First-class daughter

Chapter 688 Some Disappointment

Chapter 688 Some Disappointment
Chapter 688 Some Disappointment
.Lian Shiya supported her, raised her hand, and slapped her hard across the face. Orange Xiu was shocked and said, "Listen, I heard clearly, the eldest lady is dead."

Lian Shiya was taken aback, then a relieved smile appeared on her face, and she clapped her hands, "Okay! Okay! Okay! It's really great!"

"Madam, servant, servant is afraid." She was the one who handed the arsenic to the eldest lady, and she also lit the fire. How could she not be afraid if she just killed a living person like this.

Lian Shiya's face darkened when she heard this, grabbed her hand, and said, "Listen to me, you have to pretend nothing happened, don't be seen by others, if you show your feet, I will feed you arsenic. "

"Yes, yes!" Upon hearing this, Cheng Xiu didn't dare to say anything.

"Miss is gone! Miss is gone!" At this moment, Lian Shiya heard someone running past her yard.

"Oh my god, the eldest lady was burned to death, she seemed to be burnt black."

When Lian Shiya heard this, she couldn't help being excited, feeling that all the anger she had suffered in the past two years had dissipated, and for a moment, her body felt empty.

"Madam, what if we find out that we did it?" Cheng Xiu was still very worried.

Lian Shiya's face turned cold, a smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and she said, "A torch burns everything up, what can be found out, and even if it is really found out, so what, Lian Siyue deserves to die this time, She lied to her father, and my father will never let her go." She knew that as a father, she couldn't bear to be deceived the most, and now even the mother and daughter of Yue Yue had violated his taboo, if she hadn't waited for the emperor to judge her, she would have died a long time ago. All three of them were driven out of the house.

"Orange embroidery, let's go and have a look."

Lian Shiya was supported by Cheng Xiu to go out the door, but at this moment, she saw a figure rushing towards Lian Shiya desperately, bumping into Lian Shiya's body, almost knocking her down.

She got angry and scolded, "Slave dog, you don't have eyes when you walk, you dare to bump into Miss Ben!"

"Miss San, I didn't see it. Something happened to the eldest lady, and the servant was worried." Hearing this voice, Lian Shiya was taken aback, and looked up, it turned out that the person who bumped into her was that green branch.

She concentrated her attention and said, "For the sake of your loyalty to the Lord, forget it." In fact, what she wanted to say in her heart was that Lian Siyue died, and I am in a good mood, so I don't care about you anymore.

"Thank you Miss San." Leng Mei walked past her.

In another woodshed, the eldest lady heard someone shouting that Lian Siyue was dead, she couldn't hold her breath, and then cried loudly, "It's over, it's over, it's all over."

Lian Jue, who was locked in the woodshed with his eyes closed, heard the shout, stood up abruptly, grabbed the door of the woodshed, and asked his guard loudly, "Missy is dead?"

The guard said, "Someone shouted that, but I don't know exactly what happened."

Lian Jue shook the firewood door vigorously, "Open the door, open the door, let me go out and have a look."

The guard showed a look of embarrassment on his face, and said, "You can spare this slave, the master ordered you to be locked up, I just..."

"Bang!" Before Nuyuan could say anything, the door of the firewood room in front of him slammed and collapsed, and Lian Jue walked out from inside.

"You..." The nursing home was startled, it turned out that the firewood room couldn't keep the former young master at all.

"I don't know how to run. If I wanted to run, I would have run long ago, but something happened to the eldest lady, so I must go and have a look." Lian Jue said, turned around and walked quickly towards the direction of the fire.

When he ran to the corner, he suddenly felt dark in front of his eyes, and his head hurt for no reason. He stopped, touched his nose, and there was a trace of blood on his hand——

His nose is bleeding!
How is this going?

But he didn't think too much, and continued to run towards Lian Siyue.

Lian Yanqing did not enter the palace for the second time or did not see the emperor, and did not know what the emperor was talking to His Highness Feng Yunzheng, but when he came back, he heard someone shout that Lian Siyue had been burned to death.

He grabbed the butler and asked, "Butler, what's going on? Why did the truth get out of the palace after going to the palace?"

"My lord, the slave doesn't know what happened. The woodshed where the eldest lady was imprisoned suddenly caught fire."

"Go and have a look!" Lian Yanqing said in a deep voice with his face condensed, and then hurriedly walked to the woodshed with the butler, and quickly thought about the cause of the fire in his mind.

When Lian Yanqing arrived at the firewood house, Lian's mother, Mrs. Hu, Mrs. Liu, etc. all came. The fire in the firewood house had already subsided, and a basin of water was poured out to extinguish the last flame. .

Even Shiya arrived. Seeing the scorched door in front of her, she was agitated, but she yelled, "Oh, what's going on? It was fine just now. How can I say it's gone? It's gone. Eldest sister hasn't done it yet." Accept the emperor's trial."

Lian's mother frowned when she heard Lian Shiya's yin and yang voice, and said, "There are too many people here, and your legs and feet are inconvenient. You should go back to Qingquanyuan first."

When Lian Shiya heard this, her expression turned a little ugly. She hated people mentioning her leg and foot problems the most, but this grandmother still brought it up in front of so many people.

"Sister!" At this time, Lian Jue rushed over, seeing the burning scene in front of him, his heart sank immediately.

He didn't care about anything, without saying a word, he walked to the door, raised his foot, and kicked hard on the door. Everyone gasped, and the door opened!
I saw Lian Siyue lying motionless on the ground——

"Sister!" Lian Jue shrank, waved the smoke in front of his eyes with his hand, walked quickly to Lian Siyue's side, and hugged her.

Lian Shiya was taken aback when she saw this scene, the ecstasy in her heart was suddenly extinguished——

What, what's going on here?The firewood house and the surrounding rooms were all blackened and scorched, but even Siyue was not burnt. On the contrary, the clothes on her body were still intact. Looking at the hand, it was only smeared, and the white skin could still be seen. skin.

How can someone who has been burned by fire do this.

"Ma'am!" Cheng Xiu behind her suddenly made a frightened voice, and pointed to the ground. Even Shi Ya saw that the rice and chicken in the bowl were still there, but some spilled out.

Lian Shiya was startled, what's going on?

"Sister, sister..." Lian Jue yelled in Lian Siyue's ear again and again, and everyone watched without blinking.

"Ahem..." After a while, Lian Siyue coughed twice, opened his eyes, and woke up.

"Sister, luckily you're fine!" Lian Jue said with joy.

Lian Siyue seemed a little uncomfortable, and Lian Jue helped her to sit up, only to see that her face was gray and black, her face as white as jade looked dirty, and her hair was messed up.

Seeing that she was alive and well, Lian Yanqing felt a little disappointed in his heart. He said angrily, "Who was making a fuss just now, making people panic? Don't you think there are not enough things in the mansion? Isn't this a good life?" ? Who said dead?"

(End of this chapter)

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