Chapter 679
Chapter 679
"Yes, yes, what the Tenth Highness said is true, I understand." Lian Yanqing's forehead broke out in a cold sweat. He has been an official for decades, and he has never been so troubled both internally and externally.

"Brother Shihuang, let's say goodbye first. Lian Xiang will definitely find a way to solve the problem of the Lian family. It is useless for us to worry about it." Feng Qianyue said, he had already pierced the cage of the Lian family, and now All that's left is to watch the show.

He has lost a lot because of the Xiao family. In the current situation, he has no chance to stand up, so he can only drag the people he dislikes off the horse.

"Yes, I respectfully send His Highness off." Lian Yanqing said with a bow.

"Ya'er..." Just when Lian Shiya was about to leave with Feng Qianyue triumphantly, Lian Yanqing stopped her and said, "Since you're back, stay for a few more days. Things should be corrected, first, this Qingquanyuan should be returned to you, and second, because the father will personally order the housekeeper to arrange maids and mother-in-law for you, now that the family is in such a mess, you should stay."

Lian Shiya couldn't come back to her senses for a long time, how long has it been?How long has she not seen her father be so pleasant to her.This is to thank her for dismantling the conspiracy of those three sluts.

With tears in her eyes, she said, "Daughter, a daughter is afraid that her father will dislike her."

"You are always my father's most beloved daughter. Come back and accompany your grandmother. Now is the time when she needs someone to accompany her. The past is over and don't mention it again." Lian Yanqing said.

"Yes, father, my daughter obeys!" Lian Shiya burst into joy, a smile bloomed on her face, she turned her head and said to Feng Qianyue, "Your Highness, I will not go back home with you."

"Forget it, the Lian family may need you very much now, so you can stay." Feng Qianyue nodded and said.

Looking at Lian Shiya's happy and contented back, Lian Yanqing's fists were clearly shaking and his teeth were clenched tightly. When Lian Shiya turned around, he had already recovered his amiable expression.

Outside the Xiangfu.

Feng Rong said, "Lian Shiya's trouble today made Lian Yanqing lose face and became a joke in the whole capital, but he kept this daughter."

Feng Qianyue said, "He said that, on the one hand, he was afraid that she would continue to talk nonsense outside; on the other hand, he wanted to prove to the world that he really didn't know that Lian Jue was not from the Lian family's blood, because he was very grateful to the person who exposed the truth. Only by being a concubine can the emperor not pursue his responsibility when the time comes.

However, after this matter is over, he doesn't know how he will punish and torture Lian Shiya who made him end up today. "

"That's right, Lian Yanqing was considerate." Feng Rong said.

"Being an official for decades is not so easy to be knocked down. Besides, he has been much more cautious than Xiao Zhenhai these years, so we need to make a fuss out of it." Feng Qianyue analyzed, "However, Xiao Zhenhai He didn't show up today, it was beyond my expectation, I thought he would ask for something back for Xiao Zhenhai."

Feng Rong looked up at the sky, the rain did not know when it stopped, and said, "At [-]:[-] noon, Xiao Zhenhai will be beheaded. Now that [-]:[-] noon has passed, his head should have been chopped off."

"Your Highness, Your Highness, something has happened!" A horse came in a hurry, and before the horse stopped, the person slipped off the horse.

"What's the matter, so panicked?" Feng Rong frowned and asked.

"Xiao, when Xiao Zhenhai's family was executing the execution, someone suddenly threw a smoke bomb. After the smoke passed, the Xiao family and Fan Ming disappeared. Master Ding, who was in charge of the execution, was sending people to arrest them. Some people said they saw more than a dozen The man in black kidnapped him, but no one knows who the man in black is."

"What..." Feng Qianyue was startled, he staggered two steps back, his eyes rolled quickly, "Hurry up, Win Kong, quickly arrange for people to find someone!"

"Brother Four Kings!" Feng Rong was also very nervous.

"Brother Shihuang, I'm afraid that my father will pin this matter on me, hurry up and find someone!" Feng Qianyue hurriedly left the gate of Xiangfu, and hurried to Zhengyangmen.

"By the way, where is Xiao He? Has anyone seen Xiao He?" Feng Qianyue walked a few steps, then suddenly stopped and asked.

"Some people said they saw Young Lord Hou, oh no, they saw Xiao He appearing nearby before the execution!" the visitor reported.

"Oops! Xiao He must have robbed the Xiao family!" Feng Qianyue broke out in a cold sweat.

He secretly arranged for Xiao He to escape from the dungeon, in order to lure him to kill Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue, but he didn't expect that Xiao He didn't come to kill them, but went to rob people!
Once this matter is found out, then he will really become the person who plotted to rob Xiao Zhenhai. At that time, I'm afraid it will be a dead end!
At this moment, Feng Qianyue still doesn't know that there are Khitan people planning this drama of robbing people.

"Xiao He Shuzi! This king wants to kill him!" Feng Qianyue said fiercely.

At this moment, in the prime minister's mansion.

Orange Xiu supported Lian Shiya back to Qingquanyuan. This time, she felt different when she returned to Qingquanyuan. She raised her hand to caress the tables, chairs, and antiques here, and said:
"Chengxiu, do you know? I used to be a man of many stars in this Prime Minister's mansion, even Siyue is nothing in front of me.

But she was scheming and took away everything that belonged to me, making her look like a human and a ghost.

However, at last, God has eyes, and all this has finally returned to my hands. "

"Chengxiu wants to congratulate Madam." Chengxiu said.

"Ma'am? Hehe, if Lian Siyue didn't harm me, how could I become a concubine in the Yue Palace? At that time, I didn't even look down on the Fourth Highness, and I wanted the Eighth Highness.

Therefore, this Lian Siyue is really hateful.

However, now, I have the opportunity to avenge this well.

How did she make me suffer, I will pay back a hundred times and a thousand times. "

After a while, the housekeeper brought four maids and two nuns to see Lian Shiya, and brought several sets of luxurious clothes.

Lian Shiya sat on the sour pear wood chair, and finally, she was acting like the third lady back then. She raised her chin slightly, looked at the servants in front of her, and said:

"You all remember that there will be no eldest wife in this Prime Minister's mansion, and naturally there will be no eldest lady. Although this lady is married, from now on, this family will always have a place for me. My Qingquan No one in the courtyard can take it away, do you understand?"

The servants nodded obediently, and said, "Yes, Miss San, I understand."

"Housekeeper, where are the madam and the others being locked up now?" Lian Shiya asked.

"Back to Miss San, the Eldest Miss, the Madam, and the Young Master are detained separately, each in a woodshed." The butler replied.

Lian Shiya raised her eyes and said calmly, "Housekeeper, you're still called Young Master."

The butler was taken aback, quickly lowered his head, changed his words, and said, "Yes, Miss San, the servant made a mistake, so I called it easy."

"As a steward, you should lead by example. It is only you who know that it is useless to stagger, and the rest of the people should also know."

(End of this chapter)

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