Chapter 667
Chapter 667
As the maid said, she handed a box in her hand to Pan Ruochu.

"What is this?" Pan Ruochu asked curiously when she opened the box and saw a small purple bag with patterns of plum blossoms embroidered on it.

"A sachet, which is worn around the waist, costs only about three taels of silver." The maid explained.

After hearing this, Pan Ruochu threw the box back to the maid, and said, "Sachet? Don't put it on your waist? That's not okay. It's a gift from a woman to the man she loves. I don't have any thoughts about that little child of Prince Ming'an." , I appreciate the kindness of the concubine Xian, you take it back, and I will find a way, at worst, I will go away empty-handed."

"Princess, don't misunderstand me, please take a closer look." The court lady seemed to know that Pan Ruochu would reject the sachet, and said, "This sachet is made of Qingnan's unique fabric and embroidery techniques, and the front is Qing Nan’s auspicious flower, plum blossom, on the back is Qingnan’s mascot unicorn, with the name of your father King Anqing embroidered on it. So, this looks like a sachet, but it actually represents Qingnan and your father’s auspicious item, When you sent it out, you said that this is a custom in southern Qing Dynasty. When you congratulate, you will always send this kind of sachet. Moreover, the empress prepared two for you at a time, one for King Ming'an, Give the other to Ronghe county magistrate, so no one will say anything more, and no one will think about it."

"Hey, that's not a bad idea, your empress is worthy of being a concubine, she is so thoughtful about everything.

That's okay, then I'll give this sachet as a gift, so as to save me a lot of trouble. "Pan Ruochu took the sachet and accepted it with satisfaction, "Thank you, Madam, for me. "

"Your Majesty has also prepared four sets of summer clothes made of brocade for the princess. Please have a look at the princess and choose a set to wear at tomorrow's banquet. My Majesty said that although Princess Yiyun is not the emperor's own, the cost of food and clothing cannot be compared with other princesses. Difference."

I saw several palace maids filing in, each holding luxurious summer dresses of four different colors: red, purple, blue, and green, and a box of jewellery.

"The concubine Xian has a heart." Pan Ruochu couldn't help feeling the thoughtfulness of the concubine Xian. Ever since she was named a princess, the emperor asked the concubine Xian to take care of her. Everything the concubine Xian did made her feel helpless picky.

Being unfamiliar with her place of life, she gradually became dependent and trusting on Concubine Xu Xian. Except for the last time Concubine Xu Xian gave her a way to capture His Highness the Ninth Highness, which she flatly refused, she listened to Concubine Xu Xian's opinion on everything else.

Winter Palace.

The maid who gave Pan Ruochu the sachet came back to report to Concubine Xu Xian, saying that Princess Yiyun had accepted the gift and expressed her gratitude to the empress.

"Understood, you go out." Concubine Xu Xian waved her hand and said.

After a while, a man came out from behind the screen and asked, "Madam, are you going to use Princess Yiyun's hand this time to kill King Ming'an?"

Concubine Xu Xian clenched the back of the chair tightly with her fingers, and said, "I can't wait any longer. I have been having nightmares recently. I dreamed that he ascended the throne and killed me, Ye'er, and my mother's family. The bloody Hanging his head on the city wall, Ben Gong woke up and couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

No matter whether Bengong is willing to admit it or not, this combo is approaching the emperor step by step. Bengong suspects that he is planning something. These plans are aimed at Bengong and Ye'er. If he is not dealt with quickly, the truth will be revealed in the future. The consequences are unimaginable. "

"But, the Eighth Prince is not in the palace, so don't you need to discuss it with him? He doesn't approve of the empress's reckless approach." The man still hesitated and said.

"Although Ye'er is gentle and martial, he lacks the ruthlessness of those in power. As a mother and concubine, I will come forward to clear the obstacles for him. There is no need to discuss this matter with him." Concubine Xu Xian said.

"Your Majesty has good intentions, I hope His Highness the Eighth Highness can appreciate it."

"He will forgive me, after all, he was born by me, and everything I do is for his future." Concubine Xu Xian's eyes flashed sharply.

Lian Shiya was kicked out of the Prime Minister's Mansion, and on the carriage back, she breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on her face——

"This time, I finally made me lie to Lian Siyue once, so let her think that I was looking for a warlock to curse Lianjue."

As she spoke, she took out a bottle from her sleeve: what was in it was Lian Jue's blood, and what Xiang Ying was wearing was just a deliberate cover to confuse Lian Siyue's sight.

Moreover, before going to the Prime Minister's Mansion, His Highness the Fourth Highness had arranged for Taoist Liu, and the doll was buried when she went to Wenhua Academy to wait for Lian Jue. All the evidence points to the fact that she returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion to curse Lian Jue of.

Holding the bottle tightly in her hand, she returned to the Yue Palace.

After getting off the carriage, I went directly to Feng Qianyue's study, and gave the bottle to Feng Qianyue, unable to restrain the excitement in my heart, said: "I got it back, Lian Jue's blood!"

"The blood of Lian Xiang has also been taken." Feng Qianyue took out another bottle.

"Your Highness, my father is very cautious and will not allow anyone to approach him easily. How did you get his blood?" Lian Shiya asked curiously.

"Your father is a cautious person, so he cherishes his life very much. This morning, when he was going down to court, the king asked Imperial Physician Du to pretend to meet him by chance, saying that he looked bad and seemed to be overworked. He bled the pulse... so, he got his blood easily." Feng Qianyue said.

"Then let's take a look!" Lian Shiya couldn't wait.

"Are you sure what you got is Lian Jue's blood?" Feng Qianyue confirmed again.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, I can guarantee that this bottle has never left my side." Lian Shiya replied with certainty.

Feng Qianyue asked someone to bring a bowl, put water in it, first poured Lian Yanqing's blood into the water, then, Lian Shiya opened the bottle with trembling hands, poured Lian Jue's blood into it, and then squeezed Lian Yanqing's blood into the bottle. Clutching the edge of the table, staring at the bowl without blinking, his heart was beating nervously.

Feng Qianyue looked calm, and his eyes fell on the two drops of blood.

Waited for a while——

"Hahaha, hahahahahaha..." Lian Shiya suddenly laughed wildly, "Lian Siyue, Lian Jue, you are finished, your siblings are completely finished, hahahaha..."

Feng Qianyue looked at the two drops of blood that could not be fused in the bowl, her heart trembled suddenly, and then a smile appeared on the corner of her lips——

"Lian Jue really wasn't Lian Yanqing's own."

"He's not! He's just a bastard! King Ming'an? Hehe, Your Highness, this Lian Jue is not a descendant of the Lian family, but he was made the king of the county because of his surname Lian. Does this count as a crime of deceiving the king?" Lian Shi A distorted smile appeared on Ya's face, and she asked in a trembling voice.

"The Lian family is not an ordinary family. Lian Yanqing is the prime minister of the dynasty, and Mrs. Lian is the first-rank wife appointed by the emperor. If Lian Jue is not the flesh and blood of the Lian family, she is nothing.
(End of this chapter)

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