Chapter 676
Chapter 676
"Master, I..." Facing the results of the overwhelming evidence, the eldest lady stammered, unable to utter a word of defense at all.

"Hahaha... Dare to love us for so many years, we have all been deceived." The second wife's wife, Mrs. Hu, laughed, and her smile was full of reconciliation, "Our second bedroom's Yun Lang was killed by Lianjue, the eldest grandson, when he was alive. Suppressed, he is forgotten so quickly after death, after all, he is the eldest grandson of the Lian family!"

"Shut up, this is the time, you don't mind being messed up, don't forget, you are also Lian's family!" Second master Lian Yanfeng reprimanded in a low voice.

"Hmph." Hu sneered coldly.

Liu's eyeballs from Sanfang looked over everyone's face, secretly observing, thinking about who should stand by his side in the future, after a round of thinking, he finally came to a conclusion——

Take a look first, don't rush to stand in the camp.

"Mr. Rong, tell me what's going on? Jueer, where did he come from?" Lian's mother never expected such a result. She once thought that Mr. Rong was honest and responsible. Unexpectedly, it was the Rong family who made the Lian family unable to hold their heads up in front of so many people.

The eldest lady knew that it was impossible to hide the matter now, so she finally shed tears and cried bitterly:
"Old lady, master, I was wrong, I did wrong, I gave birth to a daughter back then, I took Jue'er back from the outside by a mistake, after I sent away the daughter I gave birth to, I didn't Have a peaceful day."

As soon as the eldest lady said this, even the mother's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. Originally, she had made a mistake in holding on to expectations, but now she has already admitted it herself.

And even Yanfu's heart, which was hanging in the air, sank heavily, and he murmured, "No wonder, Jue'er's behavior is completely different from that of Eldest Brother, so he is not Eldest Brother's own son."

"Haha, hahaha..." Lian Shiya couldn't help laughing until she burst into tears, "Look, look, it's revealed, it's revealed, all the monsters and sluts have appeared, father, you now You know how wronged my mother was back then, my mother died unjustly, father, you must seek justice for my mother, otherwise, she will die with regret."

Lian Yanqing's mind recalled that time when Aunt Xiao suddenly ran to her study and said that Lian Jue was not the flesh and blood of the Lian family, and he slowly looked at Lian Siyue——

At the beginning, Rong said that he was unwilling to be humiliated, so he hanged himself, and the incident between Aunt Su and Xiao Wulian Xianzi also happened at that time.

Could it be that all of this... was planned by the eldest daughter alone?In order to make him not believe Aunt Xiao's words?
Lian Siyue felt the questioning and anger in Lian Yanqing's eyes, she sighed softly——

This time, the relationship between her and this father has really come to an end. From now on, she may not have any status in the Lian family.

"Father!" Lian Jue sensed the secret rivalry between Lian Yanqing and Lian Siyue, he hurriedly stood in front of Lian Siyue, and said, "This matter has nothing to do with my sister, my child is willing to accept punishment."

"Je'er..." Auntie Lian Xi couldn't help but shed tears, and said, "It's not your fault, you lost your things too."

"Aunt Xi, you don't have to speak for me, I will end this mistake." As Lian Jue said, he knelt on the ground, straightened his back, and said——

"Grandmother, father, there are thousands of mistakes, the mistake is that the blood of the Lian family is not shed by Jue'er.

Jue'er didn't shed the blood of the Lian family, so he is no longer qualified to stay in the Lian family. From today on, Jue'er left the Lian family and will never come back. Please father and grandmother don't blame the mother and sister. "

As Lian Jue said, he turned to Lian's mother, looked at his grandmother who loved him the most, solemnly kowtowed three times, and said:
"Grandmother, Jue'er let you down, I'm sorry, your love for Jue'er will never be forgotten by Jue'er."

Mother Lian trembled her hand, wanting to touch the grandson's head, but when her hand was about to touch, she finally took it back silently, slowly closed her eyes, and said in a trembling voice, "Injustice, injustice!"

Lian Jue kowtowed to the eldest lady again, and said, "Je'er thanks mother for nurturing her for so many years, Jue'er kowtows to you."

"Je'er..." The eldest lady burst into tears. At this time, the child was still thinking about how to protect her and Yue'er. She didn't hold any grudges for the cruel words she reminded him that day. She suddenly felt very guilty. She cried and held his hand tightly, and said, "I'm sorry for you, for making you lose your parents, and now, even your family can't accommodate you, what should you do in the future."

Lian Jue smiled and said, "Mother, don't worry about Jue'er, Jue'er is a man of seven feet, he won't starve to death."

Finally, he got up again, walked in front of Lian Yanqing, and solemnly knelt down again——

"Father, although Jue'er is not your own, but brother Yan is, even for the future of brother Yan, please protect mother. And sister, I begged her to keep the secret for me. If one day my life experience is revealed, I want her to protect me no matter what, because I am too afraid of losing the glory and wealth of my family.

So, it's all my fault, father forget it. "

"Jue'er!" Lian Siyue saw that Lian Jue blamed all the faults on herself, and said that she was greedy for glory and wealth, so she really felt sorry for this silly brother.

He looked back at Lian Siyue——

This is the person he wants to become stronger and better, and to protect.

"It's all right," he said.

"Humph." Lian Shiya laughed sarcastically, breaking the situation, and said, "The wild species still has the face to call him father, what a shame."

"Papa papa!" Before the smile on Lian Shiya's face disappeared, she was slapped three times by Lian Siyue in public.

"You!" Lian Shiya was slapped with stars in her eyes, and she was about to pounce on someone.

The faces of the two fell heavily, and before Lian Shiya met Lian Siyue, they kicked out with such force that they directly sent Lian Shiya flying.

"You..." Lian Shiya was in pain and couldn't get up for a long time.

"Even Shiya, anyone has the right to criticize me, but you don't. You still want to bully my sister. I think you have forgotten who you are and what dirty things you have done! No matter who I am, I You will never be allowed to touch him!" Lian Jue stared fiercely at Lian Shiya, exuding a cold aura all over his body.

"You, you..." Lian Shiya swallowed in fright.

"Third sister, you keep saying that Aunt Xiao was wronged. First of all, because she killed Xiao Wu, she was afraid of being punished by her father, so she escaped at night and accidentally fell into the water. She didn't dare to call for help, so she was drowned. Everyone in the house can testify.

Secondly, the third sister seems to have forgotten a lot of things, no matter whether Lian Jue is a member of the Lian family, it has nothing to do with the evil things Aunt Xiao did, let alone how innocent Aunt Xiao is.

(End of this chapter)

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