First-class daughter

Chapter 656 Brilliant 1 hour 1

Chapter 656: A Brilliant Moment 1
Chapter 656: A Brilliant Moment 1
Rongyuan Hall.

Emperor Zhou Cheng was reclining in front of the couch, and the imperial physician was carefully feeling his pulse. In the past two days, his eyes suddenly became blurred for a short time, but he told the imperial physician to keep his mouth shut.

Feng Degui stepped forward and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty Fourth Highness is asking to see you."

Emperor Zhou Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Since the matter of Xiao Zhenhai came out, I haven't talked to him yet, let him in."

After a while, Feng Qianyue came in with a bow, knelt in front of the hall, and said, "I pay my respects to my father."

Emperor Zhou Cheng sat up, his condensed eyes fell on him, Feng Qianyue lowered his head even lower——

"You came to see me to speak for Xiao Zhenhai?" After a while, Emperor Zhou Cheng asked.

"I dare not, my son is guilty!" Feng Qianyue immediately prostrated herself on the ground and said.

"Raise your head." Emperor Zhou Cheng ordered, Feng Qianyue slowly raised her body, the eyes of the two father and son met -

"Father." Feng Qianyue said with a guilty expression.

Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at him with a scrutiny:
"You say you are guilty, but why are you guilty? I would like to hear it."

"My minister's fault is that he didn't notice Xiao Zhenhai's wolf ambition, and his fault was that he thought that Xiao Zhenhai was someone who had made great contributions to the imperial court, so he relied on him with confidence and treated him like a son-in-law, but he didn't know that he was colluding with King Anping secretly. !
The son-in-law was still wrong, he took Xiao Zhenhai's own daughter, and now she has the royal blood in her arms, so the father was in a dilemma, if the son-in-law married someone else, the father would not be so contradictory.

My son is wrong, my son is willing to be punished by his father, please punish him! "

Feng Qianyue kowtowed again and again, and every time his forehead hit the ground, there was a crisp sound, and after a while, his forehead was swollen and broken, but he still didn't stop, he closed his eyes and kowtowed vigorously. go up.

Before Feng Qian came, he had obtained reliable information that his father had already prepared an imperial decree to kill Xiao Zhenhai's family.

Xiao Zhenhai colluded with King Anping to rebel, and if this crime was committed, he could not escape death!Apart from that, all his other affairs, large and small, were investigated to the bottom during these days, and many of them made Emperor Zhou Cheng furious!

The glory of the Xiao family is finally over.

With the imperial decree, Feng Qianyue knew that everything was a foregone conclusion. At this time, if he still dared to intercede for the Xiao family, he would be on fire, and his father would turn his anger on him and question him together.

Therefore, what he has to do now is to protect himself wisely.

Feng Qianyue is now very glad that he silently saved a hand when he conspired with Xiao Zhenhai. When he framed King Anqing and Yelu Chongyuan for collusion, he quietly eliminated all the evidence against him, and let Xiao Zhenhai bear the blame alone. .

As for Xiao Zhenhai, he would quietly intercept every letter and correspondence with King Anping, as well as the exchange of objects, and also cautiously eliminate any clues related to himself.

Therefore, when Xiao Zhenhai and King Anping's plan to frame Feng Yunzheng was dismantled, he was able to retreat unscathed.

In fact, he knew that Xiao Zhenhai was also guarding against him, especially after Xiao Rou broke the news about the eleventh incident, he knew that Xiao Zhenhai had secretly investigated many things about him.

However, he pretended not to know, after Xiao Zhenhai moved his hands and feet, he moved his hands and feet again.

Xiao Zhenhai is an old fox, but unfortunately, he is a military officer after all, and he is domineering and supercilious in his bones, so naturally he is not as thoughtful as Feng Qianyue.

What's more, Feng Qianyue has been blindfolded since he was five years old. He survived in the cracks, step by step, and walked on thin ice. He has a meticulous mind that ordinary people can't match——

He is really an omnipotent person, in order to succeed, in order to get what he wants, he can do anything!

This is something that Feng Yunzheng and Feng Ye do not have.

"Don't kowtow." Emperor Zhou Cheng glanced at his forehead lightly and said.

"Yes." Feng Qianyue straightened up, her eyes were red, and her nose was red with sourness.

"Why did you invite the army to attack Lu Shang?" Zhou Chengdi asked again.

"Because my son knows that my father will suspect whether my son is also related to Xiao Zhenhai's collusion with King Anping's rebellion, my son wants to use practical actions to prove to my father that no matter when and where, this son will not do anything. When it comes to things that harm father and Da Zhou, I am willing to shed my blood and share my father's worries." Feng Qianyue seemed to be crying blood every word, wishing to take out a heart.

Finally, Emperor Zhou Cheng waved his hand and said, "Get up, I have already handed over the task of leading the army to attack King Anping. Don't think about it anymore. Xiao Rou has royal blood, and I will not pursue it. I heard Xiao Rou You are weak and need extra care, so you don't have to go to the Zhengshitang, and staying at home to take good care of your princess and continue the royal family's offspring is also a very important thing."

"Yes, my son complies with the order, thank you for your kindness." Feng Qianyue said.

Emperor Zhou Cheng still took measures against him. If he didn't go to the Zhengshitang, it meant that the approval he had finally obtained was gone. Let him take good care of the princess, which means letting him take care of the affairs of the court——

In other words, with Xiao Zhenhai's downfall, he, Feng Qianyue, also fell down!

He got up and exited the Rongyuan Hall.

When he walked outside the hall, he felt extremely cold. He looked up at the sun, but the sun seemed to be dark.

The cell door opened slowly.

Hearing the voice, Xiao Zhenhai stood up abruptly, clenched the cell door tightly, looked at the person coming, and asked harshly, "Did the emperor's imperial decree come? Did the emperor hear the old man's grievances?"

Hearing the movement, Xiao He and Xiao Hu also suddenly opened their eyes and stood up.

The eunuch raised his eyebrows and looked at the three of them lightly, and said, "Xiao Zhenhai and Xiaohu accept the order!"

Xiao Zhenhai was overjoyed, and said, "The emperor must have remembered the old man's achievements in the past, and he is going to release the old man today!"

He immediately led the two sons to kneel down, Xiao Hu was a little trembling, but Xiao He looked at the haughty expression on the eunuch's face, but faintly noticed something.

"Follow the sky to carry the goods, the emperor decreed:

Xiao Zhenhai and Xiaohu conspired against the law and joined forces with the vassal Lu Xi to conspire against him. His crime is unforgivable. At noon tomorrow, he will be beheaded at the Zhengyang Gate for public display.

Xiao He could not escape the death penalty, but I think you were young and promising, and you did not directly participate in the treason, so you were exempted from the death penalty. From now on, you will be released after ten years in prison.

Appreciate this! "

Xiao Zhenhai suddenly raised his head, and looked at the person in disbelief, Xiao Hu was also stunned!
The emperor wants to behead their father and son?
"No, it's impossible! This is fake, this imperial decree is false!" Xiao Zhenhai suddenly stood up like a madman, slammed into the cell door, and reached out to grab the imperial decree. He had loose hair and a black beard. Stubble, with scarlet eyes, is very frightening.

"Father, father!"

Seeing this, Xiao He and Xiao Hu quickly stepped forward and grabbed him.

The eunuch was startled, and hurriedly handed the imperial decree in his hand to Xiao Zhenhai, Xiao Zhenhai hurriedly opened it with trembling hands——

He immediately raised his head to the sky and screamed, bent his knees, knelt on the ground, and shouted loudly:
"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! You can't kill old ministers, you can't kill old ministers! The old ministers are loyal to you! Your Majesty, our Xiao family has shed our blood for the imperial court. No merits but hard work, Your Majesty!"

(End of this chapter)

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