Chapter 692
Chapter 692
After hearing this, Lian Yanqing was puzzled, what did His Highness Ninth Prince mean by these few words?mouth said:
"Yes, His Highness Ninth Highness has learned from you."

"Even Madam and Eldest Miss, even Siyue has been imprisoned, right?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

"Yes, as the head of the Lian family, Jiannei has cheated for many years, so she should be punished, and the little girl is like a moon..."

"Father." Feng Yunzheng didn't let Lian Yanqing say anything bad about Lian Siyue in front of the emperor, so he bent down and whispered something in the emperor's ear, and saw Emperor Zhou Cheng nodded, and said:
"Master Lian, release Mrs. Lian and Ronghe county master together, I want to meet them in person."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Lian Yanqing immediately ordered people to release Lian Siyue's mother and daughter. He felt a strange atmosphere in his heart. His Highness's attitude also seemed very ambiguous——

What does the emperor think that Lian Jue is a counterfeit?

Looking at the emperor's expression again, he held the back of the chair with his hands, leaning forward slightly, as if he was a little nervous?

"Missy is here..." At this time, Lian Siyue came over first under the leadership of the nurse, Feng Yunzheng's heart moved, and he hurriedly looked over, but when he saw her like this, the expression in his eyes was cold down -

The clothes are dirty, the headdress is crooked, the face is dirty and gray, and even the wrists are black. It seems that he has suffered a lot in the woodshed!

What did even Yanqing, an old bastard, do to Yue'er!
Feng Yunzheng wished he could rush over and pull her into his arms to love her, but at this moment, it was not the best time.

And when Lian Siyue saw Feng Yunzheng, a stone in her heart finally fell to the ground completely——

She knew that he must be absolutely sure that he would give her this idea of ​​scheming, and she also had enough courage, so she accepted his proposal without the slightest hesitation and cast a huge net, Slowly gather Feng Qianyue and Lian Shiya into this net——

Now that the emperor really came, it showed that their plan was successful, and it was time to close the net.

The eyes of the two met in mid-air, and each gave a reassuring look to the other.

For Feng Yunzheng, Lian Siyue's gaze is his joy, anger, sorrow, joy, and the potion that he swore to follow from the previous life to this life;
But for Lian Siyue, Feng Yunzheng's gaze is a fortress more reliable than a copper wall and an iron wall, and it is also a source of fire, which slowly disintegrates her cold and hard heart.

Lian Siyue walked in front of Emperor Zhou Cheng, bent her knees, and said, "My daughter, Siyue, pays homage to the emperor."

Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at her, nodded, and said, "Pingshen, the county master Ronghe was just locked in the firewood room, how could he be in such a mess. Lieutenant, you didn't come here before I gave the order. They were lynched."

Lian Yanqing hurriedly bowed, and said, "Your Majesty, I dare not use punishment. My daughter is like this because the mansion just now..."

"Your Majesty, Your Highness, Master, it's not good, Jue, Young Master Jue, he seems to be dying!" Before Lian Yanqing finished talking about the fire, the nurse who was going to guard Lian Jue hurried over and said anxiously .


Everyone was stunned!
Lian Siyue and Feng Yunzheng glanced at each other quickly, Lian Jue seemed to be dying?This was not in their plan!
Lian Siyue didn't care about anything, without saying a word, she picked up the corner of her skirt, and quickly ran towards the direction of the firewood room where Lian Jue was held, she felt flustered for no reason!
Jue'er, your life is finally about to usher in the real dawn, but why did the accident happen at this time!
"Be careful!" Feng Yunzheng also left the emperor behind and quickly followed.

"Is it going to die?" Emperor Zhou Cheng's face was ashen, glaring at Lian Yanqing, and said, "Didn't you say that you didn't lynch them? Ming An Wang is brave and good at fighting, strong and healthy, how could he be dying soon?" Already!"

"Your Majesty Mingjian, I really did not lynch Ming An, King Ming An, he just came out of the firewood room." Even Yan Qing didn't know whether to call Lian Jue Ming An County King or Ming An King!

"Hmph, if something happens to King Ming'an, I want the entire family to be buried with him!" Zhou Chengdi angrily walked towards the woodshed.

Lian Yanqing was taken aback, and even his mother was shocked, how could the emperor say such words.

"Quick, go over and have a look!" Lian Yanqing had no time to think about anything, and quickly followed behind Zhou Chengdi. He originally hoped that Lian Jue, the son who didn't know where he came from, would die, so that he would be ridiculed by the world as the eldest son. It's all fake, but now he only hopes that Lian Jue will be safe and sound.

Lian Siyue rushed into the woodshed, and saw Lian Jue lying on the woodpile with his eyes closed, his lips tightly pressed, his face pale, and there was blood on the corner of his lips. Mottled drops of blood.

"Jue'er!" Lian Siyue only felt a flash in front of her eyes, she tried to calm herself down, walked to Lian Jue's side and squatted down, raised her hand to detect his breath and pulse——

Fortunately, he is not dead yet!

However, the breath and pulse were very weak, and she opened his eyelids to look again.

Feng Yunzheng also walked over quickly, crouched beside her, and asked in a tight voice, "Did you see anything?"

"He's been poisoned!" Lian Siyue trembled——

"What poison?" When Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue were talking about important matters, they never said superfluous words, they always asked the key points directly, and said the key points.

"I can't see it." She knows medical skills, but not all intractable diseases can be seen.

How is this going?Could it be that she overlooked something that caused Lian Jue to be framed by Ren Feng Qianyue and Lian Shiya?
Lian Shiya once pricked Lian Jue with a needle, could it be that the needle was poisonous?At that time, Lian Jue had already been assassinated by them?
Lian Siyue suddenly felt very scared in her heart. She was afraid that she was too confident, but ignored the possible harm to Lian Jue. She was afraid that Lian Jue would not be able to escape the fate of early death in her previous life. She was afraid, she was afraid of losing Lian Jue, her younger brother!

"Yue'er, don't be afraid." Feng Yunzheng sensed Lian Siyue's nervousness and fear, and gently held her hand, "I'm here."

"Poisoned? Well, how could you be poisoned?" Afterwards, Emperor Zhou Cheng walked in, seeing Lian Jue lying on the ground so dying, and hearing the conversation between Lian Siyue and Feng Yunzheng, he suddenly looked at Lian's family members who followed behind asked sharply, "What's going on here? You didn't use torture, but you were poisoned. Lian Xiang, did you poison?"

Lian Yanqing knelt on the ground with a plop, and said, "Your Majesty, I don't dare, I really don't dare, how can I say that King Ming An and I have a father-son relationship, how can I bear it..."

"Father-son love? You have face!" Zhou Chengdi snorted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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