First-class daughter

Chapter 654 The Glorious Lintel

Chapter 654 The Glorious Lintel
Chapter 654 The Glorious Lintel
Concubine Xu Xian's legs softened and she sat softly on the chair.

"Mother Concubine..." At this time, Feng Ye walked in, and he signaled the left and right servants to retreat.

Concubine Xu Xian stood up abruptly, looked at her son angrily, lowered her voice, and said, "Before you leave for Shanhaiguan, your mother and concubine told you to seize the opportunity and eradicate Lian Jue without anyone noticing it. You must not listen, now, seeing that he has made great achievements, the emperor unexpectedly made him the king of the county, and it will be even more difficult to deal with him in the future! Or, or he has tasted the taste of power and is not satisfied with it. One day, Just run to the emperor to reveal your identity, when the time comes, what will the concubine mother do, what will you do?"

"Mother and concubine, it was the time when we were fighting against the Khitan. Lian Jue had been dormant by Yelu Chongyuan's side for many years. He was the only one who knew the situation of the Khitan barracks best. My child needs to focus on the overall situation." Feng Ye explained.

When he said this, Concubine Xu Xian couldn't say anything immediately, after a while, she said, "Anyway, the formula is..."

"Concubine Xian, Concubine Xian..." At this moment, a cheerful voice came from outside.

"Stop talking!" Concubine Xian immediately winked at Feng Ye.

"Who?" Feng Ye asked.

"Pan Ruochu, the youngest daughter of King Pan Xilin of Anqing, the emperor offered to withdraw the feudal domain to reward Pan Xilin, and rewarded Pan Ruochu as Princess Yiyun, and also gave her a palace. Your father asked your mother and concubine to take care of her more." Concubine Xu Xian was talking, Pan Ruochu Having already walked in with Wei Ruhao, Pan Ruochu raised his head slightly when he saw Feng Ye at the first sight, without concealing the aloofness on his face, he asked:

"This is His Highness the Eighth Prince?"

Feng Ye nodded, raised the corners of his lips, and said, "Exactly, Princess Yiyun."

"Ye'er, Yiyun and Jian'an are here, if you have something to do, go first, remember what my concubine told you." Concubine Xu Xian said.

"Yes, concubine mother, I will take my leave." Feng Ye bowed slightly, turned his head and left.

Pan Ruochu waited for Feng Ye to leave, looked at Wei Ruhao's eyes looking straight at Feng Ye with a smile, and said, "Princess Jian'an, your face turned red when you saw the Eighth Highness."

Wei Ru heard it well, quickly came back to her senses, said with a blushed face, "Princess Yiyun, you made fun of me."

When Pan Ruochu saw Wei Ruhao's shy look, the expression on his face dimmed, and he said, "I envy you, there is someone who can see you."

She has lived in the palace for several days, and she has not even seen Feng Yunzheng. She heard that he went to Menghua Palace, and she also went to Menghua Palace to visit Concubine Liang, but she did not see Feng Yunzheng. noodle.

"Yiyun, I heard from people in this palace that when the emperor rewarded you, you actually made a request that you want the emperor to marry you to His Highness Ninth Prince, but because His Highness Ninth Prince has the freedom to engage in marriage, the Emperor did not agree to you. And give you the title of princess." Concubine Xu Xian said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Pan Ruochu said, "The Xianfei empress knows everything."

"The reason why His Highness Ninth Highness avoided you is probably because he knew about this matter." Concubine Xu Xian said.

"...It's like his style." Pan Ruochu muttered.

"Actually, if Princess Yiyun really wants to marry His Highness the Ninth Highness and take the position of Princess Heng, she should not be too arrogant. She has to put down her figure and think of a way." Concubine Xu Xian said with a smile on her face. Looking at Pan Ruochu.

Pan Ruochu was slightly taken aback, "What do you mean by Concubine Xian?"

Concubine Xu Xian motioned her to come closer, and said something in her ear, she was stunned for a moment, and said, "No way, although I, Pan Ruochu, like him, but I've always been straightforward, and I don't want to mess with all these tricks. Just pretend you didn’t hear it.”

Concubine Xu Xian was stunned for a moment, seeing Pan Ruochu frowning tightly, she quickly changed the subject, and said, "Okay, okay, I also saw you alone in the palace, and saw that you are weak and weak, not as strong as Na Lian Siyue, so I gave it to you." You came up with such an idea, to catch a man, it’s not just about putting yourself here, but since you don’t want to, then it’s okay to pretend that I didn’t say anything.”

Pan Ruochu pursed her lips and said nothing more.


Lian's mother, second master Lian Yanfeng, third master Lian Yantao, and the wives and young ladies of each house are waiting for the news from the palace.

"Old madam, old madam, great news, fourth master and young master Jue have already received their rewards, and they will soon arrive at Zhengyang Street!"

After a while, the servant who was in charge of delivering the news hurried in all the way, announcing the good news loudly.

Lian's mother stood up suddenly and asked, "Do you know what the reward is?"

"Returning to the old lady, Fourth Master was promoted to Shangshu, Young Master Jue was named King of Ming'an County and General Yunhui, and the emperor also rewarded him with crown clothes. Young Master Jue, oh, no, the county king wears crown clothes to return home."

"Je'er has been named the king of the county. This is the great honor of the Lian family!" When Lian's mother heard this, she was both surprised and happy, her hand holding the scepter trembled with joy, and tears glistened in her eyes.

Even Siyue's eyes showed a trace of surprise.

It's no wonder that this is the first time that the Lian family has a descendant who is a county king in so many years.

The eldest lady smiled along with the old lady, but the fists in her sleeves were clenched lightly, and there was a trace of complicated emotions in her eyes——

Jue'er is now the king of the county, her rank is much higher than her first-rank wife, and she still has real power.

"Oh, this is such a happy event. Madam, I really want to congratulate you. The Feng Shui of our Xiangfu is good. There is a prime minister, a minister, and now a county king. Madam Congratulations." The third room is not as complicated as the second room's Hu Shi, she knows that there is nothing to hope for in this room, so she might as well open up her heart to congratulate and go to the old lady to ask for a reward.

"I count you as a sweet talker." Lian's mother was happy, and after listening to Mrs. Liu's words, she became sweeter and sweeter.

Lian Shiya looked at the happy appearance of the crowd, and felt more and more jealous in her heart, thinking about how beautiful Lian Shiya was at the beginning, what kind of things are Da Furen and Lian Siyue, but now, her mother is dead , her uncle fell from power, and she was left alone, and when she returned to Lian's house, she had to look at people's faces——

I'm really not reconciled!
However, she discussed it with His Royal Highness this time. She came back with an excuse and found a chance to marry the blood of her father and Lian Jue, which proved that Lian Jue was not born of her father. Then the honor bestowed by the emperor will be taken back. Madam, Lian Siyue, and that Lian Yan will also be implicated.

No matter how high the current Lianjue climbs, how badly it will fall when the time comes!

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on her face, she stepped forward and said, "Congratulations to grandma, congratulations to mother."

Probably because Lian's mother was happy, she didn't show Lian Shiya this time, but smiled.

"Old madam, the firecrackers are all ready. The fourth master and the young master have already arrived under the big banyan tree." The butler ran up and said.

"Quick, get ready to let go." Mother Lian hurriedly ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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