First-class daughter

Chapter 687 Miss is Dead

Chapter 687 Miss is Dead
Chapter 687 Miss is Dead
Lian Shiya winked at Chengxiu, Chengxiu nodded, and took out a bowl of rice, a piece of chicken with mushrooms, and a piece of vegetables from the basket in her hand, and stuffed them in from under the firewood door, saying:

"Miss, I am from the old lady's yard. The old lady ordered the servant to bring you food. You are hungry, eat quickly."

Lian Siyue looked over, a bowl of rice and two dishes appeared in front of her, she just glanced at it and didn't move.

Orange Xiu put her ears on the door, and found that there was no movement inside. She turned her head and glanced at Lian Shiya. Lian Shiya nodded at her, and Orange Xiu said again:

"Miss, have you eaten? Eat quickly, don't starve to death."

After a while, the sound of chopsticks touching the wall of the bowl came from inside, and Cheng Xiu nodded to Lian Shiya.

In the firewood room, Lian Siyue held the bowl, picked out a piece of chicken and a few grains of rice with chopsticks, and threw them on the ground. A few mice crawled over quickly and gnawed, and cockroaches also crawled along with the aroma.

After a while, I saw those mice fell to the ground one by one, foaming at the mouth.

There was a sneer on Lian Siyue's face——

Just being so impatient for her to die, Lian Shiya should have had enough of a lesson, and she definitely doesn't want to keep her overnight.

Based on her understanding of Lian's mother, at this time, she would definitely not send food over, so who would "care" about her so impatiently, except Lian Shiya.

"Miss, Miss..." At this time, there was another knock on the door.

Lian Siyue raised some of his hands, and the bowl and chopsticks in his hand fell to the ground with a clatter, and then fainted on the firewood pile.

When Chengxiu heard the voice, her heart trembled, she turned her head abruptly, and said, "Miss San, Miss seems to have passed out."

"Climb over the door and have a look." Although the arsenic she asked Cheng Xiu to buy was added to the food, she was still worried if she didn't see it with her own eyes.

Orange embroidery grabbed the door frame and climbed up, looked in through a gap, and saw Lian Siyue fell to the ground, dishes and chopsticks scattered around her, and a bunch of rats died together.

She gasped in fright, fell off the door frame, sat down on the ground, sweating profusely, and said in a low voice, "Dead, dead..."

Lian Shiya breathed a sigh of relief, and said immediately, "Hurry up and set fire to this place, and burn her so that no one will know that she died from eating arsenic."

"Yes, yes..." Orange embroidery got up from the ground, but because she was too scared, she fell down twice.

Lian Shiya walked over, slapped her on the face, and said, "Be more sober, move faster, and if you slow down like this, it will be too late."

"Yes, yes." After being slapped twice, Orange Xiu hurriedly ran behind the tree, poured the kerosene hidden earlier in the morning on the door of the firewood room, and quickly lit the fire. Then he rushed to a high place, and after a while, the firewood house was on fire.

Lian Shiya looked at the flame with a treacherous smile on her face.

"Miss San, it's time to go!" Cheng Xiu hurriedly said.

"Let's go!" Lian Shiya turned around and left reluctantly. She really wanted to see the process of Lian Siyue being burned to ashes with her own eyes, but she wanted to leave now.

The fire in the firewood room grew stronger and stronger, accompanied by billowing smoke.

"The water is gone, the water is gone (meaning fire)!" After a while, the whole Prime Minister's Mansion was in commotion, billowing thick smoke rose from the firewood room, and the servants ran here one after another.

Lian Shiya sat in the garden of Qingquanyuan, ate the tea in front of her, watched the moon in the sky, and watched the servants coming and going with water basins, with a surprised expression on her face, and said, "This is so good. Yes, why is the water gone?"

She said she was about to get up and look.

Cheng Xiu stopped her and said, "Ma'am, running into the water is no small matter, I'm afraid it will hurt you, so you should wait here until the fire is out before you go."

"You're right, then I'll go later." The master and servant sang in unison.

Looking from a distance, the fire is burning more violently, and more and more people have joined the ranks of putting out the fire. On the other side of Qing'an Courtyard, Lian's mother heard that the woodshed was on fire. She just lay down to rest, and immediately got up again. Said, "Why did the water leak again? Where did the water leak?"

"Go back to the old lady, it's the firewood room where the eldest lady is imprisoned." Nanny Song hurried in and said.

"What..." Lian's mother was taken aback. There was no fire anywhere, but the place where Yue'er lived was on fire. It seemed that the fire was not looking for it, so she immediately ordered, "Nurse Song, go and see if there is any fire." Hurry up and report casualties."

Behind the woodshed.

"Ahem..." Lian Siyue covered her mouth and coughed a few times, her face turned red.

"Miss, are you okay?" asked Leng Mei.

Lian Siyue glanced at the fire in front of her, and said, "I'm choked by the smoke, it's okay."

Lian Siyue had already predicted that Yilian Shiya's temperament would attack her while she was in the woodshed, so when she was arrested, she confessed to Lengmei and asked her to hide behind the woodshed, If you find that something is wrong, take action.

And Leng Mei took the opportunity of looking for Xiangying, and really came to protect Lian Siyue.

Sure enough, Lian Shiya came rushing, first the arsenic, then the fire, as if she wanted to kill her.

"Miss, what should we do now?" Leng Mei asked, and couldn't help admiring his ability like a prophet.

"Now..." She narrowed her eyes slightly, seeing more and more people putting out the fire, and the fire was getting smaller and smaller, she said, "You shout all the way from here, saying that I was burned to death, the louder the voice The bigger the better, try to reach as many people as possible.”

"Yes." Leng Mei accepted the order, took two steps, then turned around and said, "Miss, be careful."

Lian Siyue nodded, "Go quickly." She watched Leng Mei's figure disappear, and then decisively crawled back into the woodshed through the hole Leng Mei had dug in advance.

"The young lady was burned to death, the young lady was burned to death!" After a while, a panicked voice came to mind in the prime minister's mansion. Liantian heard this voice, his heart trembled, and he immediately walked towards the source of the sound .

As a result, I really saw Leng Mei shouting.

Leng Mei also saw him, but she walked past him, and continued to follow Lian Siyue's instructions, shouting louder and louder, Lian Tian clenched the sword in her hand.

Lian Shiya was still admiring the moon and eating snacks in Qingquanyuan, when she suddenly heard a panic shout from ahead, she listened attentively——

"Miss is dead! Miss is dead!"

She stood up abruptly, and said to Cheng Xiu, "Cheng Xiu, listen, what are these people shouting?"

Orange Xiu ran to the door and listened to it for a while, suddenly her face turned pale, her heart beat fast with fear, and sweat came out of her forehead.

"Did you hear that?" Lian Shiya got up and asked.

Cheng Xiu suddenly went limp and was about to fall to the ground——

(End of this chapter)

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