Chapter 677
Chapter 677
You once drugged your grandmother, and the grandmother died. If Dong Shen hadn't discovered it in time, the consequences would have been disastrous. Could it be related to Jue'er? "Lian Siyue unhurriedly exposed what Aunt Xiao and Lian Shiya had done, "Also, have you forgotten that Aunt Xiao once pretended to be pregnant to deceive grandmother and father? "

"...You..." Lian Shiya's face suddenly turned red and then pale, these things are indeed traces that cannot be erased.

"Okay, don't talk about it anymore!" Lian Yanqing stopped him with a cold face when he saw his two daughters scrambling to talk about the family's scandals in front of outsiders.

There was an imperceptible smile in Feng Qianyue's eyes, it was really rare to watch a good show by Lian Siyue, and it was thanks to the lame Lian Shiya.

There was an expression of embarrassment and regret on his face again, and he said, "Lianxiang, the truth has surfaced now, and Lian Jue has expressed his position. This king thinks that he is really innocent. What do you think this king will do?" Is it appropriate to enter the palace and explain this matter to the royal father?"

On the surface, he was seeking Lian Yanqing's opinion, but in reality, he was clearly forcing Lian Yanqing to deal with the Rong family, Lian Siyue and Lian Jue.

"Lianxiang, you must be aware of the high status of the county king. Father would never give such a title to a person with unknown origin." Tenth Highness Feng Rong added.

"The two Highnesses are right."

Lian Yanqing quickly made a judgment in his mind, thinking about the most beneficial plan for him——

Madam, daughter, son, these are gone now, and there will be more in the future. There are countless people who want to marry the prime minister and his wife, but it took him a long time to get the position of prime minister. It's not worth it.

and so--

His face sank, and in front of everyone, he said loudly:

"As the mistress of the Lian family, Rong's crime of confusing the bloodlines is really unforgivable, especially now that the emperor who is still cheating on this boy of unknown origin has been named the county king, it is even more unforgivable!

Come, arrest the Rong family, the young miss Lian Siyue, and the counterfeit eldest grandson Lian Jue, and put them in the woodshed, and they will be dealt with according to the family law later! "

He finally issued an order to punish the three mother, son, mother and daughter at once.

Immediately, everyone in the Lian family either looked at each other in blank dismay, or gloated at their misfortune. Who would have thought that the three members of the big family who are so full of stars would end up like this.

"Brother, brother, you have to think twice." Lian Yanfu hurriedly said when he heard that he still needed family law to take care of him.

Although Lian Jue was not his own nephew, but these days in Shanhaiguan, this child was born and died with him. He saw with his own eyes how he endured hardships, and he couldn't bear it.

"Fourth brother, don't talk too much, these three people have cheated the world, confused my Lian family's blood, and committed the crime of deceiving the emperor. How can the truth be tolerated, Lian Tian, ​​arrest them!"

After Lian Yanqing gave an order, Lian Tian hesitated a little before walking in front of these three people and saying, "Madam, Eldest Miss, Young Master, let's go!"

"Who dares!" Leng Mei pulled out the sword that was shining with cold light, and said, "Whoever dares to catch the eldest lady must pass my test first."

She looked at Lian Tian with indifferent eyes, and Lian Tian's hand holding the sword tightly, for the first time, he was a little hesitant about the prime minister's order.

"Bold servant girl, how dare you openly disobey the truth's order!" Lian Yanqing said angrily, but did not notice anything unusual about Lian Tian.

"Green Branch, listen to the order." Lian Siyue stopped Leng Mei, and Leng Mei took two steps back, but his eyes were still fixed on Lian Tian.

"Wait!" At this moment, Lian Xi finally stood up.

"Xi'er..." The old lady looked at the daughter in surprise.

Lian Xi ignored the old lady's surprise and said, "Yes, brother, my sister-in-law made a thousand mistakes and ten thousand mistakes in this matter, but brother, are you right?"

Lian Xi's words shocked everyone, especially Lian's family members, who looked at her differently, and Lian's mother was even more surprised and speechless.

Lian Xi died early and her husband returned to her natal family. Because she was dependent on others and she was responsible, so although she was protected by Lian's mother, during the years in Lian's family, she was reticent and never talked. It seemed that no one could even notice the existence of this aunt, but now, she had the guts to accuse the head of the Lian family in public.

"Lian Xi!" Lian Yanqing scolded, frowning.

Lian Xi continued, "Back then when my elder brother married an aunt from the Xiao family as a royal gift, he never cared about his sister-in-law's face and Yue'er's feelings. Moreover, this Xiao family was also called a sister to her sister-in-law. Back then, the Xiao family was down and out. So he claimed to have come to his sister-in-law's place to seek refuge after listening to brother Xiao Zhenhai's words."

In a few words, she told about the affair between Lian Yanqing and Xiao Shi.

"Aunt Xi, stop talking!" Lian Jue hurriedly stopped, worried that Lian Xi would not have a foothold in the Lian family.

But Lian Xi shook his head at him, and continued persistently, "After marrying Mrs. Xiao in, brother, you have gradually and completely neglected your sister-in-law. You have been with Mrs. Xiao for a long time, and even the eldest daughter Yue'er is not favored by you. Sister-in-law Fearing that his wife's status would be taken away, Yue'er would not have a good home in the future, so he changed his wife and returned as a last resort, which led to today's bad results.

The elder brother was at fault, the sister-in-law was at fault, and Jue'er was at fault, he was just a baby without any abilities.

Brother, all of this is because of the consequences of doting on your concubine and killing your wife back then! "

Lian Xi said, her clenched fists trembling.

"Xi'er, how dare you, how dare you question your brother in public." Lian's mother never expected Lian Xi to be so bold today. She has always been more protective of Lian Jue, but she never expected to be able to do this.

"Aunt Xi..." Lian Siyue called softly.

Lian Siyue was born again, with a hard heart and a cold heart. Apart from revenge, she does not rarely have any feelings for others, especially she has no expectations for human nature.

But Aunt Lian Xixi has stood up for their siblings twice without asking for anything in return, especially what she said today is enough to make her unable to stay in Lian's house!

Lian Siyue really felt moved.

Seeing that the atmosphere seemed to be changing, Lian Shiya hurriedly jumped out, continued to stir up trouble, and said:
"Father, grandma, my mother was wrong a thousand times, and that can't change the fact that Lian Jue is not the flesh and blood of the Lian family. Mother and Lian Siyue played with their father and grandmother in the applause, and used their grandmother's trust to show their power in the Prime Minister's mansion." Fu, even my father dared to plot, now, the matter of Lianjue now shames the Xiangfu and shames my father!"

Lian Yanqing's complexion became more and more ugly, he said sharply: "Lian Tian, ​​what are you waiting for, lock them up, wait for the truth to go to the palace to plead guilty to the emperor, and then make a decision!"

"...Yes." Lian Tian replied.

"Big brother..."

"Lian Xi, don't say anything more, you are rude to the truth, you will be locked up with them!" Lian Yanqing no longer listened to Lian Xi's words.

(End of this chapter)

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