Chapter 670

Chapter 670

Feng Qianyue is indeed Feng Qianyue
He was using his joking to imply to everyone that he had nothing to do with Xiao Zhenhai's rebellion, and he was not guilty.

"The county master is blessed to have such a promising younger brother." Feng Qianyue walked over and looked at Lian Siyue, their eyes met in mid-air, with a mocking smile on their faces at the same time.

"Your Highness has been rewarded. Jue'er just did what he should do. The emperor's reward is really a great kindness." Lian Siyue's words had a certain amount of advance and retreat, and she smiled calmly.

"Humble." Feng Qianyue said.

"Your Highness, there are a lot of guests today, if there is any lack of hospitality, please forgive me." Lian Siyue nodded to him, then walked back to Lian Mu's side.

Feng Qianyue looked at her back, then at Ying Kong, who nodded.

The Prime Minister's Mansion was a bustling scene where everyone was clinging to, but at this moment, under the Zhengyang Gate, it was another miserable scene.

Xiao Zhenhai, Xiao Hu, Mrs. Xiao, Fan Ming, etc. were detained and all knelt under the Zhengyang Gate. Behind each of them stood a jailer holding a butcher's knife, and the execution would begin as soon as noon came.

Master Ding who presided over the execution behind the case looked up at the sky, the sky was gloomy and there was no sun.

"How long is it until noon?" He asked the guard next to him.

"Go back to my lord, there is still half an hour."

"Half an hour, it won't be long." Master Ding said and looked at Xiao Zhenhai, and couldn't help shaking his head.

Xiao Zhenhai, the majestic and majestic Grand Duke of the past, is now wearing a white prison uniform with disheveled hair. In these days, most of his hair has turned white. There is a stick on his back, with a bloody word written on it in red paint. The word "kill".

A generation of famous heroes, after all, just fell into decline like this, and all the glory is in the past. In this Great Zhou Dynasty, there is probably no Xiao family anymore.

At this moment Xiao Zhenhai was kneeling on the ground, looking at the ordinary people who were pointing around with his dark eyes.

Suddenly, like a wild lion, he stood up abruptly and shouted loudly:

"Xiao He! Xiao He! You want to avenge us, you want to kill them, kill them, do you hear that! You are my son, father hates son, do you hear that!"

When Master Ding saw it, he hurriedly ordered, "Hurry up, hurry up, I'm afraid this person is going crazy, hurry up and hold him down!"

"Yes!" A few jailers stepped forward quickly, and pressed Xiao Zhenhai's shoulders. Although Xiao Zhenhai's hands were tied behind his back, but with a force from his shoulders, the two jailers fell over their shoulders at the same time, and spat:

"Bah! Yellow-mouthed boy! When this old man went to battle to kill the enemy and solve problems for the emperor, you didn't know where you were, so you dare to arrest this old man, get out!"

"Xiao Zhenhai!" Master Ding slapped the table, stood up suddenly, and said, "You still think you are that high-ranking Duke of the State, wake up, you and King Anping raised troops, the crime is unforgivable, the emperor has ordered I'm beheading you, I'm going to destroy your Xiao family!"

"This old man was wronged, it was His Highness Ninth, it was His Highness Ninth who set this old man up, this old man was wronged, His Majesty was deceived by His Highness Ninth!" Xiao Zhenhai stared at Lord Ding with his scarlet eyes.

"Heh!" Master Ding smiled contemptuously, and said, "Then you are not only guilty of colluding with King Anping. Over the years, you have plundered and embezzled the people's land, and made many people homeless, causing people's resentment to boil. To talk about other things, let’s talk about the year before the year before, because the fortune teller said that the Yin-Yang mountain in Dongjia Village was prosperous for you, so you asked your subordinates to drive out hundreds of people in the entire village, and if there was any resistance, the Fa was executed on the spot. In just a few days Killed hundreds of people, all of a sudden, the sky was angry and people complained, and now the emperor is killing harm for the people..."

"..." Xiao Zhenhai's complexion changed, and he said, "This is not the old man's order, it is the old man's subordinates killing innocent people indiscriminately without telling the old man."

"Hmph, without you, Xiao Zhenhai, would they dare?" Master Ding questioned.

Xiao Zhenhai has been on the battlefield for many years, but now he is questioned by a little person he would never pay attention to!

He suddenly shouted again, "He'er, He'er, did you see that? Your father has been a soldier all his life, but now he is being bullied by these unknown soldiers. You know who caused this! Kill them! You want to replace him!" Father killed them for revenge!"

"Xiao Zhenhai!" Mrs. Xiao Lu Xi, who was kneeling beside her, finally stared fiercely at her husband, and shouted in a low voice, "What do you want to do, you are not enough to die by yourself, do you have to drag the river into the water at this time? Hehe , Today, you have ended up like this, you asked for it yourself, you can't blame others.

I have reminded you long ago not to collude with the prince, not to collude with the harem, but you just didn't listen. Now, are you not even willing to let your only living son live?You know He'er is filial, but you still force him! "

"The kindness of a woman! Since He'er is my son, Xiao Zhenhai, he should avenge the murder of his father." Xiao Zhenhai turned around and scolded in a low voice.

"Xiao Zhenhai, I, Lu Xi, is the eldest daughter of King Anping, and now my father rebelled, and I was executed by the emperor's order. This is what I should do for my father, and my blood rights should be sacrificed for him!
However, if it wasn't for your own selfishness to provoke the relationship between Pingzhou and His Highness the Ninth Prince, my father would not have rashly raised troops, he would have warned me and asked me to leave the capital with the children, and you, let the whole family follow you To be buried with him, now the emperor is lenient to He'er and let him live, but you are rushing to send him to die! "

"Lu Xi, stop talking nonsense!" Xiao Zhenhai clenched his fists and said harshly.

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Lu Xi's lips, and he said, "You know how you misled my father."

Immediately, a guilty expression appeared on Xiao Zhenhai's face. That's right, some letters between him and King Anping were written in the name of Lu Xi, and therefore he did give some wrong information to his father-in-law, King Anping.

"Xiao Zhenhai, you and I were a husband and wife. When you brought me from Pingzhou to Kyoto in a carriage, I married a chicken as the chicken married a dog as the dog. I took off the saddle and put on a bun. , I only ask you one thing: let He'er go."

Mr. Ding found Xiao Zhenhai and his wife talking, but couldn't make out what they were saying. He immediately became more vigilant, stood up, and angrily said, "No wanton noise is allowed in the execution ground!"

Not far away, a man with a hat on his head was watching the scene on the execution ground, and seeing his once invincible father, now being pressed to the ground by a few little jailers, he clenched his fists hard.

He couldn't really hear what his father was saying to his mother, and there was a painful expression on his face. Finally, he looked up at the sky, and there were dark clouds, and a storm was coming.

"Father, mother, third brother..." Xiao He's heart was twisted like a knife, and the blood in his body was about to move——

(End of this chapter)

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