Chapter 690
Chapter 690
Lian Shiya panicked!
Lian Mu and Lian Yanqing looked over and saw that Lian Shiya had only one earring on her ear, and that earring was the same as the one in Mrs. Liu's hand.

"This, this is not, not mine..." Lian Shiya hastily denied.

"Not yours? These two earrings are clearly the same, not yours, but whose? Is there such a coincidence?" Liu took the opportunity to say loudly.

"These are not the only two earrings that are the same in this world. I don't know where my other one went." Lian Shiya refused to admit it.

"Old lady, master, this earring was given to the third lady by the master during the day today. At that time, the servant was in charge of counting from the warehouse." At this time, the butler beside him also stood up.

"..." Lian Shiya suddenly turned her head to look at the housekeeper, "Housekeeper, you, how dare you..." Didn't he always obey her today?how……

Lian Siyue had a flat expression on her face, her eyes looked at Lian Shiya coldly, and there was a faint smile on her lips.

"I don't dare to lie. Today, the master asked the slave to take ten pairs of silver 500 pieces from the warehouse. These can be inspected in the warehouse." The housekeeper lowered his head and continued. start.

"Old lady, uncle, it's obvious. These arsenic-laced meals were sent by Lian Shiya, and this earring was accidentally left behind during the murder. If you don't admit it, go check the arsenic Where did it come from." Liu said.

When Cheng Xiu heard that she wanted to find out the source of the arsenic, her legs went limp in fright, and she knelt on the ground with a plop, trembling and unable to stand up.

"Third Sister! You want to attack me, but you still use the banner of grandma. Do you want grandma to be charged with murdering her descendants?" Lian Siyue stood up and asked angrily.

"Lian Siyue, this earring, I didn't drop this earring here at all, it was your naughty maid, Lu Zhi, who bumped into me on the road just now, she must have taken my earring away, Then throw it here, frame me..." Lian Shiya said through gritted teeth.

"Third sister, you should also make up a better reason to excuse it. I heard that my father had ordered the guards to surround the Xianhe courtyard to prevent the servants in my courtyard from entering and leaving. Let alone them, even a mouse They can't even get out, although Luzhi has some skills, but he can't fly like a bird, how could you appear in front of you, hit you and walk away with your earrings." Lian Siyue said.

"Lie! Lie! Lian Siyue, you have fooled your father around in the past, and now you want to repeat the old trick. Do you think, do you think your father will believe you?" Lian Shiya said coldly.

"The yard was guarded by Lian Tian himself, if the green branch came out of the yard, just ask him." Liu said.

"Lian Tian, ​​tell me." Lian Yanqing said, for a moment, everyone's eyes fell on Lian Tian.

Lian Tian has always been taciturn and loyal, and Lian Yanqing trusts him very much.

Lian Tian was silent for a while, clasped his fists in both hands, nodded, and said, "Master, besides the humble guards in Xianhe Courtyard, there are twelve other guards in the guard house. , now you can go there to see if the green branch is inside."

"Hurry up!" Lian Yanqing ordered the nursing home nearby.

"Yes." The nursing home hurried away, came back quickly, and reported, "Master, I saw that Luzhi was with the maids and maids of Xianheyuan. When I entered, I saw her sorting out the eldest lady desk."

"No, it's impossible, you guys are lying! I clearly saw her, Lian Tian, ​​Lian Siyue did you any good, you want to help her hide the truth? Are you all stupid? Lian Siyue, she deserves to die, she deserves to die! "Lian Shiya was like a lunatic, cursing hysterically.

"Enough!" Lian's mother couldn't bear it anymore, and said angrily, "You use arsenic to kill people, and you want to set fire to destroy the corpses, you really can't change your vicious nature, how can there be such a thing as you in the Lian family! Besides Now, because of you, even the family is troubled, and you are still excited and making trouble here!"

Lian's mother remembered that Xiao Shi and Lian Shiya's medicine almost ruined her body, and a refreshing chill rose up her back——

"At such a young age, it's really rare to have such a vicious means. What evil did my ancestors do?"

"No, I, I saw that Lian Siyue lied to her father so much. I felt angry for my father, so I thought, I wanted to kill her to teach her a lesson for my father..." Lian Shiya explained stammeringly.

"Lian Shiya, you obviously intended to commit murder, but you first blamed your grandmother... the old lady, and now you use the excuse of venting your anger for the prime minister to say that you are so innocent, you simply don't deserve to live in this world !" Lian Jue thought of Lian Shiya killing Lian Siyue with arsenic, so he couldn't bear the bad breath in his heart, so he raised his foot and put it on Lian Shiya's body. Lian Shiya was caught off guard and was kicked away, unable to get up for a long time.

Lian Jue kicked her out, but no one came to help her. In the hearts of the Lian family, it is abhorrent that Lian Jue is not the Lian family's own, but Lian Shiya's disregard for the consequences exposes this secret in public, which hurts the Lian family. Behavior at the cusp is even more hateful.

But Lian Yanqing had to keep her in order to keep the overall situation in mind, so when they saw Lian Jue lecturing her, they felt happy in their hearts.

"Ma'am..." Cheng Xiu hurriedly stood up and ran over to help Lian Shiya up.

Even Shiya's painful waist seemed to be broken. She endured the pain and cursed, "At this time, if you still dare to hit me, you won't be afraid..."

"Hmph!" Lian Jue snorted coldly and said, "Hit you? It's the greatest kindness to you not to kill you immediately."

"Lian Shiya, you are false in exposing Lian Jue's life experience, and you are true in wanting to bring down the Lian family. You know Jue'er's life experience, and you should tell your father in private, but you chose to speak out on such an occasion like today. , you should inform the Fourth Highness first, and ask him to come out and force his father to bleed in public, so that his father will have no way out, and deliberately humiliate his father." Lian Siyue said sharply.

"That's right, if she didn't do it on purpose, how could the Lian family become what it is now, old madam, uncle, I don't think she has a good intention when she comes back." Liu Shi gave Lian Shiya a disgusted look and said.

"Lian Siyue, what qualifications do you have to teach me a lesson? Don't forget, you are being imprisoned in the firewood room now. Your mother has smuggled a fake son in. Do you think it will be so easy? You have lost power! Hahaha..." Lian Shiya felt that as long as Lian Jue was a bastard, Lian Siyue would not be able to turn over.

"Okay! It's not up to you to say who is losing power and who is gaining power in this mansion! Now you are using all kinds of means in the mansion, which is really frightening and chilling. Someone, come and lock her into the firewood room. After this matter is settled, we will deal with it!"

(End of this chapter)

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