First-class daughter

Chapter 647 Here Comes

Chapter 647 is back

Chapter 647 is back

Feng Yunzheng took a sip of tea, said with a slight smile, "Brother Bawang is actually smarter than Feng Qianyue, and when Feng Qianyue and I were fighting to the death, he kept a distance and silently raised his spirits." Accumulate energy, make several battle exploits, and slowly expand the strength of his troops, as long as he takes down Lu Shang, he should concentrate all his forces and point the finger at me."

Lian Siyue nodded and said, "Not only His Highness the Eighth Highness, but also Concubine Xu Xian and Duke Xu, they have been calculating silently all the time."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about these issues today, they can only be said in eight words: Soldiers come to cover up the water and the soil.

Xiao Zhenhai is a turtle now, it is almost impossible for him to turn over, so don't think about these things.

Yue'er, I'm here today to tell you about another more important matter, which is so important that I don't think about it. "Feng Yunzheng changed the subject and said.

"What's more important?" Lian Siyue asked.

"Liang Shumo!" Feng Yunzheng read out these three words, "When did this young boy start to have thoughts about you, I didn't realize it."

Lian Siyue raised her eyebrows lightly, and said, "Actually, I didn't realize it, my ambition is not here."

"Yue'er, come here." Feng Yunzheng changed his position and sat in front of Lian Siyue, looking at her seriously, "Do you remember what I said to you when I left?"

"Your Highness... You have said a lot to me, which sentence do you mean?" His eyes, like the sea of ​​stars, were like to suck people in, even the moon-like eyes flickered.

But Feng Yunzheng didn't allow her to escape, he gently held her shoulders with both hands, and said, "Yue'er, as I said, when I come back, I will marry you. Now, I am finally back, our The "Chu Xiao" plan is almost in progress, let me propose marriage to you, okay?"

He looked at her so earnestly, his eyes were affectionate and sincere, and slowly, it seemed that what appeared in front of Lian Siyue was not Feng Yunzheng from this life, but that person from the previous life——

That was a calm and magnificent person, but he would never get close to her and kept a distance from her.

"Yue'er, marry me, okay?
Living with you, as long as I think of such a picture, my heart is full of anticipation, imagining that I can see you every day, and I can't wait to marry you. "

He is so straightforward, without any concealment, his feelings, like the sea, tightly surround Lian Siyue.

"However, Your Highness, I'm actually not ready to marry yet." Lian Siyue said.

"If you don't want to get married, then you should agree to my marriage proposal first, and then slowly investigate and think about it, okay?
Look, today is the inexplicable Liang Shumo who you didn't marry, but who will it be tomorrow?

I'm worried that if you don't settle down, others will step on the threshold of the Prime Minister's Mansion. "

Lian Siyue looked at Feng Yunzheng, bit her lower lip——

"Miss, miss, good news, great news, young master, young master, he is back, and he is now outside the city, even the Heavenly Chief Nursing Hospital said, just, it's almost time to reach the gate of the city."

At this moment, Sijiu, Lianjue's former book boy, ran over crying excitedly, knelt down in front of Lian Siyue, and said, "Miss, master, old lady, aunt, they all went to the gate of the city to welcome you. Are you going? You are going, the young master must really want to see you!"

After hearing this, Lian Siyue immediately showed a happy smile on his face, and said, "I'll go, Sijiu, I'll go right away."

She hurriedly stood up, quickened her pace and walked out of Lanyue Court.

After walking a few steps, he seemed to remember something again, turned around, and said to Feng Yunzheng, "Your Highness, I'll go and see Jue'er first."

"Let's go together." Feng Yunzheng stood up and said.

Lian Siyue nodded, and the two walked towards the door of Xiangfu together. Feng Yunzheng looked at the excited and happy expression on Lian Siyue's face——

Does Yue'er still remember the fact that Lian Jue is not her younger brother, but his younger brother?

The mighty soldiers and horses walked into the city.

On the tall steed, Lian Jue in a battle robe straightened his back and stood tall on the horse's back. His face was filled with a vigorous smile, and his whole body was radiant.

Looking at the people and scenery on the side of the street, his eyes sparkled with excitement——

Back, finally back!

He returned to this place that carried all his thoughts and love.

He was back at the place that hurt him so badly and soothed him softly.

The scar on his left cheek is very obvious, which is the complete opposite of the beautiful face on the right, but he doesn't mind it.

The bosses on both sides of the street cheered with gongs and drums to welcome these victorious soldiers.

Lian Yanfu who was at the side asked loudly, "Jue'er, did you see that these people are here for you."

Lian Jue's excited and expectant face showed doubts, "Come here for me? I'm just a little centurion, how could I come here for me?"

"The fact that you sneaked into the Khitan barracks and chopped off Yelu Chongyuan's head, and burned all their food and grass, has already been reported back to the capital. Now, you are a wise and powerful person." Lian Yanfu looked at himself with a smile The ignorant nephew said.

"Really?" Lian Jue's face suddenly turned slightly red, but his back straightened even more!


You are not dead, great!You are not dead!You came back alive!
There was a little nun in green clothes standing in the crowd. She wore a black hat on her head, and a black gauze hung around the hat, burying her face inside.

Tears were shining in her fiery eyes, but there was a gratifying smile on her face——

"Lian Jue, I knew it, you can do it!

You are such a powerful person, one day, you will make great achievements and come back majestically!I have always believed in you!
You see, so many people are cheering for you now, and I can also look at you like this from a distance in the crowd!
Very good!
I'm so happy for you!
I really want to think so much, I really want to be able to appear in front of you in an upright manner, clean up the dust for you, and take you to see our little deer.

But, I can't do it, I can never do it!
Ha ha, but I will always bless you.

Lianjue, Lianjue..."

Lian Jue on the horse back faintly felt that there seemed to be a familiar sight looking at him in the crowded crowd. He was taken aback, and a strange feeling surged in his heart——

His eyes searched around, and finally landed on a blue figure.

(End of this chapter)

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