First-class daughter

Chapter 669 It's You

Chapter 669 It's You
Chapter 669 It's You
"Mrs. Liang, today is not a day to talk about marriage, don't you think so?" Mother Lian accepted the words and said with a smile.

Mrs. Liang came back to her senses, and hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, yes, look at me, am I confused? I just thought that your granddaughter is so kind in every way, so I said a few more words for my idiot grandson, that's all, that's all. Next time, let's talk about it another time."

After hearing Mrs. Liang's words, everyone knew that she was deliberately looking down on the eldest lady of the Lian family for her grandson in front of these old ladies and wives, so that others would give way.

However, the three generations of loyalists in Liang Guofu have been highly valued by the emperor since the first emperor. Liang Guogong is the elder of the three dynasties and a pillar of the court, which is the same as the Lian family.

"Princess Yiyun is here..." At this time, the name shouted outside the door attracted Lian Siyue's attention, and she raised her eyes to look at the door.

I saw a graceful beauty alighting from a luxurious carriage. This person is the emperor's new concubine, Pan Ruochu, the only daughter of King Anqing.

Lian Siyue remembered her, Pan Ruochu's timely appearance played a key role in bringing down Xiao Zhenhai that day.

I saw that she was wearing a cross-collared multicolored skirt and a water red cloud brocade cloak. She was wearing a double snail cloud bun which is popular in Kyoto nowadays. Walking around, the long tassels sway gently and shallowly, very bright and romantic.

Pan Ruochu raised his head, looked at the plaque on the prime minister's mansion, and with a smile on his face, he stepped forward and said, "Prime Minister Lian, King Ming'an, Lord Shangshu."

Pan Ruochu grew up in Qingnan, where she was the most attention-grabbing woman, and when she arrived in the capital, she was named a princess, because she felt a little arrogant wherever she went.

Lian Yanqing cupped his hands and said, "Princess Yiyun is here. It is my honor to come here. Please come inside, please come inside." He knew that this was a princess conferred by the emperor to appease King Anqing, so he did not neglect at all. Also appeared more enthusiastic.

"Yinzi." Pan Ruochu called, Yinzi immediately stepped forward and presented a sachet.

"The prime minister said that he would not accept congratulatory gifts that exceed three taels of silver. After much deliberation, I presented my auspicious sachet from Qingnan County to King Ming'an as a congratulatory gift from the Anqing Palace. " Pan Ruochu deliberately delivered the sachet at the gate in front of many people, so as not to be misunderstood.

"Thank you, Princess Yiyun." Lian Jue took it with both hands and said.

"Je'er, since it is a congratulatory gift from Prince Anqing's residence, don't hesitate to put it on." Lian Yanqing saw that Lian Jue was only held in his hand, and Princess Yiyun seemed to be waiting for something, so he hurriedly urged.

"Yes, Father." Lian Jue lowered his head and pinned the sachet on his waist. Although it is a custom in southern Qing Dynasty to give gifts, Lian Jue was a little unhappy to hang a sachet from a woman on his waist, but Lian Yanqing After saying such a thing, he couldn't refuse it openly, so he lowered his head and put it on, and thanked Princess Yiyun.

Pan Ruochu nodded, followed a few maids who led the way, looked east and west, and walked inside. When he saw Lian Siyue, he nodded at her, and his scrutiny eyes fell on her——

She knew that Lian Siyue was the sweetheart that His Highness the Ninth Prince was talking about.

Thinking about it, she felt a little unhappy in her heart.

Lian Siyue knew that Pan Ruochu had a special status, so she walked over in person, nodded, and said, "Princess Yiyun is here, please sit down."

"Thank you." Pan Ruochu looked at Lian Siyue, this was their first official meeting.

Yinzi stepped forward, ready to take out the sachet that he wanted to give to Lian Siyue, but Pan Ruochu raised his hand to signal her to back down.

There was a voice in her heart, if she gave this person a worthless sachet for the first time, she would be worthless too, and she didn't want to be looked down upon in front of Lian Siyue at all, so she temporarily canceled the gift of incense pack ideas.

"Princess, you are welcome, please sit over there." Pan Ruochu's small movements and eyes were in the eyes of Lian Siyue, but she remained calm.

Pan Ruochu sat in her seat, she looked around, and saw that several highnesses were sitting and talking together, but the figure of His Highness Ninth was missing, she couldn't help but feel a little lost.

"The Fourth Highness is here..." Just when most of the people arrived, Feng Qianyue's carriage appeared at the door.

Seeing his figure, Lian Jue felt a little displeased, but still stepped forward and said, "Meet Your Highness Fourth."

Feng Qianyue seemed to appreciate Lian Jue very much, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Lian Jue, well done, you have made great contributions to the court."

Lian Jue clasped his hands together and said, "Your Highness, this is not due to me alone, but to the great contributions of the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Many of them, like my fourth uncle, have guarded the Shanhaiguan Pass for five or six years. What I have done is better than that." It’s really nothing compared to them.”

"However, you are the only one who was named the king of the county." Feng Qianyue looked at him with a deep smile on his face, as if there was something in his words.

Lian Yanqing listened from the side, feeling a little awkward in his heart, but said cheerfully, "Your Highness came here on purpose, my family is full of splendor, please come inside, Your Highness."

"Thank you Lian Xiang." Feng Qianyue took another deep look at Lian Jue before walking in.

"Je'er, what's the matter with you?" Lian Yanfu asked, noticing that Lian Jue's expression was a bit unsightly.

"Fourth Uncle, I don't know why. I have always disliked this Fourth Highness. I feel that he is too deep and inconsistent, and I don't bother to deal with him." What he said, when talking about it with this fourth uncle, he didn't hide it.

"Je'er!" Lian Yanfu looked around hurriedly, and said, "I know you are upright by nature, but you must never say such things, besides, you are now the king of the county, if someone listens to you, you will Get into trouble."

"Fourth Uncle, don't worry, I know my position is special, I'm very careful, I used to talk to my sister, now I'll talk to you." Seeing that Lian Yanfu was worried, Lian Jue said conveniently.

"Je'er, you must know that the position of crown prince has been vacant for a long time now, and the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty have been urging the emperor to appoint a new crown prince as soon as possible, but the emperor has not moved for a long time. These princes seem to be harmonious on the surface, but in fact But the undercurrent is surging, the blood of the fighting is splattering, our family is in full swing, everyone is watching, we have to do what your sister said, carefully handle the relationship with each highness, and we must not take it lightly Now." Although Lian Yanfu is a military officer, under the influence of Lian Yanqing, he does not lack the thinking of a civil official.

"I see, Fourth Uncle, we just don't want to participate in those fights." Lian Jue said.

At this moment, not far from the Prime Minister's Mansion, many people are watching the prosperity of the Prime Minister's Mansion. Lian Siyue has already arranged people to give rice and food to these people there. A few men hide in the crowd, looking But when it landed on Lian Jue, a person lowered his voice and said:

"Little prince, this is the man, the ugly monster with a scar on his face, he killed our Nanyuan king, his name is Lian Jue, as far as the general knows, he pretended to be an ordinary soldier in Shanhaiguan, In the army."

The man called the little prince looked at Lian Jue coldly with evil eyes, and a coldness flashed in his eyes, and said, "It turns out that he killed my father and disturbed the whole Khitan. Since he has the guts to kill me Father, you must have the courage to bear Xiao Wang's anger. Mo Dan, let's go."

"Yes, little prince." A few people looked at Lian Jue again, mixed with the common people, and left quietly.

After Lian Siyue saw Feng Qianyue coming in, she chatted happily with the highnesses who had arrived early, and she couldn't help laughing in her heart——

Today is also the day when Xiao Zhenhai was beheaded, but he was able to appear in front of everyone so "easily", as if nothing had happened——

Hehe, Feng Qianyue is indeed Feng Qianyue.

(End of this chapter)

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