly at the side, "Liang Shumo? It is said that he likes to linger in the place of fireworks. Is this kind of person worthy of proposing to the eldest lady?"

"It is indeed rumored that Liang Shumo behaved perversely, and that she has a close relationship with the Oiran of Zuixianlou, but these are all legends, and no one has ever seen it.

I do remember that once I saw Mr. Liang with my own eyes, Mr. Liang personally took the cane and chased him for half of Zhengyang Street. As for him, he didn't dare to go home for a whole month. It is said that he slept in the ruins of the temple. After a month, he made himself almost like a beggar on the street, so Duke Liang had to take him home. "Qing Dai recalled.

Lian Siyue said, "It doesn't matter who it is, it has nothing to do with me, I have no intention of marrying anyone, let him go."

"Miss, the master has already rushed over, but Mr. Liang is very thick-skinned. He said that everyone has come, so he has to give him a meal. This master is not good at driving people out of Liang Guogong's face. I have no choice but to agree." Qing Dai said.

Even Siyue's frown deepened. Every time she showed up in public, she was as cold as ice. Occasionally, some people would express their feelings to her. She treated each other with a cold face, just not wanting to cause any trouble. Liang Shumo's sudden fanfare was really puzzling.

"Miss, what should we do now?" Qing Dai asked.

"I don't care about him, he wants to stay for lunch, it's his business, it has nothing to do with me, ignore him." Lian Siyue Quan pretended that there was no such thing, and said, "Go to Fu'an Courtyard and see Yan'er."

Lian Siyue didn't take this Liang Shumo to heart, and after giving instructions to the maids, she went to the Fu'an Courtyard of the Da Furen.

The sun is good, the eldest lady, the nanny, Lian Yan and the maids are basking in the sun in the courtyard.

The nanny was holding Lian Yan and feeding rice cereal, while the eldest lady was sitting beside her, looking at him with a loving smile on her face. Lian Yan, who was several months old now, was chubby and very cute.

Lian Siyue walked over, bent down, and squeezed her younger brother's bun face. Lian Yan seemed to know her, dancing and dancing, with an innocent and romantic smile on his face.

Looking at it, Lian Siyue felt even better, so she pinched his little hand and shook it.

The eldest lady looked at the pair of siblings for a while, and said, "Yue'er, I heard that Liang Guogong's eldest grandson came to propose to you today, what do you think?"

Lian Siyue paused, continued to tease her younger brother, and said casually, "Mother, I'm still young and I don't want to marry."

"It's not too young, it will be too late in the near future, it's time to think about the important things in life, Mr. Liang, don't you like it?" The eldest lady asked tentatively.

"I don't like it." Lian Siyue returned without thinking.

"Sister Yue, don't rush to answer, you know me anyway, so you know whether you like it or not." As soon as Lian Siyue finished speaking, he heard a hearty voice, and then, a handsome young man in purple walked away. After entering, the eldest lady looked up in astonishment, and saw that Nanny Zhou was standing helplessly at the door, apparently unable to stop Mr. Liang.

Liang Shumo didn't care, so he walked up to the lady, cupped his hands, bowed deeply, and said:

"Junior Shumo has met the eldest lady, how is the eldest lady?"

The eldest lady came back to her senses and said, "Okay, okay, there is no need to be too polite."

Liang Shumo bowed deeply to Lian Siyue, who was still teasing Lian Yan, and said, "Hi sister Yue."

He didn't even raise the head of the moon, and said coldly, "Mother, you have guests here, so I'll go first." Then, he put down the rattle in his hand, without looking at Liang Shumo, turned around and walked out of the yard .

When Liang Shumo saw it, he became anxious, and hurriedly told the servant, "Hurry up, quickly bring the gift I prepared for the eldest lady!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The servant hurriedly brought in loads of presents, and after a while they filled half of the yard, silk and satin, gold, silver and jewellery, all kinds of things.

"Young master Liang, you are..." The eldest lady was taken aback by Liang Shumo's handwriting.

Liang Shumo looked back at the direction where Lian Siyue was leaving, and hurriedly said, "Ma'am, these gifts are just a little bit of meaning for this junior, please accept them with a smile, and I will ask someone to send some over someday. , let’s say goodbye first.”

Before the lady could say anything, Liang Shumo ran out and chased after Lian Siyue.

"Hey, Liang..." The Madam stood up hurriedly, but Liang Shumo had already disappeared in a hurry, "This..." The Madam looked at the gift that took up half of the yard, and suddenly she couldn't laugh or cry.


Liang Shumo ran wildly in the garden of the Prime Minister's Mansion, without caring about his image. When he saw Lian Siyue's figure, he ran even faster——

"Sister Yue, wait for me, I haven't had a good word with you yet!"

Lian Siyue pursed her lips and continued to walk forward, looked back at Liang Shumo with cold brows, and frowned.

Qing Dai said, "Young Master Liang is really shocking. He begged for a kiss and yelled loudly in our yard. Now, we all know that he is going to ask Missy for a kiss."

As he said that, Liang Shumo had already run to Lian Siyue, bent over tiredly, supported his stomach, and said, "Sister Yue, you..."

"Shua!" Just as he was about to speak, a sword with a cold light was pressed against his neck.

Liang Shumo looked terrified, staring at Lengmei's sword without daring to move, and said, "Sister, swords don't have eyes, you can hold them firmly."

Lian Siyue turned around, looked at Liang Shumo indifferently, and said, "Young Master Liang, I know you are here to propose marriage today, but I want to tell you that I am not interested in the love between men and women. Now, Don't place any hope on me in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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