First-class daughter

Chapter 689 Just That

Chapter 689 Just That
Chapter 689 Just That
. "Yue'er, what's going on, why is it on fire, and someone called you to be burned to death." Lian Mu came back to her senses and said.

"Ahem..." Lian Siyue didn't ignore the fleeting expression of disappointment on Lian Yanqing's face, a sneer flashed in her eyes, and then she coughed twice with a painful expression on her face, "Grandmother , Father, Jue'er...cough cough...Yue'er really almost died."

Lian Shiya took two steps back a little nervously. She originally thought that even Siyue would be burned to death, and the fire would also burn the food, so no one would know, but now, the bowls and food on the ground...

"What's going on, tell me." Lian Yanqing asked, his tone was not as warm as before, as if he was interrogating a prisoner.

Lian Jue's hands tightened, and Lian Siyue secretly grabbed his sleeve——

"Cough, cough, cough..." She continued to cough until tears came out, and said, "Just now I was reflecting in the woodshed, and someone outside said that my grandmother brought me food..."

Mother Lian was taken aback, "Why did I ask someone to deliver food to you?" She looked at Huang Cen and the maidservants again, and said, "Have you delivered food here?"

"No." All the servants said in unison.

"I was very hungry at the time, and I was about to pick it up and eat it. As a result, some mice and cockroaches smelled the aroma, scrambled over, and ate it first! There is no way, I dare not eat what the mice have eaten.

But, after a while, all those mice and cockroaches died in front of me.

I just realized that things didn't seem to be simple, and I concluded from this that the meal was not sent by my grandmother, but by someone else. "Lian Siyue looked at Lian's mother and said.

When Mother Lian heard this, she said, "You mean someone poisoned the food? Is it in my name?"

Lian Siyue nodded and said, "I guess so.

Then after a while, the door started to catch fire. I was so scared that I wanted to escape. Fortunately, this firewood house was in disrepair for a long time. I don’t know when there was a hole in the back corner. I was also lucky. I walked along the hole. Climbing out, this saved his life. "

Everyone looked over there, and there really was a hole in the wall, just enough to accommodate about one person.

Lian Shiya was secretly depressed, Lian Siyue, a bitch, had such a big life.

"The granddaughter knew there was something wrong with the food, so she hurriedly brought some out in a bowl..." Lian Siyue said, motioning to Lian Jue to pick up the bowl, and brought it to Mother Lian.

Lian Shiya looked at this bowl of food, and suddenly her face turned pale.

"Mother, try to see if it's poisonous?" Mrs. Liu took off the silver hairpin from the maidservant's head and put it in the bowl——

After a while, the silver hairpin turned black!

"It's really poisonous! Someone is going to attack my sister!" Lian Jue clenched his fists as he said.

Mother Lian ordered, "Go and invite Doctor Lu to come and see what kind of poison is in this bowl."

"Mother, let me go, Doctor Lu happens to be in the mansion today." Liu said.

"You go." Lian Mu nodded.

Lian Siyue sat on the ground, looked slowly at Lian Shiya, Lian Shiya was taken aback, raised her chin slightly, looked at her, with a look of unwillingness to show weakness, now, Lian Siyue is no longer her opponent at all , what else can she do?
After a while, Dr. Lu hurried over with the third wife, Mrs. Liu, took the bowl of rice, sniffed it, and took out the silver needle to try it. He was startled and said:
"Old madam, the food is adulterated with arsenic. Arsenic is highly poisonous. Missy is really lucky."

"Arsenic?" After hearing this, Lian's mother turned pale. Someone used such a poison to kill people. She looked at Lian Yanqing——

Lian Yanqing immediately said, "Someone killed someone with such a poisonous thing, Lian Tian, ​​you should check carefully and see if you have any clues."

"Yes, master." Lian Tian took the order and led the nurse into the burnt woodshed to check.

Lian Siyue walked out with the support of Lian Jue——

"Sit down." Mother Lian glanced at her and motioned for her to sit on the stone bench beside her. Her attitude was a little tidied up, but she was still concerned.

"Thank you grandma." Lian Siyue sat down on the stone bench.

She knew that the biggest crisis she encountered now was not Lian Shiya's murder, but the trust between her and this grandmother. Once the trust collapsed, her efforts in the past two years would be in vain.

She is still waiting, waiting for a certain opportunity to come, and this opportunity has to be won by the Ninth Prince!
"Yue'er, can you see what the person who brought you food looks like?" At this time, Mother Lian asked.

Cheng Xiu's heart tightened, her palms were sweating, and she couldn't help but lower her head——

Lian Siyue shook her head and said, "It was dark back then, and the door was closed, my granddaughter didn't see the appearance of the person coming, and even the voice sounded strange."

Now, grandma will not defend her and stand by her as before, so she should be extra cautious when speaking.

Lian Siyue's words made Lian Shiya and Cheng Xiu heave a sigh of relief at the same time, they couldn't see the person clearly, and couldn't remember the voice, that's good, that's good!
"Master, old lady, I found this." Just when Lian Shiya let go of her heart, Lian Tian suddenly picked up something by the door. He held it in his hand and sent it to Lian Yanqing's house. before.

"Earrings? Are these Yue'er's earrings?" Liu's eyes were sharp, and she saw it first. It turned out that what Lian Tian was holding was a gold-encrusted ruby ​​earring, because it was licked by the fire, and the gold-inlaid part was deformed. .

Lian Siyue raised her hand and touched her ears, with confusion in her eyes, she said, "No, my earrings are on my ears, and I don't have such earrings."

Even Shiya looked at Lian Tian's hands, her heart trembled suddenly, her face turned pale, this earring, this earring clearly belonged to her.

Why are her earrings here?She just stood at the side directing Orange Embroidery, and didn't get close to the door.


A figure suddenly appeared in her mind. On the road just now, that cold eyebrow bumped into her!
Yes, it must have taken her earrings away at that time.

"Shiya, this, this earring is yours. You see that you only have one earring on your ear, and that one is the same as the one in Liantian's hand." When Lian Shiya was touching her ear, Liu suddenly fell from Liantian's earring. He took the earring in his hand and said loudly in surprise.

Lian Siyue looked at Liu Shi, and there was a church with her eyes, and a smile appeared in her heart——

This third aunt is not a fool. Knowing that she secretly helped her at this time, she will remember it for the rest of her life.

In Liu's view, even if Lian Siyue really loses power, it's not the turn of Miss Lian Shiya, and what Lian Shiya did this time is really disgusting, causing even her family to suffer, and their third wife If you can't please it, it's better to simply remove this unsightly thing.

(End of this chapter)

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