First-class daughter

Chapter 653 Lead the snake out of the hole

Chapter 653 Lead the snake out of the hole
Chapter 653 Lead the snake out of the hole
Rongyuan Hall.

Lian Yanqing, Lian Yanfu, and Lian Jue were waiting outside the hall for an audience. Lian Jue couldn't help looking in the direction of the Changchun Palace. He didn't look back thoughtfully until Feng Degui ordered them to enter the hall. .

Walking into the hall, I saw that the sixth prince Feng Yu and the eighth prince Feng Ye were already there.

Lian Yanfu and Lian Jue both stepped forward, knelt down, and said, "Long live the emperor."

Emperor Zhou Cheng showed the happiest expression he had seen in a while, looked at Lian Jue, and said again and again, "Okay! Okay! The day you came to ask me for an order to let you go to Shanhaiguan, you told me that you would build a career and then go to Shanhaiguan. Come back, you didn't break your promise, you really came back to see me with your chest upright!
Yanfu, your nephew is like you, a warrior who has made great contributions to the court, I am very pleased, you all get up.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" The uncle and nephew stood up together.

When Lian Jue raised his head, Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at his face, his eyes narrowed, he leaned closer, and said, "Your face really has a scar like they said?"

"Father, speaking of this scar, it is the medal of Lian Jue." Feng Ye stood up and took the lead in telling how Lian Jue bravely sneaked into the enemy camp, beheaded the enemy leader, and burned the enemy's food and grass. Once again, praise Lian Jue without hesitation.

After hearing this, Emperor Zhou Cheng nodded again and again. He waved to Lian Jue and said, "Lian Jue, come here, come to my side."

Lian Jue was taken aback, and couldn't help but look at Lian Yanfu.

And the smile on Feng Ye's original face froze slightly, his eyes turned to Zhou Chengdi and Lian Jue.

"Je'er, the emperor is calling you, go over." Lian Yanfu nodded towards Lian Jue and said.

Lian Yanfu naturally couldn't understand Lian Jue's mood, he finally took a few steps forward and walked in front of Emperor Zhou Cheng——


Zhou Chengdi carefully looked at the person in front of him, looked at his eyebrows and eyes, Lian Jue clenched his fists secretly, a voice in his heart told him that this was his father, his biological father.

Emperor Zhou Cheng said, "I remember that when you left, you were still an ignorant young man, kneeling in front of the Rongyuan Hall and asking me to give you an imperial decree to send you on a long journey; now, you have made great achievements, and I am quite moved gratified.

Lianxiang, you gave birth to a good son! "

Lian Yanqing hurriedly knelt down on the ground and said, "I am terrified."

Emperor Zhou Cheng waved his hand and said loudly, "Come here, pass on my will."

"Yes, Your Majesty." I saw Feng Degui standing in front of the hall holding the imperial decree, and said loudly:

"In the early years of my Great Zhou Dynasty, the frontiers were in turmoil. Lian Yanfu, the right servant of the Ministry of War, was stationed in Shanhaiguan for five years, and he finally lived up to my expectations. He wiped out the Khitan and Liao people. From now on, he will be named Minister of the Ministry of War, and he will be rewarded with gold, silver and silk;

Lian Jue, the grandson of the Lian family, was a young genius who bravely broke into the enemy camp and made outstanding achievements. "

As soon as the imperial decree came out, not only the two princes Feng Ye and Feng Yu, but also Yan Qing and Lian Yanfu were stunned. The emperor actually named Lian Jue the county king?

Then, Lian Yanqing couldn't help laughing, his Lian family unexpectedly produced a county king, whose status was even higher than that of Xiao He's original status.

Then Feng Degui held the Yishan crown in both hands, brown five-claw python robe, jade belt and thick-soled soap boots, walked in front of Lian Jue, bowed and said:
"Young King Ming'an, please accept the order."

Lian Jue knelt down on one knee, raised both hands, took the crown robe, and said, "Long live my emperor."

"What did you say? Lian Jue was made the county king?" Feng Qianyue, who had been waiting in Yue Wang's mansion, showed a surprised expression when she heard the news.

"There is one more bad news, Your Highness..." There was a worried expression on Ying Kong's face.

"What?" Feng Qian asked in a tighter voice.

"The emperor rewarded the Eighth Highness, but the Eighth Highness asked the emperor to send troops to attack Lu Shang, the king of Anping. The emperor... is ready to play, and the Eighth Highness will lead the army to go out in a few days." After Ying Kong finished speaking, he raised his eyes and looked at Feng Qian. cross.

"..." Feng Qianyue took a deep breath in his chest, clenched his hands into fists and slammed on the desk, and said, "The fox tail of the eighth brother is starting to show, when this king and the nine emperors are fighting to the death, he With a careless look, he put away his desire and ambition. On that day, Xu Guogong was in the court hall, facing Ye Lang. This king knew that when he saw Xiao Zhenhai fell, he took the opportunity to step on it, so that he could completely Eliminate the influence of this king! Today, taking advantage of the joy of my father, I took the initiative to invite you, and that would cut off my king's way out!"

"Your Highness, what should we do now?" Ying Kong asked.

Feng Qianyue walked to the window, raised her head, and looked at the sky. A crow was perched on the opposite roof, making desolate sounds——

Sunset and Xishan, could it be that Xiao Zhenhai is really dead when he collapses?

"Yingkong, how is the father's investigation of the eleventh princess's whereabouts going?" After a long while, Feng Qianyue asked.

"As far as I know, I'm still looking for it."

"Could this girl be able to escape? Why is it so hard to find?" Feng Qianyue thought about it, a flash of light flashed in her mind, and said, "If you can't find her, you can only force her to show up."

"Forcing her to take the initiative to show up? The humble job doesn't understand very well." Ying Kong was puzzled.

"Although the girl Eleven is not the king's own sister, the king still understands her. She is pure in heart, not as cunning as Shisan, and she is easy to deceive. Let's find a way to deceive her and let her show up voluntarily." Go." Feng Qianyue's indifferent eyes showed a trace of cruelty.

"But how do you cheat?"

"Then it depends on what she cares most about?" Feng Qianyue's hand slowly fell to the edge of the window, and said leisurely, with a hint of coldness in her tone.

"What do you care about the most?"

"You think, she escaped from this king, but she didn't go to Lian Siyue, who can protect her the most, why?" Feng Qianyue sneered, "Because she was afraid that she would get Lian Siyue in trouble, I am afraid that I will cause trouble for Lian Siyue, which shows that Lian Siyue is a very important person in her mind."

"So, Your Highness means..." Ying Kong seemed to understand something.

Feng Qianyue patted Ying Kong on the shoulder, and said, "Think about it carefully, and create some rumors that last like a month."

"Yes, let's go to the humble job!" Ying Kong understood Feng Qianyue's meaning.

Winter Palace.

Concubine Xu Xian stood up abruptly, with a shocked expression on her face, the jade pot beside her hand fell to the ground, her face was pale, and she asked, "What are you talking about, Your Majesty, the Emperor named Lian Jue as the King of Ming'an County, or from the first rank ?”

The visitor nodded and said, "Madam, yes, the imperial decree has been promulgated, that young master Lianjue, oh, no, now it should be explained that the king of An County, the king of Ming An County has already held the imperial edict and is wearing the county crown bestowed by the emperor." Clothes, all the way back to the prime minister's mansion in a splendid manner."

(End of this chapter)

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