First-class daughter

Chapter 657 Forgive the Veteran 2

Chapter 657 Forgive the Veteran 2
Chapter 657 Forgive the Veteran 2
Xiao Zhenhai yelled loudly again and again, he will be beheaded at noon tomorrow, this week Chengdi's imperial decree came too fast and suddenly!
"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! The old minister knows he is wrong! The emperor should spare the old minister!"

"Xiao Zhenhai, the prison is heavy, sleep noisy, disturbed... um..." Before the eunuch finished speaking, he felt a pain in his neck, and he seemed to be suffocating instantly. He lowered his head with difficulty, and found that he didn't know when A belt was wrapped around the neck, and the other end of the belt was held in Xiao He's hand——

It turned out that he tore off the belt on his clothes and locked the eunuch's neck with lightning speed.

Xiao He looked at the eunuch with icy eyes, and said, "No matter how poor my Xiao family is, it's not up to you, an eunuch, to make irresponsible remarks. Since my young master is going to be imprisoned for ten years, I'm not afraid of losing your life in my hands." !"

He tried again, the eunuch's mouth opened, his tongue was squeezed out, the veins on his neck were about to burst out, his eyes were wide open, and a high-pitched voice came out of his mouth with difficulty——

"Forgive, spare, spare, slave, slave is wrong..."

"Hmph." Xiao He snorted coldly, flicked his hand, and retracted the belt, and the eunuch fell to the ground with one buttocks, so frightened that he hurriedly knelt on the ground.

He didn't expect that this former young master became a prisoner, and he still had the same aura as before, with such agility.

"Get out!" Xiao He yelled sharply, and the eunuch ran out quickly rolling and crawling.

"Father, second brother, is our Xiao family really over?" Xiao Hu's knees softened, and he knelt on the ground, with a look of grief and annoyance on his face——

Beheaded at noon tomorrow, he only has one day to live!
Three years ago, his father asked him to draw a picture album, saying that it was a birthday gift for his grandfather, so that he could use his strength to eradicate Feng Ming, the crown prince. At that time, he said that his grandfather was a vassal king, so that should not be the case.But Xiao Zhenhai gave a sinister smile, saying that he sent it there in a fake way, and then he will destroy it if he finds another chance.

Unexpectedly, my grandfather probably saved a copy. When my father secretly burned the album, he had someone copy it from memory.

The disaster was buried at that time, and now, His Highness the Ninth Prince has involved this disaster, and his grandfather rebelled again, so it is only natural for the Xiao family to take the name of the rebellion.

On the one hand, His Highness the Ninth Highness is thoughtful and far-sighted; on the other hand, he only blames the Xiao family for being too ostentatious with their military exploits all these years!
However, until now, there is no other way!
Xiao Zhenhai held the imperial decree tightly in his hand, trembling all over, bent his knees, knelt down on the ground, and said:
"I, Xiao Zhenhai, a hero of a generation, ended up in such a situation. I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled!" He suddenly grasped Xiao He's shoulders, and said in a low voice, "He'er, He'er, the emperor spares you, don't you want to die?" Way, you find a way to save my father, my father must not die, my father has not killed Lian Siyue and Feng Yunzheng, my father must not die!"

Seeing Xiao Zhenhai's arrival, Xiao He was filled with grief, his eyes were red, and he said, "Father, my son wants to save the Xiao family. We have fallen into such a world and suffered all kinds of humiliation. My son will never let the enemy go! It's just that the emperor's imperial edict Come on, my son can't find a perfect solution for a while, father let my son think about it."

"Now that things are going on, why don't you see His Highness the Fourth Highness planning for us? After all, he is on the same boat as his father. Does he want to watch us die?" Xiao Hu said thinking of Feng Qianyue.

Xiao Zhenhai smiled wryly, leaning his back against the wall, his messy long hair hanging loose, said: "I'm afraid he already knew that the emperor would issue this imperial decree, knew that everything was irreversible, and there was no time to protect himself, so how could he plot for us. She sent Xiao Rou over a few days ago, just to test out Wei's father's tone, and then let Wei's father see Rou'er's big belly.

Now, Rou'er is pregnant, and the Fourth Highness is her only reliance. Even if she is a father for Rou'er and her unborn grandson, she must leave him alone so that he will not be implicated.Besides, if he is involved, there will be less trouble for Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue. We believe that as long as he is alive, those two people will not be let go!It can be considered that there will be more people in the future to avenge us. "

"Second Brother said at that time that His Royal Highness is not reliable, but now, the volunteer sister can live and live with the flesh and blood in her belly, Xiao Hu sighed and said weakly.

"He'er!" At this time, Xiao Zhenhai suddenly squeezed Xiao He's hand, and said, "Even if you can't save your father in a short time, you have to find a way to get His Highness Jiu and Lian Siyue together before noon tomorrow. Bring up the head of the father and practice it for your father, otherwise you will die for your father! Did you hear that, He'er!"

"Father!" Xiao Hu's heart trembled when he heard Xiao Zhenhai's words, and said, "Father, the second elder brother was pardoned by the emperor, but he was imprisoned for ten years. After ten years, he will regain his freedom. Then ask us again. Revenge is fine, but if you take measures now, the risk is too great, once you take measures, you will lose your second brother's life!"

"Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue won't die in front of my father, even if my father goes to hell, he won't feel at ease!" Xiao Zhenhai slapped the wall with his palm.

Xiao He's gaze gradually gathered, and a deep thought flashed across.

"Xiao He, come out and change the cell!" When the father and son talked about the same thing, the cell door just opened, and two guards stepped forward, opened the door, walked in front of Xiao He, and put his hands together A pair of iron chains were added to the feet.

Xiao He walked to the door of the cell, and looked back at his father and younger brother. There were tears in their eyes, and Xiao Hu simply cried out.

Xiao He was cruel, turned his head, bent over and walked out, leaving with that tall and cold figure.

After his son left, Xiao Zhenhai lost all his strength and fell to the ground——

Feng Yunzheng!
Even like the moon!
Even if it is death, I, Xiao Zhenhai, will hold you back!Now, I have nothing!
However, I still have a good son. My son will not just watch his father and younger brother die. The look in his eyes before he left just now said everything.

Xiao He was released from the sky prison, and went to another place along the way. He didn't see the sun for several days. The assassin's sun shone on his body, and he felt very glaring, and his eyeballs hurt.

He closed his eyes slightly.

"It's here, let's go in!"

After a while, the guard's hoarse voice rang in his ears, and a dark and heavy door slowly opened——

(End of this chapter)

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