Chapter 652
Chapter 652
Lian Jue couldn't help but recall in his mind that when he went to Changchun Palace to bid farewell to Feng Lingyue, the empress dragged him, said some strange things to him, and finally gave him a baby's longevity lock.

At that time, he never thought that the dying woman was his own mother. Could it be that this was predestined?He actually got close to his own mother in that way.

Lian Siyue looked at the complex but unconcealable sadness on Lian Jue's face, and suddenly felt fortunate in her heart. Back then, Empress Duanwen secretly joined forces with Feng Qianyue and Xiao Zhenhai to kill His Highness the Ninth Prince. According to their counterattack plan, they still had The queen's crime evidence was enough for Emperor Zhou Cheng to abolish her queen position on the spot and kill her mother's family, but because she cared about the eleventh princess at the beginning, she didn't kill the queen.

Fortunately, this Empress Duanwen is the mother of Lian Jue, if she had followed the plan then, she would not be able to face Lian Jue now.

Come to think of it, this might be a predestined matter, Feng Lingyue kept her relationship with Lian Jue for her.

"Unexpectedly, I just found out who my own mother is, but she has already passed away." A deep wry smile appeared on Lian Jue's face.

"Je'er, God made fun of me, but you still got her a longevity lock after all." Lian Siyue comforted him and said.

"..." Lian Jue nodded.

"Although, I promised Eleventh Princess not to tell you everything about her, as if Feng Lingyue had never existed in this world.

But I think, I still have to violate this agreement, jue er, in fact, the eleventh princess is not dead. "

"She's not dead? Where is she?" Before Lian Jue recovered from the death of his biological mother, Lian Siyue slowly told him another secret.

"Originally, you have just come back, so I shouldn't have told you these things, but you should know. I told you everything about the eleventh princess just now." How will Lian Siyue rescue Feng Lingyue, Arranged at the Jingxi Clothing Store, how Feng Qianyue forced her out, and told me about her disappearance, "We are still looking for her, but we don't know where she went. She hasn't been seen yet, but we will find it anyway. "

"Sister, I have never thought about the two things you told me. Now that I suddenly know the truth, one is sad and the other is happy. It's really sad and happy. I don't know whether I should cry or laugh."

"Jue'er, no matter what happens, remember that you are also a child of the Lian family. My sister will always be by your side and help you. This will never change, and no one can change this, understand?"

After Lian Jue's mood was tossed and turned in every possible way, he finally gained some strength in his heart after hearing Lian Siyue's words.

"Jue'er, I still say the same thing, if you want to restore your status as a prince, His Highness Ninth Prince and I..." Lian Siyue asked this question again.

"No." Lian Jue shook his head, "Sister, I don't want to, I just want to..." He recalled the words that Da Furen vaguely said to her today, and he finally said "I just want to be Lian Jue" He swallowed his words, paused, and said, "I just want to be a free person without any constraints. I don't want anything, including even my family's things."

When Lian Siyue heard the last sentence, she was taken aback for a moment, looked up at him, and asked:

"Did you hear someone say something bad? Is it your mother? I heard from Madam Tai that you went to sit with your mother for a while in the afternoon."

"No, no." Lian Jue hastily denied, and said, "Mother didn't say anything, she just made some delicious food for me, and I left after eating. Mother is very concerned about me."

"..." Lian Siyue looked at his evasive eyes and said, "Really? That's good."

Leaving Xianheyuan, Lianjue went back to Wenhuayuan, Sijiu ran over, and complained:

"Young master, why did you just leave without saying a word, you were soaked all over, the servant asked them to prepare, you take a bath and change your clothes."

Lian Jue didn't speak, Sijiu ordered everyone to prepare water, Lian Jue soaked for a long time, thinking about some things in his mind, thinking about the queen, thinking about Ling Yue'er——

She was not his own sister.

That night, Lian Jue tossed and turned and stayed up all night. He seemed to have a little more clarity about the future.

Early the next morning.

Lian Yanfu and Lian Jue, uncle and nephew, went to the palace together to meet the Holy Spirit, and Lian Yanqing accompanied them to the palace, and even the mother got up early, took a bath and fasted, the eldest lady, the second wife, the third wife, and the fourth wife were all ordered Waiting for Xie Shengen in the main hall.

The old lady said, today is a big day for the Lian family, everyone should take it seriously, and no one should ignore it.

Not long after Lian Jue left, when everyone was waiting in the mansion, a person who hadn't appeared for a long time suddenly appeared——

Yue Wangfu is even Shiya.

Seeing her, Lian's mother was a little upset and asked, "Why are you here?"

When Lian Shiya heard this lukewarm answer, she felt a little offended, but thinking about the purpose of coming today, a flattering smile appeared on her face, and said:

"Grandmother, granddaughter, didn't you hear that our family's eldest grandson, Lianjue, has made great achievements, and people all over the street greeted him yesterday, he is so majestic, I, don't I want to be shameless here to gain the glory of my mother's family. "

Her nonchalant, playful smile made Lian's mother completely lose the mood to talk to her, she simply closed her mouth tightly and stopped talking.

Even if her mother didn't speak, other people would not dare to talk to her. She felt embarrassed for a while, so she had to find a chair and sit down by herself.

Lian Siyue sat beside Lian's mother, still proclaiming her stable position in this family, her cold eyes fell on Lian Shiya——

Today she was wearing a purple autumn dress with a brocade embroidered with a butterfly pattern, which was the most fashionable style at the moment, and the gold bracelet in her hand was quite heavy.

As far as she knew, when Feng Qianyue wanted to blackmail him with the matter of the Eleventh Princess, Lian Shiya was imprisoned in the West Courtyard, and today she came here dressed up, obviously regaining her status in the Yue Palace——

why?What did she do to make Feng Qianyue start to reuse her again?

A thought flashed in Lian Siyue's eyes.

Lian Shiya was also looking at Lian Siyue, and shouted "Sister, how are you?" But she said in her heart, Lian Siyue, your stable daughter-in-law position may be lost this time, my mother will die What a tragedy, I want both of you, siblings, to be buried with my mother!

Yue Wangfu.

Feng Qianyue stood behind the desk with her back, looking deeply at a pair of words opposite, on which were written four words——


Only with peace of mind, meditation and introspection can we set up lofty goals.

"Your Highness, according to reports, Lian Yanfu and Lian Jue's uncle and nephew have already entered the Hall of Rongyuan, waiting for the emperor's decree to confer rewards, and the Sixth and Eighth Highnesses went with them.

And Madam, has already arrived at the Prime Minister's Mansion, and everything is going according to plan. " Ying Kong walked in, bowed, and said.

Feng Qianyue turned around and said, "What's happening over there Xiao Zhenhai?"

"According to the jailer we bribed, he bit his finger and wrote a blood letter on his clothes last night, and asked the jailer to hand it over to the emperor. Someone presented him to the emperor, but..."

"but what?"

"But the emperor didn't read it, and directly ordered Feng Degui to burn the blood book. When Xiao Zhenhai heard about it, he vomited blood in the prison cell."

"Where's Xiao He? What's your reaction?" Feng Qianyue asked again.

"According to the jailer, after the second young master entered the cell, he was a little abnormal. He seldom spoke and didn't know what he was thinking." Ying Kong said.

"Xiao Zhenhai...Xiao He..." Feng Qianyue muttered these two names, "Thinking about how powerful these two people were at the beginning, they were almost inferior to ten thousand people, and this king was weak, so I thought Colluding with the Xiao family, who knows!" He clenched his teeth, his eyes showed deep resentment, his fists were clenched, and his veins were bulging.

(End of this chapter)

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