Chapter 666
Chapter 666
"Leave him to him." After thinking for a moment, Lian Siyue said, "Tell her, this maid's mouth is not clean, so be careful, but she is brought back by the third lady, so please keep quiet, she will be imprisoned." .Will you go and see what Lian Shiya is doing?"

"Yes." After Leng Mei winked at the two maids, they took off Xiang Ying who was so painful that she almost lost consciousness.

The rest immediately cleaned up the blood on the ground.

Lian Siyue holds a doll covered in mud in her hand——

This method of secretly cursing is in line with Lian Shiya's style of dealing with people in the world. She stayed cheeky to curse Lian Jue, which seems to make sense.

"Qingdai, let the maid waiting outside come in." A moment later, Lian Siyue ordered.

The servant girl came in, and after meeting Lian Siyue, she said, "Miss, I have something to report to you."

"what's up?"

"My servant will occasionally go to Qingquanyuan to clean. Today, while I was cleaning, I accidentally heard Third Miss and her maid, Chengxiu, say that they want to marry a drop of our county king's blood and curse him," said the maid.

"What's your name?" Lian Siyue asked.

"Slave Fenzhu, third-class maid." The slave replied.

Witnesses and physical evidence are all there, and no flaws can be found——

"Miss, Miss San was in the prime minister's study just now, but she was kicked out. The servants vaguely heard the prime minister scolding Miss San, saying she was talking nonsense, and told her to go back to the Yue Palace and not appear at tomorrow's banquet." Leng Mei came back and said.

"Do you know why?"

"I asked the housekeeper, and the housekeeper said that the third lady said in front of the master that she told Ming An County King's fortune, and the Ming An County King ordered Rick's father to remind the master to be careful of the county king." said coldly.

"This third lady is really uncomfortable with herself. Now that the county king is honoring the lintel, the master is so happy that he can't keep his mouth shut every day. How could he listen to such disappointing words." Said Taimao from the side.

"This third young lady is really unwilling to give up. Now that there is no place to sit in the mansion, she ran to the master without knowing how to speak ill of King An. She is really looking for death." Qing Dai shook her head and said .

"Then go and see how she seeks death." Lian Siyue was noncommittal to the comments of the servants, got up and said.

After being kicked out of Lian Yanqing's study, Lian Shiya stood at the door of the study and said anxiously, "Father, my daughter is not talking nonsense..."

Before she finished speaking, the door was mercilessly closed.

"Father, why don't you believe me." Lian Shiya knelt on the ground in a crying voice, unwillingly said, but an imperceptible sneer flashed in her eyes.

"Ma'am, let's go, it won't look good for the Prime Minister to send someone to catch up later, and it will embarrass His Highness." Cheng Xiu went to support Lian Shiya and said.

Lian Shiya continued to sob, her eyes were red, she stood up slowly, and said, "I am kind, but my father refused to accept it. I have to be hurt by Lian Jue before I know I regret it. That's all. There is nothing to say, let's go, where did Xiangying go?"

She looked around, but she didn't find Xiangying's shadow, so she asked.

"Third sister brought back a person with good skills, and stayed by her side pretending to be an ordinary maid. She was worried about the safety of the mansion, and locked Xiangying up." At this time, a warm voice came from behind Lian Shiya. sound.

She suppressed her sobbing, wiped the tears off her face with a veil, looked back, and saw Lian Siyue standing there, shrouded in the sun, but when she saw her, Lian Shiya felt a chill in her heart .

Her face suddenly changed, she looked very nervous, and asked in a tight voice:
"What? The servant girl I brought was taken away? This was given to me by His Royal Highness, a small guard house in Liantian, who dares to arrest me from the Yue Palace at will! I'm going to find him and see what it is People are telling her to do this!"

"..." Lian Siyue raised her hand, loosened it, and a puppet in her hand fell to Lian Shiya's feet. Lian Shiya was filled with righteous indignation to defend herself.

However, when he saw this doll, his face suddenly turned pale, and his eyes began to dare not look at Lian Siyue.

"Pa..." Lian Siyue raised her other hand again, another bottle landed at Lian Shiya's feet, it shattered with a snap, and a stream of reddish blood flowed out.

Lian Shiya's face became even uglier, her eyes flickered, and she said, "This, what is this, why did you leave me by my side?"

Lian Siyue looked at Lian Shiya, shook her head, her cold eyes showed deep contempt, and said:

"Third sister, don't play with such low-level tricks anymore.

Tomorrow is a big day for Lian Jue and Fourth Uncle, and I have no time to waste time with you, your maid has already been imprisoned, you hurry up, if you stay a little longer, don't blame me for being ruthless! "

"You!" Lian Shiya blushed and said, "I..."

"Why, do you want me to give these two things to father?" Lian Siyue asked lightly.

Lian Shiya gritted her teeth, got up from the ground, supported by Cheng Xiu, and limped away as if reluctantly.

"Third Sister's things and servants have already moved into the carriage, you don't need to go back to Qingquanyuan, just go to the gate of the mansion." Lian Siyue looked at her back and said.

"..." Lian Shiya turned her head, gritted her teeth, and walked out towards the gate of Xiangfu without uttering a word.

Lian Siyue looked at her gradually walking away back, her eyes locked deeply and said:

"Nothing can happen tomorrow."

Pan Ruochu sat cross-legged on the big banyan tree in front of the hall with his eyes closed, biting a piece of grass in his mouth, a white figure appeared in his mind, and his face suddenly flushed.

"Miss Yinzi, my mother invites the princess to come over." While she was thinking about it, she lowered her head and saw several court ladies coming over.

She turned over and fell from the tree.

"Ah..." When the maids saw Princess Yiyun falling from the sky, they were startled.

Pan Ruochu took the grass out of his mouth and asked, "What is the concubine Xian doing with this princess?"

"The empress said that the newly-appointed King of Ming'an County had a banquet given by the emperor in the prime minister's mansion, and asked the princess if she wanted to go, and the empress said, the princess is bored in the palace, why not go out for a walk and make some friends. "The maid said in a trembling voice, a little shocked.

"Ming'an County King?" Pan Ruochu thought for a while, and asked, "Is it the younger brother of the Xiangfu who is as close as the county master?"

"Exactly." The maid replied.

"Who will attend the banquet at the Prime Minister's Mansion?" Pan Ruochu asked.

"As far as I know, all the high-ranking adults in the court, their family members, and all your highnesses will go to congratulate."

"Then..." Pan Ruochu paused, grabbed the maid by the neck, pulled her aside, and asked in a low voice, "Come on, tell me quietly and honestly, will His Highness the Ninth Prince go?"

Where did this court lady come across such an informal master, she hurriedly said, "I will definitely go, His Highness the Ninth Prince has always been on good terms with the Prime Minister's Mansion, and has a very close relationship with the Ming An County King, he will go."

A gleam of light flashed in Pan Ruochu's eyes, and his mood immediately rose, he said, "Okay, you go and report to the concubine Xian, and I will join in the fun, so that I can see the demeanor of King Ming'an up close, but, I For this first visit, you must prepare a congratulatory gift, and I have to choose one from the treasures I brought from Qingnan."

"The day before yesterday, the Prime Minister announced that anyone who goes to the banquet is not allowed to bring gifts exceeding three taels of silver." The maid reminded.

"Three taels of silver?" Pan Ruochu frowned and said, "My princess's treasures are at least worth a thousand taels. These three taels of silver are really hard to find."

The maid smiled and said, "Princess, don't worry, the concubine Xian knew that you would worry about these three taels of silver, so she has already prepared it for you. Just take it with you when you go."

(End of this chapter)

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