First-class daughter

Chapter 680 Murder 4 Volts

Chapter 680

Chapter 680

The butler nodded and said, "Miss San, don't worry, this servant will summon all the servants and explain to them that they will never be called Master Jue again."

Lian Shiya was very helpful in the face of the housekeeper's submission, she said, "Also, there is a maid named Luzhi in Xianheyuan, who is very skilled, just in case something goes wrong with her at this time, the housekeeper must remind father, Keep those slaves in prison."

"Yes, Miss San."

"That's very good. You all go down and perform your duties. Remember, don't get close to people from Xianheyuan, Fu'anyuan, and Wenhuayuan." Lian Shiya confessed.

"Yes, Miss San."

As soon as the servants left, Lian Shiya signaled Chengxiu to close the door, frowned, and said, "No, even though Lian Siyue has been locked up, I'm still worried, maybe she will come up with some tricks , beat him up."

"Ma'am, the confusion of bloodlines is such a serious matter, no matter how much the eldest lady thinks of it, she can't evade it." Cheng Xiu felt that Lian Shiya was making a fuss.

"No, you don't know how evil this Lian Siyue is, and I just discovered that there is a person who has never said a word to Lian Siyue and Lian Jue, and he has not even seen a shadow of him. How can you ignore the relationship between siblings?" Lian Shiya thought about it and said.

"Who is Madam talking about?" Cheng Xiu asked in confusion.

"Your Highness Ninth, you can always have something to do with His Royal Highness Ninth Prince even in the things that happened in the past, but this time, no one has been seen. It's really unusual."

"Then what is the lady going to do?" Cheng Xiu asked.

Lian Shiya didn't speak, she pondered in her mind for a long time, and finally said, "In order to avoid long nights and dreams, I will kill Lian Siyue after nightfall."

Cheng Xiu shuddered, and said, "Madam, the emperor and the prime minister haven't made a decision yet, so, will it be..."

"No! I have lost too many opportunities. This time, I will definitely not hesitate. I must kill Lian Siyue to avenge my mother." Lian Shiya said, "You go out, Go and get me something back, avoid people going, don't let people notice you."

She explained in Cheng Xiu's ear, although Cheng Xiu felt scared, she finally nodded and said, "Yes, servant girl, servant girl, I will do it now."

"Go." A relieved smile appeared on Lian Shiya's face.


Lian Siyue was suddenly imprisoned by Lian Yanqing, and the servants were all anxious.

Nanny Tai said nervously, "Miss Qingdai, Miss Lvzhi, you are usually the closest to the young lady, and you are also the most capable. Now that the young lady is in trouble, you should quickly think of a way to save her. My old lady thinks I can’t find any good solution, but I have the strength, if you tell me to do something, I will do it.”

Qing Dai frowned tightly, but there was a hint of relief in her eyes, and she said, "Mother Tai, if Miss Tai knows that you are so loyal, she will be happy too."

"Miss Qingdai, do you have a solution?"

Qing Dai looked at Leng Mei who had been silent all this time, and asked, "Lu Zhi, what do you think?"

Leng Mei knew that since His Highness Ninth Prince hadn't shown up yet, he was trying to find a way for Missy, but this time the matter was serious, could His Highness Ninth Prince save Missy?
"Miss Luzhi, Miss Qingdai, it's not good, even the Chief Nursing Hospital led people outside and surrounded the entire Xianhe courtyard, saying that the prime minister ordered all of us here not to go out." The maid guarding the gate hurriedly Busily walked in and said.

"What, no one is allowed to take a step out?" Qing Dai turned pale and said, "Master Prime Minister is going to cut off our way."

After a moment of cold eyebrows, he raised his foot and walked out——

"Luzhi, wait." Seeing this, Qingdai hurriedly followed, fearing that the cold brows would be impulsive and fight Liantian.

When I got outside, I saw that the entire Xianhe Courtyard was surrounded by the Fuzhong Nursing Courtyard, and Lian Tianzheng was standing at the main entrance, and when he heard footsteps behind him, he turned around, and when his eyes fell on Lengmei, there was a slight flicker. for a moment.

"General Nursing Institute, do you know what the prime minister means?" Qing Dai stepped forward and asked cautiously.

"I'm only responsible for obeying the Prime Minister's orders, and I don't know anything else. It's fine for Miss Qingdai and all the girls not to leave the Xianhe Courtyard." Lian Tian said.

Qing Dai said anxiously, "Originally, I wanted to send some food to the eldest lady and the young master, but they didn't eat a single bite at the banquet today."

"Miss Qingdai, just now the housekeeper has issued an order not to call you young master anymore." Lian Tian said.

"The wall fell down and everyone pushed it down. That's about the situation. The chief guard has to guard the Xianhe courtyard, but don't forget to guard the place where the eldest lady is imprisoned, so that no one will take the opportunity to attack the eldest lady." Leng Mei said.

"Girl Luzhi reminded me." Lian Tian said.

"Qingdai, let's go in." Leng Mei said.

"Wait." Lian Tian stopped calling her.

"Is there anything else? General Nursing Hospital?" Qing Dai asked.

"Xiang Ying is still imprisoned in the firewood room." Lian Tian looked at Leng Mei and said something.

Xiangying?There was a flash of thought in the cold eyebrows and eyes, it was this Xiangying who made a false statement and gave the third lady time to verify that the young master and Lian Yanqing were not related by blood.

"Qingdai, let's go in." Leng Mei pretended nothing happened, and let a group of maids enter the room.


A person with strong agility jumped up the wall of Xianhe Courtyard under the cover of night, turned over and fell down. As soon as she landed, she saw a tall and tall figure standing at the corner of the wall.

Frowning coldly, "I knew you would be here, thank you for reminding me."

"I'll go with you, I know where Xiangying Pass is," Lian Tian said.

"The General Nursing Hospital has helped the Eldest Miss, and the Eldest Miss will never forget the kindness of the General Nursing Institute." said with a cold brow.

Liantian smiled wryly, and said, "Okay, okay, then I will thank the eldest lady first, let's go, time is urgent."

"En." Leng Mei followed behind Lian Tian, ​​and walked together to the place where Xiang Ying was imprisoned. With Lian Tian's guidance, Leng Mei quickly found Xiang Ying unimpeded.

Lian Tian said, "You only have half an hour, and when the half hour is up, you must come out."

"Understood!" Leng Mei walked in and said.

Lian Tian waited outside, half an hour later, but no Leng Mei came out, he was startled, opened the door to look, only to see Xiang Ying fainted on the ground, and Leng Mei had disappeared!

Here, Feng Qianyue hurried to Zhengyang Gate, grabbed Master Ding by the collar, and asked angrily, "What's going on? Where are the Xiao family?"

Sir Na Ding knew that he had caused a catastrophe by not beheading Xiao Zhenhai's family according to the imperial decree. Now that Feng Qianyue pursued him, he was frightened out of his wits and said, "Your Highness, I don't even know that I am carrying out the execution." When it was raining suddenly, there was a sudden gust of thick smoke, and when the smoke cleared, people, people disappeared!"

(End of this chapter)

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