Chapter 646

Chapter 646

After hearing Lian Siyue's words, Liang Shumo was not shocked at all. Instead, he blinked his eyes and said excitedly, "Sister Yue, tell me what you are interested in."

Lian Siyue said, "I don't think there will be any intersection between us in the future, so you really don't need to spend time getting to know me. Well, if you want to stay in Xiang's mansion for dinner, you can eat it. I will tell the dining room to eat again." Add two dishes."

When Liang Shumo heard this, he became anxious, and said: "Sister Yue, don't, I didn't come to propose marriage rashly. I have been thinking about marrying you for almost two years. Last year, when your grandmother Lian Lao Furen's birthday , I saw with my own eyes, Sister Yue, how calm you look. I wanted to talk to you, but I was so frightened by your eyes that I couldn't even open my mouth to talk to you. Now I'm finally not afraid anymore.

Sister Yue, don't be in a hurry to drive me away. Now, I finally propose marriage to you. I don't know how happy I am. "

Lian Siyue looked at Liang Shumo's smiling face, and shook her head. If in the previous life, there was such a person who came to get close to her, she would think that this person was very interesting, but now, her heart can't hold such a small Love little love things.

"Lengmei, let's go." Lian Siyue signaled Lengmei to put the sword back, and said nothing more.

"Hey, Elder Sister Yue..." Liang Shumo still wanted to catch up, but his brows frowned coldly, his back shuddered, and he stopped in his tracks, watching Lian Siyue walk away, he didn't even care that he was in the garden of Xiangfu In the middle of the day, with his hands around his mouth, he turned towards Lian Siyue's back and shouted loudly:

"Sister Yue, I will not give up, I will come again tomorrow, I will have lunch here."

After Liang Shumo finished speaking, he stood there for a while, but he still didn't see Lian Siyue turning his head back. He was hurt a little, and he muttered to himself, "Don't believe me, what I said is true."

He stood for a while longer, "Hey!" He sighed, turned around and was about to leave, but when he turned around, he found that at some point, there was a person standing in front of him, wearing a white robe, he looked up suspiciously, when When he saw the face that appeared in front of him, he actually let out an admiration, and said obsessively:

"Ah, you look really good-looking."

When he realized who this person was, he quickly covered his mouth, "Yes, yes..."

Feng Yunzheng looked back from where Liang Shumo was staring at just now, glanced at him, and asked, "Young Master Liang is here to ask Yue'er for marriage?"

Moon?When Liang Shumo heard this intimate name, he suddenly felt a little strange in his heart. He was taken aback for a moment, vaguely feeling something.

He took another careful look at Feng Yunzheng before saying, "Yes, Your Highness Ninth Prince, I have proposed marriage to the eldest lady of the Lian family."

"Like her?" Feng Yunzheng asked again, a faint smile floated on the corner of his lips, this smile was like floating clouds in the sky, and also like stars in the deep sea.

Liang Shumo only felt an inexplicable chill in his heart, swallowed his throat, and said, "Yes, yes, in my mind, Sister Yue is an excellent person, I like her very much, I have prepared for two years before here."

Feng Yunzheng nodded and said, "Be sincere."

"Yes, yes, Your Highness Ninth Prince, I have already made up my mind. I will not marry Sister Yue in my life. If I can't marry her, I will never marry a wife in my life." Liang Shumo said solemnly.

"is it?"

"Yes, yes, Your Highness Ninth Prince, hey, you came at a good time. My sister doesn't seem to like me this month. Help me find a way." Liang Shumo felt that Feng Yunzheng looked unpredictable, and thought he might have something Way to help him.

"Believe it or not, she already has someone in her heart?" Feng Yunzheng said with a smile.

"Sister Yue has someone in her heart? Who? Who is it?" Liang Shumo was taken aback.

Feng Yunzheng patted Liang Shumo on the shoulder, and walked past him.

Liang Shumo felt that Monk Zhang Er was confused, so he turned his head and saw Night Breeze, the guard of His Highness Ninth Prince, grabbed his sleeve and said, "Little brother, don't go."

Night Breeze cupped his hands and said, "Young Master Liang, what advice do you have?"

Liang Shumo frowned tightly, and said, "His Royal Highness said that Sister Yue has someone in her heart, what does that mean? How could His Highness Ninth Prince know if Sister Yue has someone in her heart?"

"Hey, I'm worried about the humble job. Mr. Liang is afraid that he won't be able to marry a wife in this life." Night Breeze sighed, and was about to follow Feng Yunzheng's pace and leave.

"What do you mean? What exactly do you mean! Don't go!" Liang Shumo gripped Night Breeze's sleeve tightly, "Please explain clearly to me."

"You really want to know?" Night Breeze asked.

"Naturally." Liang Shumo nodded, looking eager and sincere.

"Then I advise Mr. Liang that you should go back to Liang Guofu for lunch." Ye Feng said, bowed to Liang Shumo, and left with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Liang Shumo looked at Feng Yunzheng's disappearing figure in the distance of the corridor, and murmured, "There is someone in my heart? Who is it?"

Lian Siyue walked for a while, and finally got rid of Liang Shumo. She passed by Lanyue Court, and saw that the lotus in the hall was just in bloom, so she went in, sat on the stool, bent down and reached out to fiddle with the lotus.

There was one that bloomed the best, but it was out of reach. Just as she was about to stretch out her hand again, another hand crossed her body, folded the lotus, and put it in front of her, saying:
"This flower blooms well, and it matches the color of your clothes very well."

Feng Yunzheng stood behind her and said, the aura lingered faintly around her.

Lian Siyue held the flower in her hand, put it between her nose, smelled it, and said, "Why is Your Highness here?"

Feng Yunzheng said, "Come and tell you about what happened in Rongyuan Hall today, come, sit down here."

Feng Yunzheng led Lian Siyue to sit down in the pavilion, Qingdai and Nanny Tai brought tea, Leng Mei and Yefeng dutifully guarded outside the pavilion as before.

"Xiao Rou went to the Shouning Hall with a big belly and knelt for more than an hour, begging the queen mother to allow him to meet Xiao Zhenhai, Ye Lang proposed to let Xiao Zhenhai take the blame and make meritorious deeds to lead the army to attack Lu Shang, Feng Qianyue volunteered to go out, this is what happened in the past two days matter."

Lian Siyue listened, with a contemptuous expression on his face, and said, "Whether it is in the previous life or in this life, Feng Qianyue will always be the same, and he cannot do without tricks of using women."

"Do you think father will let Xiao Zhenhai take credit for his crimes?" Feng Yunzheng picked up the jade pot in front of him, poured a cup of tea for Lian Siyue, brought it in front of her, and said.

"Even if the emperor has this plan, some people will not agree, besides, the emperor is not so confused." Lian Siyue shook the cup in his hand and said.

"You're absolutely right. Brother Eighth Prince won't let go of such a good military exploit. He has been sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight all these years. Now that Feng Qianyue's strength is almost up, it's time for him to come down from the mountain."

(End of this chapter)

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