First-class daughter

Chapter 686 Looking for the Second Daughter

Chapter 686 Looking for the Second Daughter
Chapter 686 Looking for the Second Daughter
Lian's mother was even more angry and said, "Who gave her face, she regarded herself as a hero. Yanqing, I hate Lian Shiya more than Jue'er, mother and son!"

"Mother, why am I so angry that I want to kill her, but it's not the time yet." Lian Yanqing said.

"I know, I can only let her stay here for a while." Lian Mu said, "By the way, I didn't have a chance to talk about it during the day, but now that I think about it, Rong said that he exchanged a baby girl for her back." Treasure, I asked Huang Cen to go to her and ask where the baby girl was sent, and whether there are any obvious characteristics on her body."

"Mother wants to get that child back?" Lian Yanqing had been having a headache about meeting the emperor, but he hadn't thought about it.

Mother Lian nodded and said, "Since he is the flesh and blood of my Lian family, I can't live outside. Besides, that child should have been the first daughter of the Lian family, but now I don't know where he has fallen. It's pitiful to think about it."

"Let's leave this matter to the mother, and the son has to enter the palace again." Lian Yanqing said a few more words to Lian's mother, and then entered the palace again.

After Lian Yanqing left, Mother Lian ordered Nanny Song to call Nanny Zhou. Nanny Zhou knelt on the ground and repeatedly pleaded guilty, saying, "Old Madam, you know that Madam is weak by nature, how dare you do it?" This kind of thing is all due to the old slave. It is the old slave who saw his wife falling out of favor, but was ridden on the head by an aunt as the mistress, so he thought of this way for his wife. Bar."

Mother Lian looked at Nanny Zhou lightly, and said, "It wasn't Mrs. Rong's idea, but it wasn't your idea either."

Mother Zhou was startled, she looked up, and saw Mother Lian taking a sip of tea unhurriedly, after drinking the tea, Mother Lian raised her eyes and said:

"I heard that before you came to the Prime Minister's Mansion, you used to be by Mrs. Rong's side. Later, when Mrs. Rong married into the Lian family, Mrs. Rong gave you to Mrs. Rong." Lian's mother said.

Nanny Zhou's heart trembled slightly, she bowed her head, and said, "Yes, because the old lady of the Rong family knows that she is weak, so she sent someone to follow her with confidence, and remind her a little bit, so as not to be a bad wife for the Lian family."

"So, the matter of replacing the baby girl with a baby boy was also brought up by Mrs. Rong." Lian Mu said.

"Old lady atonement!" Nanny Zhou kowtowed hurriedly.

"You don't need to rush to apologize, what I ask you, you answer truthfully." Lian Mu said.

"Yes, old madam, you guessed right, when madam returned to Rong's house before giving birth, old madam Rong told her about it, and said that if the baby is a boy, then it's fine, if it's a girl, then find a boy to replace it. "Nurse Zhou knows that it is useless to hide the matter now.

"Hmph, Mrs. Rong thinks far ahead. So, the boy was found by Mrs. Rong, and the girl was taken away by her?" find someone.

"...Yes." Nanny Zhou tremblingly said.

"Where did Lian Jue come from, and where did our Lian family's child go?"

"This one……"

"Nurse Zhou, I must find that child and let her recognize her ancestors. Therefore, you'd better say something and don't hide anything. If I can find the child, maybe I will consider it." Be lenient with Rong's and Rongjiawang."

"Yes, yes, the old slave understands, but the old slave doesn't know where the young master Jue was brought back, let alone where the young lady of the Lian family was carried. The child was taken away and handed over to Mrs. Rong, who took a baby boy from the carriage at that time, and the old servant hurried back to Fu'an Courtyard after holding him, and didn't have time to ask more questions." Nanny Zhou described the situation at that time again.

"So that's it. The only person who knows where Miss Lian's family is going is Mrs. Rong. It seems that Mrs. Rong is going to be invited over. Mother Zhou, please go and invite her." Lian Mu's eyes showed a faint look chill.

"Yes." Nanny Zhou said.

"By the way, Nanny Zhou, what are the characteristics of the child you took away?" Mother Lian asked.

"At that time, when the child was taken away, the madam was very reluctant, and cried and said that she hoped to see each other again in the future, so she bit the lady's haircut, and there was a crescent-shaped blood mark at that time. Four teeth marks." Nanny Zhou recalled.

Lian's mother nodded and said, "Mr. Rong has some conscience."

"Actually, Madam has been living with guilt and self-blame all these years. She often dreams of the young lady being taken away. Sometimes she wakes up in the middle of the night and has nightmares, so she asks her servants to look for her, but she really can't find her." Zhou said. Mammy wiped her tears and said.

"Understood, you go down and prepare. The Rong family left the capital a while ago and went to Xiangzhou. You prepare and go to pick up Mrs. Rong." Lian Mu said.

The Rong family has been in decline in recent years, and the two younger brothers of the Rong family did not fight for it. They gambled a lot all the time and lost a lot of their family property. Now that they can't stay in the capital, they went to Xiangzhou, where they are considered big families.

Lian Siyue was locked in a small and dark woodshed, which was full of firewood, a small window, revealing a gleam of light, the ground was dark and damp, and there were gray mice Crawling around in the woodpile with the cockroaches.

Lian Siyue sat on the woodpile with a calm expression, turning a blind eye to these mice and cockroaches, closing her eyes and wondering if she was asleep or thinking about something.

The nursing home waiting at the door couldn't hear the voice inside, and shouted twice:

"Miss, how is Miss?"

Lian Siyue slowly opened her eyes and said, "Yes."

The people at the door were startled when they heard this calm and unflappable voice. This young lady is too calm in the face of mice, cockroaches and darkness. When the lady was locked in the firewood room just now, she was scared Screaming again and again, almost fainted from fright.

I really don't know where this young lady got the courage.

In fact, he didn't know that darkness and fear would give Lian Siyue more strength and make her think more calmly.

"Yang Huyuan." When she was thinking about it, she heard a voice from outside, she opened her eyes suddenly, and at the same time a shadow flashed across the ground, she immediately turned her head to look at the small window at the back, but Nothing was seen.

She picked up a wooden stick and held it tightly in her hand.

Outside, the nurse looked at the young man who came and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Yang Nursing Institute, the General Nursing Institute asked you to come over. I have something important to tell you, so I ordered the younger one to come and inform you." The visitor said.

Yang Huyuan looked back at the firewood room where Lian Siyue was imprisoned. The door of the firewood room was locked with a long chain. He nodded and said, "I'll go right away."

As soon as Yang Huyuan left, two figures came out from another place——

(End of this chapter)

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