Chapter 691
Chapter 691
"Grandmother, grandma, you are too eccentric, Lian Siyue lied to you like this, and you still help her, you, you are so confused..." Lian Shiya struggled to break free from the guard's restraint, turned her head frequently, and said loudly Then, in the end, he scolded Lianmu.

Lian's mother turned pale with anger, and stomped on the ground with her cane, "Grievance, guilt!"

"Old madam, don't be angry, it's not worth getting angry for such a shameless bastard!" Lian Xi, who was always there to take care of her mother, was gone, so Liu filled her gap.

"Master, master...the emperor, the emperor is here!" Just as everyone was about to disperse, the servant outside ran over panting.

"The emperor is here?" Lian Yanqing was taken aback, how could the emperor come at this time?Even if it's for Lian Jue and it's not a matter of the Lian family's own son, there is no need for the emperor to make a trip in person.

"Pick up!" Lian Yanqing didn't have time to think too much, and ordered Lian Tian, ​​"Put Lian Siyue and Lian Jue in the woodshed, and no one is allowed to approach them without the truth's permission."


Therefore, Lian Siyue had just escaped from the dead, and before he could take a breath, he was about to be locked up in the woodshed again.

"Your Excellency!" Lian Jue stepped forward and begged, "My sister was choked by thick smoke in the firewood room just now, and her complexion is not very good. Please ask Dr. Lu to take a look and go back to Xianheyuan to rest. She He is a family member, so he can't run away."

With a gloomy face, Lian Yanqing said, "Lian Jue, pay attention to your identity." After speaking, he led the three brothers of the Lian family to pick him up quickly.

"..." Lian Jue's hand was taken back, and after more than ten years of father-son relationship, Lian Jue thought that there was still a little affection left for this father, but unexpectedly, it was just the word "identity" after all.

"Jue'er, I'm fine, you don't have to worry about it." Lian Siyue shook her head towards Lian Jue, signaling him not to negotiate any conditions with Lian Yanqing, she knows her father very well.

Over there, Lian Shiya laughed wildly, "Hahaha, the emperor is here, your good days are coming to an end, hahaha!"

"Third sister, let's go." Looking at Lian Shiya's twisted back, Lian Siyue suddenly shouted.

Lian Shiya turned her head abruptly, only to see Lian Siyue smiling at her, and then followed the nursing home to another place of detention.

This smile... was so frightening, Lian Shiya couldn't help shivering, her whole body was completely cold.

Lian Jue also returned to the place where he was imprisoned——

With a "bang", the door was closed again, his body suddenly staggered two steps forward, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, at the same time, a burst of dizziness hit him, he supported the wall with his hands, then turned around, leaned He fell down slowly against the wall, and lay powerlessly on the woodpile——

In a daze, he seemed to see someone walking towards him with a smile, calling him "Jie'er, Jue'er..."

He stretched out his hand, trying to grab her, but in the end, he couldn't hold the hand he wanted to hold most——

"Sister, I like this place because you smell in the fragrance of flowers here, I have seen the blue sky here with you, and you have seen your shadow on the road here.

Sister, I like you, I really like you, I like..."

He muttered these words in his mouth, finally closed his eyes slowly, and fell into a deep sleep.

Lian Yanqing led Lian Yanfeng, Lian Yantao, and Lian Yanfu to greet him at the gate of Xiangfu, and Lian's mother led several wives to kneel inside to wait.

Before the four Lian Yanqing brothers arrived at the gate of the mansion, Emperor Zhou Cheng had already walked in, followed by His Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng and Chief Eunuch Feng Degui, and outside were dozens of imperial guards led by the commander of the imperial army Jiang Keji.

Seeing this situation, Lian Yanqing felt his legs go limp, knelt down on both knees, and said, "The sinner pays homage to the emperor, the emperor is far away to welcome you, please the emperor..."

"Where is the King of Ming'an County now?" Zhou Chengdi asked impatiently without waiting for Lian Yanqing to finish speaking, and even looked into the Prime Minister's mansion twice.

"..." Lian Yanqing said in his heart, it's too bad, the emperor is in a hurry to ask the crime, so he hurriedly said, "Back to the emperor, Lian Jue has been imprisoned in the firewood room in the backyard by the criminal minister, waiting for the emperor's punishment, the criminal minister deserves to die, for so many years was also kept in the dark."

"Lian Xiang locked up the Lian Jue?" Feng Yunzheng's eyes were a little sarcastic. This Lian Xiang was trying to get rid of the crime. He executed his adopted son first to prove that he was also a victim, but if he knew the Lian Jue What will be her real identity?This Lian Yanqing is really a person who only thinks about himself, he suddenly has a strong idea that he doesn't want his Yue'er to stay here for a while longer.

"Yes, Your Majesty Ninth Prince, because Lian Jue's identity is unknown, so he was locked up first. Originally, I wanted to enter the palace to plead guilty to the emperor and then ask the emperor to make a decision, but I didn't see the emperor twice..."

"Lian Xiang, you dare to shut down my King Ming An, you are so brave!" Zhou Chengdi's face darkened, and he quickly walked into the Xiang's mansion.

Lian Yanqing was taken aback, what, what does the emperor mean?Moreover, Lian Jue was clearly named the King of Ming'an County, why did the emperor call him "King of Ming'an?" He was puzzled for a moment.

Feng Yunzheng came over, raised his hand and patted Lian Yanqing's shoulder, and said, "Master Lian, you are right to play tricks, but this time, your strength seems to be in the wrong place, the emperor seems to be particularly partial to Lian Jue .”

After he finished speaking, he smiled slightly, and followed Emperor Zhou Cheng into the Prime Minister's mansion.

"Brother, go in quickly!" Lian Yanfu came over and pulled Lian Yanqing who was in a daze, and Lian Yanqing came back to his senses before he bowed and hurried in.

As soon as Emperor Zhou Cheng walked in, he glanced at the person kneeling in front of him, with the majesty unique to the emperor in his eyes, Lian Mu led everyone to kneel on the ground, and said:

"Long live the emperor, long live."

Feng Yunzheng glanced at these people, and found that there were no figures of Mrs. Rong and Yue'er, the eldest wife of the Lian family, so she already guessed what happened——

It seems that Lian Yanqing not only closed Lian Jue, but also closed Yue'er.

Feng Yunzheng glanced at Lian Yanqing indifferently, and Lian Yanqing suddenly felt an inexplicable chill on his back. His Highness Ninth Prince's seemingly calm glance carried a terrifying pressure.

"Where is the firewood room, let's lead the way together." Emperor Zhou Cheng ordered.

"Your Majesty, you are waiting here. I just order someone to bring Lian Jue here. I'm really afraid that I will bump into you in the chaifang." Lian Yanqing said.

"Lian Xiang, I asked you to take me to the woodshed."

"Yes!" Lian Yanqing saw that Emperor Zhou Cheng insisted, and quickly bowed and walked in front, leading Zhou Chengdi and His Highness the Ninth Prince to the firewood room.

"Where are the people of King Ming'an?" When they arrived at the firewood room, Emperor Zhou Cheng asked.

Lian Yanqing ordered someone to bring a stool, let Emperor Zhou Cheng sit down, and said, "Your Majesty, please be calm, and I will bring him here immediately to plead guilty."

"Lian Xiang, don't rush to say the word apology, you still don't know who should make the apology." Feng Yunzheng said in a cold voice.

(End of this chapter)

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