First-class daughter

Chapter 649 Preoccupied

Chapter 649 Preoccupied
Chapter 649 Preoccupied
"Okay, Father, let's go in and talk about it." Lian Jue raised his foot and walked in, but just when he looked up, he saw Lian Siyue standing in front of him, his eyes suddenly became hot, his heart beat violently, and his lips trembled He moved a little bit and called out, "Sister."

When he called his sister, the fists in his sleeves couldn't help but clenched tightly. It took him a lot of effort to suppress the turbulent emotions.

Lian Siyue smiled at him, nodded, and called out, "Je'er."

Lian Jue's eyes lingered on Lian Siyue's face for a while, then looked at Feng Yunzheng at the side, cupped his hands, and said, "His Royal Highness."

"Lian Jue, no courtesy." Feng Yunzheng stretched out his hand, held Lian Jue's arm, and said.

"Your Highness Nine, let's go in together and stay for lunch." Lian Yanqing invited respectfully.

"No, when your family is reunited, there must be a lot of things to say, and this king will also enter the palace to meet his mother and concubine.

Lieutenant Prime Minister, Madam, I will take my leave now. "Feng Yunzheng nodded towards Lian Siyue, then got into the carriage that Ye Feng had already prepared, and drove away in the carriage.

After entering the Prime Minister's Mansion, after Lian Jue met all kinds of uncles and aunts one by one, Lian's mother asked some people to go back, only Lian Yanqing, Lian's mother, Da Furen, Lian Yanqing, Lian Siyue and others were left.

Mother Lian took Lian Jue's hand and asked, "Now tell grandma, how did you hurt yourself like this?"

Lian Yanfu said from the side, "Mother, let the son speak."

Therefore, Lian Yanfu explained how Lian Jue sneaked into the Khitan barracks, how he slashed his own face in order not to be recognized, how he hibernated beside Yelu Chongyuan, and then found the opportunity to burn the Khitan people's food and grass, and cut Yelu Chong down. The head of Yuan said it one by one in detail.

Everyone who listened was terrified, especially Lian's mother, who was very distressed and said with tears in her eyes, "You are such a kind person. When I was young, a bird of mine died, and you cried all day and all night. How can you be so cruel to yourself, look at the wound, how deep it is cut."

Lian Jue naturally wouldn't say it, for the sake of realism, but the wound was so deep that a lot of blood flowed out, and the clothes in front of him were all dyed red.

He just smiled and said, "Grandmother, don't listen to fourth uncle, how can you be so exaggerated, this wound is just a slight slip, and now everything is healed, it's okay."

"Finally, you and your fourth uncle have returned safely, Jueer, you have earned face for your father, you have earned honor for your family, and your father is proud of you. In the future, your father will also hand over this family to you well." It's over." Lian Yanqing said sincerely to his son.

The lady who was standing by the side trembled slightly when she heard Lian Yanqing's words.

Lian Jue walked to the lady's side, bowed deeply to the lady, and said, "Mother, when I was in Shanhaiguan, I heard that my mother gave birth to a younger brother. It's a pity that I couldn't share this joy with my mother immediately. , the child wants to congratulate the mother."

The eldest lady looked at this "son" and looked at his sincere eyes, but she felt a little sorry for him in her heart, because seeing him being so favored, she felt a kind of worry inexplicably, a kind of concern for her own son. Yan worried.

"Jue'er, you have been troubled outside, and now that you are back, we are finally relieved." The expression on the lady's face was unnatural for a moment.

Lian Siyue's keen eyes fell on her mother, and she suddenly felt a chill in her heart.

At noon, the family had lunch. Liang Shumo originally said he would stay for lunch, but for some reason he slipped away, leaving behind a whole room of presents. Even Yanqing couldn't help but order the housekeeper to tidy up the presents one by one. , And sent back to Liang Guofu.

After everyone finished their lunch, Lian Yanqing told Lian Jue to rest well, and waited to enter the palace to face the saint tomorrow.

When the eldest lady returned to Fu'an Courtyard, she immediately asked Nanny Zhou to close the door, and let everyone else retreat.

Seeing her solemn expression, Zhou Nanny said, "Madam is worried about Young Master Yan."

The eldest lady nodded heavily, and said, "You heard it too, today the master said in front of the old lady and the fourth uncle that he wanted to hand over the entire family to Jue'er, and the old lady also acquiesced, but, But this Yan'er is...he, he is not, how can we just watch Yan'er lose what belongs to him."

The eldest lady didn't have her own son before, and she didn't think it was a big deal that the family was inherited by Lian Jue, but this time Lian Jue returned with glory, which made her mind complicated.

Nanny Zhou lowered her voice and said, "Madam thought about it, and servant girl thought about it too."

The eldest lady took Nanny Zhou's hand, pulled her closer, and said, "Tell me, where did he come from?"

Nanny Zhou shook her head, "I bought it from a peasant woman, an ordinary family."

The eldest lady felt even more contradictory, "If such an entire Lian family is handed over to him, it would be really unfair to Yan'er."

"And, madam, have you noticed? When the master said today that he would hand over the Lian family to Master Jue, Master Jue didn't mean to refuse at all. It's not that he doesn't know his identity, how could..." Nanny Zhou Mammy recalled today's situation and said.

"Tell me, is this Jue'er not as pure as he appears on the surface? He can kill the Khitan King Nanyuan, who is the most powerful son of the Khitan King Yeluji. This shows that Jue'er is not an ordinary man. People." The lady's mind became more and more sharp and contradictory.

"Madam is right. In my servant's opinion, you should be on guard against Young Master Yan, and make plans for Young Master Yan." Mother Zhou thought foresight.

"You're right, Yan'er is still young, so I should make good plans for him." The lady said.

"Would you like to tell the young miss, after all, she should know who is her most important younger brother." Mother Zhou asked.

"No." Da Furen shook her head and said, "Don't say it yet, Yue'er and Jue'er are very close, I'm worried about her...she won't be with Yan'er."

Nanny Zhou nodded, "Madam is right to be worried, so let's observe secretly."

The eldest lady clenched the veil in her hand, and said to herself, she had never planned for Yue'er before, and Aunt Xiao robbed everything. Now that she has Yan'er, she is relying on her in the Lian family, so she can't do this again. Confused.

"Nurse Zhou, go and call Jue'er over, and I'll chat with him." The eldest lady ordered after thinking for about half an hour.

"Yes, ma'am." Nanny Zhou took the order, and after a while she called Lian Jue who hadn't had time to return to the Cultural Institute.

Lian Jue walked into the Fu'an Courtyard, and saw the eldest lady holding Lian Yan in her hands and playing with a rattle. He walked over, bent down to look at the little man in his mother's arms, and said happily:
"Mother, is this my younger brother? It's fleshy, so cute."

After hearing this, the lady paused for a moment with the hand holding the rattle, and said, "Jue'er, you are here, sit down quickly."

"Yes, mother." Lian Jue didn't notice the strangeness of the eldest lady, sat down by the table as usual, and said, "Mom, when I was in Shanhaiguan, what I missed the most was the food here. I couldn't help but think about it during lunch."

The eldest lady smiled, and said, "I knew you would think about it, I just asked Nanny Zhou to make some, so I'll ask her to bring it up."

"Mother is the best for Jue'er." Lian Jue didn't know what was going on in Da Furen's mind at all, seeing that Nanny Zhou brought so many delicious food, she couldn't wait to pick it up with her chopsticks and eat it.

Nanny Zhou and the eldest lady looked at each other quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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