First-class daughter

Chapter 650 1 Everything is the same as before

Chapter 650

Chapter 650

"Jue'er, eat slowly, there's more to come." The eldest lady wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief, and when her hand touched the scar on his face, she shrank her hand slightly, and winked at Nanny Zhou, Let her hug Lian Yan down.

"Hey, who made mother's food so delicious." He didn't even raise his head, and continued to eat happily.

"Je'er, mother came here with you to ask what's on your mind, you have to tell mother the truth." Da Furen said.

"You can just ask, the child must tell mother." Lian Jue looked up and said with a smile.

Seeing Lian Jue's smile, the eldest lady trembled when she thought of the child in front of her all these years, and suddenly felt that she was a bit cruel, but when she thought of her infant child, she also thought of Lian Yanqing. With Lianmu's attitude today, he finally hardened his heart and said:
"Today, your father said that he would hand over the entire family to you. You, what do you think in your heart?"

Lian Jue was taken aback, the smile on his face froze, he didn't speak, just lowered his head, and continued to eat the lotus seed soup in the bowl.

"Well, you, you know, your identity, in fact... Yan'er..."

"Mother, don't worry, I have no idea about the Lian family's property. Today, my father suddenly said that, and the child has no chance to refuse, so I let him say it. I know my identity, and I will not want things that do not belong to me. In the future, I will try to make an excuse to refuse, I know it belongs to brother Yan." Lian Jue didn't look up, and said before the eldest lady finished speaking.

The eldest lady panicked when she heard this, her face was flushed, and she stammered, "No, no, Jue'er, mother didn't mean that, what mother meant was...if, if..."

"Mother, this lotus seed soup is really delicious. It tastes the same as I remember. Let me finish it, okay?" Lian Jue said with a slight smile to her.

"..." The lady choked on her words, wanted to say, but didn't know what to say, she always felt that Lian Jue had misunderstood her meaning, wanted to explain, but couldn't.

Lian Jue drank the last spoonful of soup in the bowl, stood up, and said, "Mother, I'm done eating, you can take Brother Yan at ease..."

With that said, he got up and prepared to leave.

"Je'er..." The lady hurriedly chased after her, and said, "I, I will treat you as my own son forever, you, do you understand what I mean?"

"Mother, I understand, I'm a little tired, I'm going to take a rest." Lian Jue said, nodded to the eldest lady, and then walked out.

When his figure disappeared, the eldest lady suddenly felt her legs and feet go weak, and a strong sense of guilt seized her firmly.

"Ma'am." Nanny Zhou walked over with Lian Yan in her arms, "Are you okay?"

The eldest lady looked at her fleshy son, she straightened her back vigorously, and said, "Every mother will think about her child, although it is a bit cruel to Jue'er, but I said this clearly for his own good , lest he think about things that don't belong to him, and destroy our mother-child relationship."

Nanny Zhou said, "Madam is right, but we still have to focus on Young Master Yan."

After Lian Jue left Fu'an Courtyard, he stood on the path, when the wind blew, his black hair fluttered, and he suddenly didn't know where to go.

He looked up, and the sky did not know when a thick cloud gathered. It seemed that it was going to rain again.

"Master, it's going to rain, are you going back?" Sijiu couldn't help asking with a lonely expression when he found out that his young master had come out from the eldest lady.

"Go away, I haven't been back for a long time, I want to go for a walk alone." Lian Jue ordered.

"Yes, young master, it's going to rain soon. This servant is going to get you an umbrella. You wait here." Sijiu hurried back to the Wenhua Courtyard. When he took the umbrella and returned to the original place, but Found that Lian Jue was missing——

The weather in the afternoon was muggy.

Lian Xiangyue fell asleep after dinner. When she fell asleep, there was a heavy rain in the sky. The rain was so heavy that God wanted to pour all the water in the sky.

When she woke up, the rain finally stopped. As usual, she walked to the window, looked out of the window, and asked, "How long has it been raining?"

"Miss, it has been down for more than an hour, and the people who are down now are in a panic, as if the trees outside are about to be blown down." Qing Dai said with lingering fear in her heart.

"The tree is going to blow down..." Lian Siyue murmured, her eyes inadvertently fell on the pot of crabapple outside, the leaves fell to the ground, but the pot of crabapple bloomed so well that not a single petal fell .

Her heart trembled suddenly, and she hurriedly said, "Qingdai, quickly, open the courtyard door."

"What's the matter, miss, did something happen?" Qing Dai seldom saw Lian Siyue looking so eager, so she hurriedly asked.

"Don't ask, just open the door."

Lian Siyue stood in front of the door, Qing Dai hurriedly followed her orders, and together with Mother Tai, opened the door——

As the door opened slowly, a figure from behind suddenly came into Lian Siyue's eyes——

I saw that Lian Jue was sitting in front of the threshold, his back leaning against the door, his whole body was soaked by the rain, and his black hair fell wetly on his back.

At this time, he didn't look like he was sitting on a steed in high spirits at all. He was just like a child like before.

"Je'er..." Lian Siyue called out with hot eyes.

Hearing this call, Lian Jue's heart trembled suddenly, and a pained and happy expression flashed across his face.

"Master, why are you sitting there by yourself, Sijiu?" Qing Dai exclaimed, and hurriedly ran over with an umbrella, holding it over Lian Jue's head.

Lian Jue turned around, his silly smile had returned to his face, he held something in his arms to protect him, looked at Lian Siyue, "Sister."

"How long have you been here, why didn't you knock on the door, have you just sat there and waited stupidly?" Lian Siyue hurriedly called him in, with a bit of reproach in his tone, and ordered Mother Tai to quickly bring a dry handkerchief , Wipe the water off his face.

"I was afraid that I would disturb you to sleep, so I kept silent." Lian Jue took out a basket from his arms, put it on the table, and said, "I picked it from the jujube tree in the academy just now, and I ate it. It's just as crisp and sweet as last year, eat it quickly."

"Jue'er, you are such a fool!" Lian Siyue saw his hair sticking to her cheeks, water dripping down, and the scars on her face became more conspicuous, she suddenly felt very sore in her heart.

"It's okay, let's get some rain, don't be afraid.

Actually, it wasn’t raining when I came here. I was sitting on the ground with my basket in my arms and thinking about things, but I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn’t even know it was raining. Only when Qingdai called me just now did I realize that my whole body was soaked. Lian Jue said with some embarrassment, "Eat a jujube quickly." "

He handed the jujube in front of Lian Siyue, because he was a little cold after being drenched in the rain for so long, the hand holding the jujube trembled slightly, and his eyes were a little red.

Lian Siyue didn't pick up the dates, but just stared at the person in front of him——

He is still the same formula, nothing has changed, no matter how famous he becomes, he is still him, and he is still the one in his memory.

Qing Dai winked at Nanny Tai and Leng Mei, and everyone retreated quietly, closing the door.

"Sister, eat..." Lian Jue called out, with a broken smile on his face, the dates in his hands were covered with water, and his eyes were as clear as amber.

"Jue'er, what's wrong with you? Did something happen?" Lian Siyue faintly felt the great sadness hidden in Lian Jue's heart, and he was trying his best to hide something, as if he was afraid that she would know.

(End of this chapter)

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