First-class daughter

Chapter 671 Hunting Like Moon

Chapter 671 Hunting Like Moon
Chapter 671 Hunting Like Moon
Half an hour, he still has half an hour, now, apart from that unworthy younger sister, Xiao He is the only one left alive in the Xiao family.

He lowered the brim of his hat a little and turned sharply to leave.

"Second Young Master..."

At this time, someone suddenly grabbed his sleeve and shouted in surprise.

Xiao He frowned, lifted his hat a bit——

"It really is you! Second Young Master, you... um..." Xiao He covered Mu Bai's mouth, winked at him, and quickly walked aside.

Mu Bai was taken aback for a moment, and immediately followed.

When he reached a corner where no one was around, Xiao He took off the hat on his head and asked, "I heard that all the servants of the Xiao family have been exiled, why are you still here?"

Mu Bai bent his knees, knelt on the ground, tears streaming down his face, and said, "Second Young Master, some of the slaves in the mansion were exiled to the army, and some were sold to other mansions, the slaves are the ones that were sold."

Xiao He took off his jade pendant from his waist, put it in Mu Bai's hand, and said, "You and I are master and servant, you keep this piece of jade, you can keep it as a souvenir, or pawn it for money, go. "

Mu Bai held the jade pendant tightly, hugged Xiao He's leg while crying, and asked, "Second Young Master, what about you, you gave the only jade pendant you have to this servant, where are you going?"

Xiao He's eyes became cold and deep, and he said coldly, "Now, my Xiao family is ruined, I must avenge this revenge, otherwise, I, Xiao He, will be sorry to the ancestors of the Xiao family, and I will be sorry to my father, mother and younger brother." .”

When Mu Bai heard this, he was startled, quickly wiped away his tears, and said, "Second Young Master, you, are you going to take revenge? No, you can't, Second Young Master, now, you are no longer the Great General of Tianbao, you are no longer the Young Master , you are only one person, no one can help you, you will die if you go to revenge, you must not go, you must live."

"Alive?" Xiao He sneered, with a little sadness in his eyes, and said, "All the people I love have left one by one. What's the point of me living alone in the world? If I go, I will repay the one who went to die. determination."

As he spoke, he put his hat back on and prepared to leave.

"Wait, Second Young Master!" Seeing that Xiao He had made up his mind, Mu Bai hurriedly stood up, ran to Xiao He, and said, "You are the famous young master in this capital, and everyone talks about Xiao He. You are going to take revenge, how can you not have an entourage by your side, Mu Bai is willing to go with the second young master, please ask the second young master to bring Mu Bai to protect you."

Xiao He looked at this loyal slave, with a slight smile on his face, and said, "The Xiao family is over, but there is still such a loyal slave as you, I, Xiao He, are lucky in my life, Mu Bai, you today I remember these words, if there is a chance, goodbye."

With that said, Xiao He turned and left.

"Second Young Master!"

"You don't have to follow, I'll take your wish." Just as Mu Bai was about to step on his feet, he felt a numbness in his neck. It turned out that Xiao He's palm slashed on his neck, and he passed out.

After a while.

A black-clothed man was hiding in the crowd, walking towards Zhengyang Street, heading straight towards the Prime Minister's Mansion. He was wounded, and his rapid running accelerated the opening of the wound. The blood seeped into the black clothes, and then He gritted his teeth and quickly went to the backyard of the prime minister's mansion.

He looked around with sharp eyes, and saw that there were also two guards guarding the back door with long knives.

The corners of his lips were slightly raised, he smiled charmingly and arrogantly, pulled off the cloth, and walked in front of these two people.

"Who?" The two quickly drew their swords.

He slowly raised his head, his eyes showed a cold light that seemed to come from hell, and the two of them were taken aback for a moment——

"Small, young master... um..." Then, before the two of them could finish their sentence, they felt a sharp pain in their necks and fell down at Xiao He's feet at the same time. The ground beneath him was red.

Xiao He put on his mask again, and grandiosely climbed over the wall from behind and entered. Although his body was injured, his movements were still done in one go, like flowing clouds and flowing water.

Like an eagle in the dark night, with a calm face, he keenly avoided the strict guards in the Prime Minister's Mansion, and dodged into a certain part of the Prime Minister's Mansion. When several maids with wine jugs walked by, he moved swiftly The ground is on the roof, hidden behind a tree, and when I look up, there are oppressive dark clouds above my head.

A storm is coming.

All the people in the Prime Minister's Mansion were chatting and laughing, and it was very lively.

Lian Jue and Lian Yanfu sat beside Lian Yanqing, and everyone came forward to toast one by one.

"Bang", after the lightning, the thunder seemed to burst the sky, and the heavy rain poured down, and the raindrops slammed on Xiao He's body, gradually blurring his vision.

His eyes, like eagles in the sky, were keenly looking for those two figures——

His Highness the Ninth Prince and Lian Siyue!
Like a dormant hunter, she finally locked onto Lian Siyue's figure, her face seemed a little heavy, and she was leaving the main hall while there were so many people, and walked towards this direction.

He took out the bow and arrow from his back, and slowly pointed the arrow at Lian Siyue's mouth——


There was a very slight movement that made him startled. He froze in his hand, jumped up suddenly, lowered his waist, and a bow and arrow almost passed by his body. His eyes were fixed, and he immediately turned around and turned back——

However, under the eaves, the Ninth Highness Feng Yunzheng was holding a palace fan, wearing a white robe, and the dark golden flowing pattern of the robe fluttered in the wind. There was coldness in his eyes, and he was looking at him, but just now The arrow that flew over was shot by the dark guard Ye Feng.

He was so focused on dealing with Lian Siyue that he didn't realize when he fell into the sight of His Highness Ninth Prince.

The rain became heavier, Xiao He was drenched all over, and the black brocade robe was clinging to his body.

"Xiao He, you cheated and pretended to be poisoned to escape from the palace. This is a capital crime." Feng Yunzheng said calmly, "You can't escape from the net."

Xiao He slowly raised the arrow in his hand and aimed at him——

Night Breeze's heart trembled, and without any thought or hesitation, he immediately stood in front of Feng Yunzheng, blocked him with his body, and pointed the bow and arrow in his hand at Xiao He.

However, Feng Yunzheng raised his hand, pushed aside Night Breeze's body, and exposed himself to Xiao He's arrow.

"Your Highness!" Night Breeze was startled.

The hidden guards who were dormant around were also taken aback for a moment, and they didn't even feel that they were clenching the bows and arrows in their hands.

The rain was getting heavier, and God seemed to be turning the whole world upside down. Two arrows flashed coldly between the sky and the earth, and the air was so tense that it was about to freeze.

"Your Highness, I must avenge my father." Xiao He looked at Feng Yunzheng and said.

"This king will not give you this opportunity." Feng Yunzheng said calmly, but his tone was firm and did not give anyone any room.

"What if I insist?" Xiao He asked.

Feng Yunzheng smiled, stood still, and said, "Then you can try."

(End of this chapter)

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