Chapter 672
Chapter 672
"..." Xiao He admitted from the bottom of his heart that among all the princes, the one he admired the most was the Ninth Prince in front of him, but——

Different road non-phase plan.

Besides, he was the one who pushed the Xiao family to the road of destruction!Then, they can only be enemies forever.

He slowly tightened the hand holding the bow and arrow, and then slowly pulled the bowstring, the arrow was trembling slightly——

"Your Highness..." Night Breeze had fine beads of sweat on his forehead, his eyes were fixed on Xiao He, and he was always ready to protect Feng Yunzheng.

"Xiao He, your heart is full of resentment now, you feel that your father is wronged by what happened today, don't you?"

"Yes!" Xiao He replied decisively, "My father never had any intention of rebelling against you. It was Your Highness the Ninth Prince who designed to frame him and the Xiao family!"

"He has no intention of rebellion, but he actually has rebellion. In order to get rid of this king for His Royal Highness, your father urged your grandfather to refuse the implementation of the decree of grace, and finally made your grandfather put all his eggs in one basket and rebel.

Withdrawing the feudal clan is a matter of time, and this Tweeting Order is a move that benefits the court and the three feudal princes, but your father sabotaged it deliberately, which eventually led to the war between the feudal princes and the court. Do you think your father has been wronged? ? "

"..." Xiao He moved his hand while holding the bow and arrow, his lips were tightly closed, and he remained silent.

"You still think that your father has made great contributions to the imperial court, and was even seriously injured and nearly died, but in the end, the emperor and even the whole world failed him, don't you?" Feng Yunzheng continued to ask.

"Yes! Yes!" Xiao He put down his bow and arrow, letting the rain blur his vision, "I have followed my father in all these years, and I have seen him stabbed several times, but he still refused to back down and insisted on serving the emperor. Win the battle."

"You are right, the former Xiao Zhenhai did make great military exploits with his courage and ability, making the enemy frightened.

But then...

Xiao He, do you know that these days, Zhang Yingqian, the Ministry of Criminal Justice, thoroughly investigated your Xiao family and your father. If you don’t investigate, you don’t know. After the investigation, it was found that your father has embezzled more than 800 million yuan in silver over the years. Two, occupying more than [-] acres of common people's land, hundreds of houses, and various pawnshops and banks under their names, the property of your Xiao family is worth half the income of the national treasury!
Not only that, but he even raped women from good families under his command, forcing them to hang themselves, leaving behind children who were waiting to be fed.

What's more, in order to get the Yinyang Mountain in a village, he occupied the village, drove all the villagers away, and killed more than ten people in one day.

These, Xiao He, do you know. "

"...Impossible" Xiao He gritted his teeth, his eyes were scarlet.

"Also, the most intolerable thing for the emperor is that your father, in order to obtain first-hand information in the palace, actually placed spies in the harem of each empress. Even the Queen Mother's Shouning Palace also found out two maids. The famous court ladies confessed, saying that they had provided Xiao Zhenhai with information about the Empress Dowager for a long time, and the Empress Dowager was furious and asked the Emperor to investigate him.

Tell me, which of these is not a capital offense? "

Feng Yunzheng said, holding up a thick account book in his hands, and said, "The source of your Xiao family's property, and the crimes committed by your father are all in this account book, you can see for yourself."

As he said, he threw his hand vigorously, the ledger flew up to the eaves, Xiao He stretched out his hand, and caught it.

His hand holding the ledger was trembling——

At this moment, Lian Siyue was standing under the eaves opposite, looking at the people on the roof, with no superfluous expression on his face.

"Xiao He, I have always admired your courage and vigor, so I am willing to give you a chance. I have never seen you today. If you leave here, do you want to go back to the dungeon or have other choices? This king will not interfere, you can go."

Xiao He glanced around. Although he didn't see it with his eyes, he felt the thick murderous aura around him. There must be many masters hiding around here to protect Feng Yunzheng.

Finally, he jumped off the wall and disappeared into the dark night, leaving the bow and arrow on the roof.

The majestic torrential rain continues to wash the ground
"Your Highness." At this time, a soft voice came, Feng Yunzheng turned around, and saw Lian Siyue standing under the opposite eaves, the pattering rain separated the distance between the two.

Feng Yunzheng walked over quickly and said, "It's raining so hard, why are you here?"

"Just passing by." Lian Siyue glanced at the roof.

"I let him go." Feng Yunzheng said.

Lian Siyue nodded, "He is indeed worth letting go."

A smile appeared on Feng Yunzheng's face, "I knew Yue'er would think so, but his fate is always in his own hands, and no one else can interfere."

"The Ninth Prince has come down." Lian Jue walked over with an umbrella in his hand, bowed slightly towards Feng Yunzheng, and said.

Feng Yunzheng looked at him, nodded, and said, "Yes, Lian Jue, I came here specially to congratulate you."

"Thank you, Your Highness. Sister, my father is about to read out the emperor's imperial decree in public. He asked me to come to you. Let's go to the main hall with Your Highness." Lian Jue made way for Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue, and said.

"Okay, Jue'er, let's go." Lian Siyue raised her foot and walked towards the main hall.

Lian Jue followed behind the two, with a hint of bitterness on the corner of his lips.

According to the rules, at the banquet, Lian Yanqing had to read the imperial decree of Emperor Zhou Cheng in public.

Assassin, he stood in the center, solemnly unfolding the imperial decree, Lian Yanfu and Lian Jue knelt under the imperial decree, and the rest of the people prostrated themselves on the ground, waiting quietly——

A smile appeared on Lian Yanqing's face, and he said loudly:
"Follow the sky, the emperor's edict said..."

"I'm wronged, I'm wronged, Father, I'm wronged..." Suddenly, with a sudden scream, a figure stumbled in.

Everyone looked back, and saw that this crazy person was actually the third young lady of the Lian family, Lian Shiya, who used to be as beautiful as a flower. She was holding a pair of embroidered shoes tightly in her hands, her face was pale, and she looked very miserable and frightening.

Lian Siyue suddenly raised her head and looked at Lian Shiya, her eyes narrowed slightly - how did she get in?
Seeing that it was Lian Shiya who came, Lian Yanqing's expression darkened immediately, and he looked around, but found that the Fourth Highness Feng Qianyue was nowhere to be seen, so he frowned.asked in a cold voice:
"Father is reading the emperor's will, you are rampant and crazy, this is blasphemy, don't hurry up!"

"No, father, I'm not leaving! I'm here to avenge my dead mother, you can't drive me away, my mother died wronged, she died wronged! My mother died wronged, her body is full After soaking in the water for a day and a night, how much she wanted to live, but someone tied her hands and feet with a sink, making her unable to move, so she could only drown alive!

(End of this chapter)

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