Chapter 668
Chapter 668
, not to mention military meritorious service, and was conferred the title of King of Ming'an County by his father, so this is a crime of deceiving the emperor. "Feng Qianyue said.

Lian Shiya couldn't wait to say: "Great! Great! Hahaha! Your Highness, what are we waiting for! Hurry up and expose the truth, I can't wait to see the fate of this bitch Lian Siyue! Your Majesty I won't spare their mother and daughter, and my father won't spare them either!
My mother found out their secret and was killed by her. I must settle this account with her properly!Hahaha... This time Lian Siyue, you can't escape no matter what, Lian Jue, a bastard with the blood of a bastard, dare to be called the eldest grandson of the Lian family, and dare to be held in the palm of Lian's family and take care of him .

Alright, this time, I'll settle accounts with these two sluts! "

"Think clearly. Once the truth of the crime of deceiving the emperor is revealed, not only Mrs. Lian, Lian Siyue, and Lian Jue will be punished, but your entire Lian family will be implicated. Because from the point of view of the emperor, It wasn't Mrs. Lian and Lian Siyue who deceived Lian Yanqing, but Lian Yanqing used a fake son to deceive fame and wealth." Feng Qianyue looked at Lian Shiya's almost crazy look, and said.

"Hmph." Lian Shiya snorted coldly and said, "The Lian family is sorry for me, if the Lian family refuses to be my backstage, then I will destroy them!
Now I can't wait for them all to die, and be beheaded one by one by the emperor!
Especially my grandmother, that old bitch, she is so focused on Lian Siyue and Lian Jue, she doesn't feel sorry for me at all, I hate this old bastard so much.

Now, I want to see how she will look when she knows that the eldest grandson she holds in her hand is a bastard and has brought disaster to the Lian family. "

Lian Shiya only thought that the Lian family was sorry for her, but she didn't think how much she and Aunt Xiao planned to get rid of the eldest lady, Lian Siyue and the others, and seize control of the Lian family's back house.

"Then let's expose this matter in front of everyone tomorrow." Feng Qianyue's lips revealed a piercing coldness. He has not had a good time, and even Siyue can rest in peace. He said that he would hold her Go to hell together.

"Tomorrow?" Lian Shiya thought she would go back to Lian's house and report this to Lian Yanqing.

"If you just revealed the truth to your father, then although your father will severely punish Lian Siyue, mother and daughter, but because of Lian Jue's status as the Ming'an County King, he will definitely try to suppress the matter, but if it is among many If the prince and princess reveal the truth in front of all the officials, the secret will be known to everyone, and they will have no room to maneuver even if they want to."

"Yes, yes, Your Highness is right. I was too eager and became confused for a while, so let's wait for tomorrow's banquet." Lian Shiya said, she was looking forward to tomorrow's banquet even more.

"Don't get too complacent, Lian Siyue is a difficult opponent, she is more unfathomable than you and I imagined." Now, Feng Qianyue is taking every step carefully, he can no longer afford to lose.

"Your Highness, as long as it is true that Lian Jue is not my father's flesh and blood, it will be useless for Ren Lian Si Yue to strategize. Therefore, this time, we will definitely win, and we will win beautifully. As for Lian Si Yue This slut, she can cry well!" Lian Shiya said, looking closely at the two drops of blood in the bowl.

"Tomorrow, I will go to the Prime Minister's Mansion, and I will arrange for you to come in. You don't care how big the matter is." Feng Qianyue warned.

The wind and rain are coming, the dark clouds are overwhelming, and there is a depressing atmosphere in the sky and the earth.

However, this bad weather did not prevent civil and military officials, gentry and rich merchants from coming to attend the banquet held by the Prime Minister's Mansion today.

Early in the morning, Lian Yanqing led Lian Yanfu and Lian Jue to greet the highnesses and princesses at the gate of the mansion—

"Second Highness is here..."

"The Sixth Highness is here..."

"Third princess arrives..."

As all the distinguished guests appeared one by one, the three of them exchanged greetings with the visitors, and the whole Prime Minister's Mansion was filled with joy, while Lian's mother was in the hall, accompanied by Da Furen, Lian Xi, Lian Siyue and others, with the ladies who came, Say some polite words.

"Lady Lian, it's rare for the Lian family to have a county king. It's really gratifying and congratulatory. I'm so envious of others."

"That's right, the king of Ming'an County has made such great achievements at such a young age, the old lady taught well, and even the ancestors of the family have accumulated virtue." Everyone surrounded the old lady and the eldest lady and said some compliments, their tone could not be envious, after all, Beijing The one who was named king with a different surname at such a young age is alone in Lianjue.

"This is Miss Siyue, she has grown up again." Someone noticed that she had been standing behind Mother Lian, standing quietly like an orchid.

"Old Madam Li, you forgot, this is also the county magistrate of Ronghe, who was appointed by the emperor, so he cannot be called by his first and last name." Someone reminded.

"Yue'er has met all the old ladies." Lian Siyue bowed slightly decently, with a slight smile on his face, which made people feel happy.

Today she is wearing a long skirt with dark blue flowing colors and dark flowers. She has a slender figure. A pair of exquisite jasper and small gold thread red agate earrings are inserted obliquely in the bun, which is quiet and noble. Under the swaying shadow, the almond eyes are smiling, the eyebrows are curved, and the frown and smile are self-contained.

Mrs. Liang of Liang Guofu suddenly said, "A few days ago, Liang Shumo, the devil king of my family, came to Lian's family to propose to Siyue with great fanfare without our consent. The moon seems to be causing trouble." Then Liang Shumo is the grandson of Mrs. Liang.

Lian's mother smiled and joked, "It's not troublesome, that's right, your grandson brought too many treasures, and it took us some time to send them back, hahahaha..."

"No, this demon king emptied his grandfather's study room. I really can't laugh or cry." Mrs. Liang said with a smile and sighed.

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard this, even Siyue was at the side, and said with a smile, "I said to him at the time, be careful and go back to the board, he still didn't believe it."

"Hey, but, after being rejected by you, our idiot hid at home and cried for two days and two nights. He refused to see anyone and made jokes in the room. Later, his grandfather brought a big knife, and he ran away in fright. He broke a leg when he was going through the window, but his grandfather didn't let him go, and asked the doctor to scold him severely while looking at his injuries. As a result, guess what, this ancestor blamed his mother for being late. For two years, he made him Sister Yue's younger brother, but she didn't treat him as an older brother, so Sister Yue looked down on him." Mrs. Liang looked at Lian Siyue as she said this, with a sense of scrutiny, wondering if Lian Siyue What is Yue Xin thinking in his heart? In the past, Liang Guogong didn't care about Liang Shumo's nonsense, but now he really wants to get married.

"Mr. Liang is really interesting." Lian Siyue smiled slightly, but there was a sense of alienation in this smile.

(End of this chapter)

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