First-class daughter

Chapter 648 Unbelievable

Chapter 648 Unbelievable
Chapter 648 Unbelievable
His eyes searched around, and finally landed on a blue figure——

This is a little nun, she was turning around and walking out of the crowd, Lian Jue looked at the back that was gradually squeezed out of the crowd, this back was tinged with loneliness and sadness, which made him feel inexplicably familiar.

This is……

"Jue'er, look quickly, the Xiangfu is just ahead." Just when he was about to take a closer look again, Lian Yanfu shouted loudly, he was distracted, and when he looked at the back again, the man had disappeared .

Among the welcoming crowd, some people were discussing——

"It's really a turn of events, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi. Back then, when Xiao Guogong and his son came back from Liaozhou, what a majesty it was. The emperor led all the princes to greet him at the city gate."

The other person heard this, and immediately said, "You really don't want your life, and you said Xiao Guogong, the title of the Duke of this country has been abolished by the emperor, and you still call him that, but the officials heard about it and wanted to arrest you gone."

When Feng Lingyue heard these words, her heart trembled suddenly, she stopped in her tracks, what?Xiao Guogong's title was abolished?How is this going?

Today, she heard that Lian Yanfu, the right servant of the Ministry of War, had defeated Khitan and returned to the court. She wondered if she could see Lian Jue, so she quietly went down the mountain. She still didn't know anything about other things that happened in the capital——

How could the Xiao family do that?
"Yes, yes, I am talking too much!" The person who said the wrong thing quickly covered his mouth.

"However, it's really touching. At that time, the person riding the horse with high spirits was the young master Xiao He, and the young master at that time was really proud.

But now, the whole family of the Xiao family is in prison. I heard that the emperor will have the whole family of the Xiao family executed in a few days!What a pity, Young Master Hou! "Someone said regretfully.

Whole house copying?

Xiao He, will Xiao He be beheaded too?
There was a hint of fear in Feng Lingyue's eyes, and she felt panicked in her heart, and she tightly held the Zen beads in her hand.

She turned her head and glanced at Lian Jue again through the crowd, he was surrounded by everyone, smiling so happily, so happy.

She turned around, squeezed out of the crowd, walked along the street, avoiding the lively crowd, and hurried towards Xiao Guofu.

When we arrived at the entrance of Xiao Guofu, we saw a striking seal on the heavy door, and the two bronze lions at the entrance, which looked majestic in the past, were now covered with fallen leaves.

Something really happened to the Xiao family, um, what's going on?

Didn't the emperor always value Xiao He very much?Why didn't even Xiao He let go.

At this time, someone hurried past her, she quickly grabbed one of them and asked, "Uncle, why is this Xiao Guo Mansion sealed off, what happened?"

"Oh, little master, how dare you stand at the door of the Xiao family? The old thief Xiao Guogong joined forces with his father-in-law, King Anping, and now King Anping is using 30 troops to attack the imperial city directly. The Xiao family They will all be beheaded, little master, let’s get out of this wrong place as soon as possible.”

"But Xiao He didn't participate in this matter, so why..." Feng Lingyue believed that with Xiao He's personality, he wouldn't do anything to collude with the enemy and treason the country, and he definitely didn't know about it.

"Little master, you are too naive. This common saying goes well. In battle, father and son are always soldiers. Xiao Zhenhai and Xiao He are father and son. How can a son not know about the father's affairs? Xiao He is definitely not innocent."

Feng Lingyue stood there in a daze——

No, she believed in Xiao He's character.

"Hey, little master, who are you from the Xiao family, why did you come here on purpose?" The uncle looked at Feng Lingyue strangely.

Feng Lingyue came back to her senses, and hurriedly said, "It's not someone, I just passed by by chance, and the poor nun is leaving, it's good and good." She explained, lowered her head, and left in a hurry.

The uncle looked at her back as she left in a hurry, and said, "What a strange little nun, she looks very familiar with the Xiao family."

The gate of the prime minister's mansion here.

Lian Yanqing stood in front of the gate, looking forward, his eyes were a little excited, a little proud, and a little scared. He had already heard about Lian Jue's deeds in Shanhaiguan in his fourth brother Lian Yanfu's letter.

Mother Lian couldn't help wiping away tears and said, "My darling grandson is finally back."

"Old Madam, Young Master Jue has made great contributions and has come back and earned money for the Lian family. You can't cry, you have to laugh." Nanny Song said with a smile while supporting Mother Lian.

Mother Lian wiped her eyes with a handkerchief, nodded, and said, "You're right, I can't cry, I have to laugh, otherwise my obedient grandson will think something is wrong with me."

The eldest lady was also very pleased, her face was flushed, and she also quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Old man, you gave birth to a good son, you have done something to the Lian family."

"Mother, it's all thanks to you. Jue'er and grandma are the closest together." The lady's heart trembled, and she said while hiding the uneasiness on her face.

"Oh, according to me, our Lian family's Feng Shui is good, and this Lian Jue has made great achievements at a young age." Mrs. Liu from the third room said loudly, waving a handkerchief.

The wife of the second room, Mrs. Hu, pursed her lips tightly and grabbed the handkerchief. She was not as heartless as Liu's, but she was not very happy in her heart——

Their second room has no sons, seeing that the eldest room has two sons in a row, and the eldest son is getting more and more promising. If things go on like this, their second room will never be able to hold their heads up!
Lian Siyue stood behind the eldest lady, listening to everyone's praise and praise for Lian Jue, a gratified smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

Feng Yunzheng looked at the people who faintly appeared in sight——

Lian Jue, do you really want to be the son of Prime Minister Lian for the rest of your life?He looked at Lian Siyue again, and found that her expression was a bit complicated, so Yue'er was thinking about the same problem as him.

Lian Jue was riding on a steed, and when he saw his relatives waiting to greet him at the gate of the Xiangfu, his heart skipped a beat, and he jumped off the steed, straddling his slender legs, and walked quickly Walking in front of Lian Yanqing, kneeling heavily on the ground, said:

"Grandmother, father, mother, Unxiao'er Lianjue is back!"

"Okay, good boy, it's good to be back, get up quickly." Lian Yanqing showed joy, stepped forward, put his hands on Lian Jue's shoulders, and asked him to get up.

"My dear grandson, you are back, get up quickly, get up and let grandma take a good look at it."

"Yes, grandma!" Lian Jue smiled and looked up.

When his face appeared in front of everyone, they were all stunned when they saw the scar extending from the corner of his eye to the corner of his mouth on the left side of his face!
"Je'er, your face, this..."

Seeing the scar on Lian Jue's face, Lian Siyue was stunned——

"Hey, what's going on here? Jue'er, what's wrong with your face?" The lady was startled and asked distressedly.

Regardless of the inconvenience of her legs and feet, Mother Lian walked up to Lian Jue in a few steps, raised her head, stretched out her hands, stroked Lian Jue's face, and asked distressedly:

"My dear grandson, your face, this is, who made it? It must have hurt so much."

"Grandmother, I made it myself. It's all gone. It doesn't hurt at all." Lian Jue held Mother Lian's wrist. Compared with the surprise and regret of everyone, Lian Jue still didn't care.

At this time, even Yanfu came to him, he jumped off his horse, knelt down on his knees, and said, "Mother, brother, it's Yanfu's fault that I didn't protect Jueer well."

"Fourth Uncle, don't rush to claim responsibility, I broke it myself, so I don't blame you." Lian Jue hurriedly helped Lian Yanfu up.

"Mother, fourth brother, stop talking at the door, go in quickly and talk." Lian Yanqing was also full of doubts about Lian Jue's face, and said casually.

(End of this chapter)

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